
Living as a Low-Class is the Princess' Dream!

I, Sung Ji-eun, am officially announcing my death... Mom pushed me off the bridge resulting in my early death. My soul drifted away from my physical body and met the so-called god in the heavens. I tried refusing his offer of reincarnating me but he managed to persuade me. 'It's a different world from what you know. Magic and magical beings exist there.' Can I be a commoner living in a secluded town? 'Of course you can! But I thought you wanted to be a princess of an empire? Or the daughter of a powerful noble?' He transferred me into a ten-year old girl's body who was sleeping for five years. But then my dream commoner life takes an unexpected turn when I discovered that I was kidnapped by rebels and attempted to use me to make the Emperor step down from his throne. "Endless glory to the stars of Heliontha, Your Imperial Highness Crown Prince Cyrprus Licht diLumiere Heliontha and Your Imperial Highness Princess Solaris Athene diLumiere Heliontha!" A boy full of bruises greeted me and my other savior. I returned to the palace as the Imperial Princess and met a peculiar girl who kept on pestering me. 'So that's the Heroine?' She murmured that confused me. What is this? Why is that god doing this to me? Didn't he promise to reincarnate me as a commoner? I just wanna live this life as one! When I see that god again, I'll rip him to shreds!! 'I didn't do it according to plan because... it's fun and more exciting..?' ΦA/n: I found the picture (in the cover) from Pinterest, credits to the real ownerΦ

izme_malorry · Fantasy
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63 Chs

Chapter 39: Dense (2)

I wish we are in Nivernais, that way I can kill them without breaking any law. If only I'm an assassin hired to kill them...

They kept talking to themselves while ignoring my complaints that I couldn't hold my rage any longer. I walked towards them and kicked their backs. I punched their arms and karate chopped their shoulders.

That should be enough, right?

"You've gotten stronger Solaris!!" Brother Heinrey praised me.

"Yep, I agree. Why don't you become a knight?" Deim suggested.

"I will, this spring in Andromedus Knights' Academy."

"You mean you're attending that famous school for the aspiring knights of Aetheria?!"--Deim

"Why don't you attend Pleiades instead?"--Brother Heinrey

"No, no, I want to go to Andromedus. It's easier to prove what I'm capable of there."

Andromedus Knights' Academy is the most prestigious school in Aetheria located in the capital of Skypeia, Ciel. You're guaranteed to get a top rank ranging from Captain and higher if you graduate there. Of course, all the Crown Princes went there five years ago.

While Andromedus accepts anyone from any empires, Pleiades is exclusive only for the Helionthan people. The latter is considered to be topnotch compared to the imperial academies of each empires. They only recruit a knight of Helionthan lineage regardless of station so most Imperial Knights of Heliontha went there.

"I'll train you myself." Deim declared but then we sensed an ominous presence behind me.

"Who's going to train who?" He asked with a scary smile that I flinched.

"Brother Licht, I was planning to go to the same knights' academy as you so I wanted to be under your tutelage until spring..." I trailed off while fidgeting my fingers. He patted my head gently and glared at the two.

"You heard her Deim so back off, you too Heinrey."

"Of course."--Brother Heinrey

"I think you've heard her wrong, she was planning to train under me."--Deim

You're making it worse Deim, now we'll have another siblings' quarrel because of you.

"You're crossing the line, you obsessed bastard."--Brother Licht

"You're being paranoid, you overprotective siscon."--Deim

Here we go again...

I smacked the back of their necks so they behaved. They looked at me with pitiful expressions that I sighed in defeat.

"You two... when will you stop arguing? You know that there's a limit to my patience, please stop this!" I scolded them so they grumbled like puppies. They lowered their heads so I snatched Brother Heinrey's wooden sword and gave it and mine to the two.

"Here." They looked at me in confusion. "If you have a disagreement, settle it as men. You two are all bark with no bite, hmph! Brother Heinrey, let's go to À L'ombre Palace to visit Helia." I dragged him away from them.

We met Helia in front of their palace tending to her white rose bushes with a certain gardener. When she saw us, she waved her dirty hands while wearing gardening attire. I just laughed at how it suits her that she scowled.

"Solaris, it's not funny!!"

"Yes it is, you have no idea!!" I retorted and Brother Heinrey joined in.

"You too Lord Sirius?!"

"Your Royal Highness, please call me Heinrey instead." They looked at each other fervently and shifted their gazes.

I think I know where this is going, I'll tell Alleria about this later! Hehe, and I'll write a novel about them as payback!

"Okay, Lord Heinrey. Solaris, what brings you and Lord Heinrey here?" I grabbed his arms and pushed him towards her.

"Oh, I just wanted to be a matchmaker for a day. I'll start with you two." I smirked that their faces reddened.

Hehe, too easy...

"W-What..? H-Huh..?"--Helia

"S-Solaris, w-what are you d-doing..?"--Brother Heinrey

"Nothing! What were you two thinking?" They flinched and looked away with their ears blushing. "To think that you two like each other, don't try to hide it from me by the way!" They laughed awkwardly and Brother Licht arrived with Deim.

"Solaris, we're done!"

"Yep, I beat your brother!"

"No you didn't, I simply let you win!"

"It doesn't seem like that to me."


"Hey guys, look at Brother Heinrey and Helia!!" I shouted and pointed my index finger at the new couple that the two guys obeyed and gasped. They shook their hands with Brother Heinrey and laughed together that confused me.

"What in the world are you three doing?"

"I'm just congratulating him for noticing his true feelings," Deim reasoned out as he shrugged. "unlike that certain someone..." He added while looking at me that I sweatdropped.

Wait, does he mean me or is his hobby looking at someone while talking?

Brother Licht smacked his head and grinned at me menacingly.

"Don't listen to him Solaris, it was just gibberish." He assured me so I grinned back at him.

"Alri--!" The rain suddenly poured down heavily that cut me off. "What the?! Wasn't the sky clear earlier? How come it's raining now?!" Deim and Brother Licht took off their coats and gave it to me in accord that I chuckled at their childish behavior.

"Tch, cut it out!!"--Deim

"No, you cut it out!! I'm her brother, you bastard!"--Brother Licht

"I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to him!!"

"Him who?" Brother looked around. "Oh, you mean Éclair. That f*cking prick, how dare he use his powers outside the Skypeian territory!!" We heard a sinister laugh everywhere that shivers ran down my spine.