
Living as a Low-Class is the Princess' Dream!

I, Sung Ji-eun, am officially announcing my death... Mom pushed me off the bridge resulting in my early death. My soul drifted away from my physical body and met the so-called god in the heavens. I tried refusing his offer of reincarnating me but he managed to persuade me. 'It's a different world from what you know. Magic and magical beings exist there.' Can I be a commoner living in a secluded town? 'Of course you can! But I thought you wanted to be a princess of an empire? Or the daughter of a powerful noble?' He transferred me into a ten-year old girl's body who was sleeping for five years. But then my dream commoner life takes an unexpected turn when I discovered that I was kidnapped by rebels and attempted to use me to make the Emperor step down from his throne. "Endless glory to the stars of Heliontha, Your Imperial Highness Crown Prince Cyrprus Licht diLumiere Heliontha and Your Imperial Highness Princess Solaris Athene diLumiere Heliontha!" A boy full of bruises greeted me and my other savior. I returned to the palace as the Imperial Princess and met a peculiar girl who kept on pestering me. 'So that's the Heroine?' She murmured that confused me. What is this? Why is that god doing this to me? Didn't he promise to reincarnate me as a commoner? I just wanna live this life as one! When I see that god again, I'll rip him to shreds!! 'I didn't do it according to plan because... it's fun and more exciting..?' ΦA/n: I found the picture (in the cover) from Pinterest, credits to the real ownerΦ

izme_malorry · Fantasy
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63 Chs

Chapter 60: Hae-In (2)

We settled down in Crown Prince Deimos's drawing room. We had tea and some sweets prepared by the palace maids then, Solaris cleared his throat. We turned to her direction and watched how her cherry pink lips parted.

"So basically, we're inside the novel?"

"Yes, that's right." I calmly replied.

"This isn't a dream?"

"Mhm! But, what's your most recent memory?"

"Probably before my death. I can recall spending my time with you and reading that ridiculous book. What now?"

'What in Aetheria happened to you?' A pleasant yet deep voice of a man echoed in the room. 'Who did this to you Solaris?'

"Your Divine Sanctity!" The two Crown Princes respectfully said in unison and bowed their heads.

"What do you mean? Shouldn't you call me Hae-in?"

'But Hae-in, you're Solaris, you always have and you always will be. Your soul was just accidentally transferred to a body in a different dimension. I noticed it too late, yet Luci got impatient and clouded your mom's mind. She killed you so I got your soul back and returned it to your original body.' Gad explained that we were lost for words.

"This is not a world of the novel but rather, it's a real but different world?"

'That is so, but it seems some lowly being dared to defy the natural law. Say Solaris, do you have any idea of who might want to harm you?'

"Well, I don't know. I don't remember anything after my death so I'm not entirely sure. Probably the Empress Consort or someone behind her, slowly pulling the strings." I just watched at how their conversation flowed.

'Deimos, Licht, take care of Solaris. Don't ever leave her alone with her twin sister Borealis, they might come from the same womb but Borealis was conceived through forbidden means only accessible by fallen demons who rebelled against Lucifer.'

"As you wish, Your Divine Sanctity!" Crown Princes Licht and Deimos replied altogether and bowed once again.

To think I heard gad's voice, it's so amazing. It feels like my body and soul are being purified by just his presence.

'Thank you for your words Helia, I'm flattered. I also want you to protect Solaris from your maternal mother. Solaris may look tough on the outside but she's actually emotionally weak in the inside. Make sure to comfort her when she needs it. Farewell...'

Solaris suddenly collapsed but Crown Prince Deimos caught her just in time. He placed her on the bed and her hair shortened that it only reached her shoulders. Her body also shrank that I gasped in amazement.

She slowly opened her eyelids revealing her golden irises and forced herself to sit up straight. Crown Prince Licht supported her by putting a soft pillow behind her.

"When did you come here everyone?" She asked with a weak smile.

"Solaris, thank goodness you're back!!" Crown Prince Licht happily stated and hugged her.

"I don't now what you're saying but, I'm back." She patted his back.

"Sol, is that really you?"

"Of course, who else would I be? Helia, Alleria, how were you in the last six months? Did you treat Borealis well? I hope you did, she's as important to Heliontha as I was. She's an Imperial Princess, too bad Her Royal Majesty the Empress Consort kept her hidden until now."

"How could you worry about anyone else when you're not fine yourself!" Crown Prince Deimos angrily said as he sat beside her and held her hand. "Sol, don't you know that many are worried about you?"

"I know, I've always known..."

"Then why are you distancing yourself from us, from me? Sol, explain to me while you keep doing that even though you don't have to."

"We're destined to be apart Deim..." She busted into tears.

"What are you saying? Even gad approved of me for you, why are you making this difficult?!"

"Because I love you!!" He widened his eyes. "I love you so much that it's scary! I suppressed my feelings because I know that what you feel right now is fleeting. Because I know that one day, you'll find someone you're fated to be with and I'm gonna be left alone!"

"Sol, I... I didn't know..."

"Yes, you don't." She took back her hand and put it on her chest. "I don't deserve anything, I don't think I even deserve to be loved. I'm a horrible person, I take everything for granted hoping that it will remain by my side forever. But do you know what's the worst? My greed! I wanted to love you, even if it's in the distance. Reciprocating my feelings never crossed my mind because I didn't want to be too greedy!"

Solaris... sorry for pushing you to be together with him. Alleria and I didn't know that you felt that way...

"Solaris, please calm down..!" Her brother spoke up.

"Calm down? Easy for you to say, you perfect excuse of a prince!"

Now I know why gad left her to me, what he said made sense. I didn't know she was this emotionally unstable; she didn't even seem to want to express how she truly felt.

"Solaris-- no, Hae-in. Please, get a hold of yourself." She flinched when I mentioned her name in her previous life.

"How did you know that?"

"It's me, Sung Ji-Eun."