
Living Along Nightmares

A world where monsters called Zonbi live amongst humans. There is a hierarchy to the Zombi, peasants, warriors, knights, kings and queens, and one more unknown role. There is an organization tasked in hunting down and killing these beasts, called the ZAA (Zonbi Assassination Association) Despite these monsters living amongst humans, that doesn't stop anyone from living their lives normally. But, there is a person who's whole life changed because of these monsters. Follow our two protagonists, Raitoningu Hooder, our soon to be half human half Zonbi, and Keitaro Katsunori our member of the ZAA.... DROPPED

Hooder_Man · Action
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 3

While I was walking around the building, since it's the weekend, they gave me permission to stay until my tryout starts.

I was really just taking a tour, and to make it better, my tour guide is very cute girl... Too bad she's too old for me...

But anyway, We're already far into the tour, all we have left is the weapon area. She held out her hand towards a room with weapons on display.

"Here is the weapons room. Where we have many Heiki, which you should know what those are." She explained as I looked into it.

Whoa! "I get one of those?!" I asked pushing on the glass.

"Yes, but only after you become a ZAA member. But you will get to experience the feeling of using one when you tryout." She said looking back at her pocket watch.

"Ohhh!" I said as she began to walk forward.

"Come on, we have one more area to checkout." She said looking back at me.

"Oh alright." I sprinted to catch up.

Hooder's POV


I moved my head to look at my clock... 8:25 AM... I don't even feel like getting up...

I sat up and looked at the mirror on my nightstand. My eye was still green... I can't go out looking like this... I still can't even believe it.. I got up and walked downstairs, to the kitchen. I opened a drawer and pulled out a medical eyepatch. I placed it over my right eye, sighing again. Why did this have to happen to me...

I walked back up to my room.. I grabbed a towel and a few clothes to take a shower. I walked into the bathroom, locked the door, and started the water. I took off my eye patch as my eye was still green. I rubbed underneath my eye, holding back the urge to cry. I took off my clothes and stepped in, letting the water hit my body. I took a breath as I began to feel... relaxed. I needed this.. I began to clean myself.

I'd walk into the living room, grabbing my jacket. I rubbed my eyepatch to make sure it was there. I put my jacket on and headed out, I'll fix something to eat when I get back... I locked the door and began to walk.

Many thoughts came into my head.. If anyone finds out... I'll be hunted by the ZAA... And lord knows I can't take them on.. I might aswell lay down and accept my death... I can't let anyone know that I'm... I'm an... I can't even say it...

Katsunori's POV

While I was training in my backyard, since I didn't feel like staying at tye ZAA building, many things were running through my head.

Mainly, my future as an ZAA member. I'll face many strong Zonbi's, some too strong for me to handle. That's what's training for, but... There's just this one thought in my head.. it's hard to explain... but. I keep having this vision or something, it's in my point of view and i'm facing a Zonbi. But the weird thing about it was that it only had one Zonbi eye. Which is black and green. It creeped me out, not to mention that it was insanely strong, since I was on the ground, and considering the fact that I'll be stronger than I am now, is a big shocker.

But, I won't let this vision scare me... If I do end up running into this Zonbi, then I'll make sure I'm strong enough to take it down! I slashed my sword in the air and threw a kick. I comboed with two more slashes then a hit with the butt of the sword.

I smirked, get ready you blood thirsty bastards... I'm coming for ya...

Hooder's POV (9:35 PM)

I was walking around town, scrolling on my phone. I yawned a bit and checked the time. I felt my stomach growl as I slid my phone into my pocket. Guess I better get home and cook dinner. I picked up my pace, trying to not make a scene by running... And with my... you know... new speed that would make me suspicious...

I threw my hood on and looked forward. As I was walking, I heard something, it was pretty far. I looked to my right. Huh? What is that? My curiosity got the better of me as I changed direction to head where that noise was coming from.

Once I was pretty far from the civilians, I used my new speed and took off running. Jeez, I don't know what that was, but it didn't sound like a animal or anything. Once I was far away from town, I began to notice two figures staying. One of them jumped high into the air. Once I was close enough, my eyes widened.


A green and black deformed looking pillar came out of the ground towards the person in the air. I began to slow down.

I-Its... It's a Zonbi!

A green hair one had his hand outward, and there was a hand on his palm... and the one in the air. He dived down towards the green hair one, but the green hair one was quicker, the mouth on his hand extended it's tongue towards the other Zonbi. The tongue wrapped around it's leg and slammed it into the ground. The tongue retracted back into the mouth as the green hair Zonbi placed his hands on the ground in front of him.

Out of no where, another deformed structure came out of the ground, raising it into the air, as a bunch of blood came out, with the other Zonbi on the end of it. My eyes widened farther.

W-What did I just watch...?

Once it was confirmed dead, the green hair Zonbi, looked directly at me. My eyes widened, shoot I need to get out of here!!!

I turned around and started running, until a deformed pillar came out of the ground, as three more came out of the ground and trapped me.


I looked back as the Zonbi came up to me. He stared at me, with murderous intent. He aimmed his palm at me as the mouth on his palm extended its tongue towards my eye patch, as it took it off, eating it.

The Zonbi looked to me with surprise. "Whoa. A halfy huh? That's new." He said moving his hand upward, causing the structures to come down.

I looked up and around as the structures came down. I looked towards the Zonbi, taking a step backward.

"Oh come on. Ain't no reason to be scared, I'm not gonna hurt you." He said as the black part of eyes returned to the normal white color.

So his eyes are normally green, but not as green as his Zonbi eyes.

"It's not everyday you see a halfy. They're almost as rare as kings." He said patting me on the shoulder. He showed me a genuine smile.

"Names Kenshin Hiraku." He said, raising his bangs. I hesitated, what if he's lying, after all... he is one of those monsters...

But, I feel like if I don't answer, he'll kill me.. "R-Raitoningu Hooder..." I studdered as he smiled.

"Well, nice to meet you Hooder. Say, how old are you?"

He's getting a bit personal... "Sixteen."

"Oh wow, that's must mean we go to the same school." He said pointing back to town.

I don't know if that's a good thing or not...

"H-Heh.." I laughed as he patted me on the head.

"Well, I have to get back home. I was only out here fighting because that prick was trying to attack me and my mentor."

"Mentor?" I asked as he looked at me.

"Yeah, he taught me how to use my abilities outside of my stage one. Yeah, I actually have my stage one. I'll let you meet him Monday, who knows, maybe he can teach you a few things. He's actually king level strong!" He said turning around to his house. "I'll see you then Hooder." He said, walking off towards his house.

I blinked a few times before turned around and beginning to walk towards town...

D-Di... Did I just make friends with a Zonbi...? I rubbed my right eye, his mouth or whatever ate my eyepatch... So I have to head straight home, if I walk around with my hand over my eye that'll look hella suspicious..

I took off running at my max speed, soon reaching home... I just need to eat and then sleep...