
Livestream Hero

Yosh! My name's Hori Kaede. I'm one of those ordinary students who's in the same class with the harem protagonists, like Kazuto Hiro. And being surrounded by his harem every single day gets really irritating, I too seek fun and desire after all. But despite this, I have online friends that are Gods, that's right, real Gods. I stumbled upon this group a few years ago, and given an option, my life changed drastically. I love nothing more than solving a good mystery, and it seems like Hiro and his harem are full of it! my adventures as the mysterious side character in this world full of magic, groups, deities, villains, patrons, heroes, and most importantly, dangers and mysteries! And of course ancient gods in chat rooms. [This cover was made and edited using ai and photo editor]

PurpleGrimmy · Fantasy
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66 Chs

• Chapter #64: [OUTWITTED]

As soon as the Prince's smile formed into a smirk, all of the Class D felt something was wrong. Gypsy's face furrowed, as he uttered out an order.

"Defensive formation now! Don't retreat!" Immediately, the Class D hastily changed their positions and organized their defensive form, with the defensive summons projecting barriers and the others on high alert.

The Class S, recognizing this, was a little disappointed. They had hoped to lure the Class D out by using their leader as the bait, and ambush them upon retreating as they were caught off guard. However, the never took into account that the Class D had prepared a countermeasure for this event.

"A barrier within a trap? Really Gypsy?", The Third Prince's smile morphed into one of amusement.

"Well, no matter.", He shook his head though, before his face morphed into insanity once more, as he raised his palms to the dark heavens above.

"The 4TH World Devourer, The Great Serpent Ouroboros."

Parts of the Umbral City turned much darker, as if it was possible, and these darkened parts writhed and moved, as if it was a massive serpent. Both spectators and participants quickly turned their heads above, their eyes widening in shock and abhorrence as they saw the moon itself was getting smaller and dimmer.

And what was replaced of the moon's missing mass, was a massive silvery serpent bearing spikes on it's back, with it's tail bearing a saw-like sword that it dragged and wretched parts of the moon apart.

It truly was massive, for they were able to clearly see it's body, and what's more, is that it encircled the moon several times before it's tail has even ended.

"A World Eater…?!", Allen gasped, and face contorted into one of horror as he saw the mythical serpent slowly devour the moon before them. Even the entire crowd was frozen in shock and was speechless.

They did not expect that the Third Prince's Tales summon was actually the World Devouring Snake, and what's worse, is that it's ranked as 4TH, only outranked by the likes of Nidhoggr, Beelzebub, and Azathoth.

"Good lads… May the lady have mercy, this is just unimaginable!", Even the host of the tournament still wasn't out of his own reverie.

"Hell, it's literally eating the moon… Good thing that the place is just an augmented virtual reality…", His partner added, swallowing thickly.


The Prince quirked an eyebrow as he heard Gypsy sigh. In response, Gypsy merely grinned as he looked at the Prince confidently.

"Did you think that you can outplay us? We'll, I've also outplayed your outplaying.", Gypsy chuckled, although the Prince only regarded him in silence.

"Don't forget, you're not the only one who has a Tales Summon… But, can you find ours?", Gypsy continued.

It just hit the Third Prince then, something was amiss from their surroundings.

"What's happening?", He asked, as he continued to scan the surroundings.

Everyone was gone.

Gypsy merely laughed at his question. "Basic strategy, your Majesty. Pretend that we are setting up a barrier to defend ourselves from ambush, but in reality, we were casting a barrier to isolate you from the others. It is so that our Tales can finish the others without trouble.", He smiled as he explained what was happening.

Upon hearing this, the Third Prince just smirked and raised his hands. The serpent's head quickly turned towards the city, it's speed betraying it's size, before descending down to crush the barrier. However, before it could even reach it, countless runes glowing with power had formed into a barrier formula.

As the serpent collided into it, it stopped, before it retracted itself slowly. The Third Prince's eyes widened, as his summon seemingly retreated.

No… It wasn't retreating… The serpent's time was being rewound back into it's original position.

"The Servant of the Scholar…", The Third Prince growled, as he recognized the summon that Gypsy held.

"A summon who's sole purpose is to serve the Librarian, to make others see the truth… Many may not now this, but the Servant of the Scholar is best at supporting others and keeping Tales summons at bay…", Gypsy smirked, before he continued.

"The reason it could do so, is because Tales are woven from myths and legends. They came from books and stories, and the Librarian was the one who gave life to them…"

"In short, your Tales cannot break nor defy that time barrier, no matter how strong it might be.", Gypsy finished, before he bowed in mock courtesy.

"Your Majesty, I am your opponent."

"This was fight between time and infinity."


Upon emerging from the shadows, I saw a black barrier that seemed to isolate an area away from the surroundings. I quickly scanned my surroundings, and I realized that Gypsy and the Third Prince. I see, looks like Gypsy opted for a duel between the leaders. Quite a bold move.

Meanwhile, the other Class D members had engaged a battle with the other Class S members, though they are fighting defensively.

Hmm… So they're trying to protect the Isolation Time Barrier. Surprisingly, it seems to be effective.

"One of Class S' strengths is their effective teamwork and planning, yet it's also one of their weakness. Without the head, they are quite disadvantaged.", Allen said, as he appeared besides me.

Ah, so the old 'Going for the head of the snake'. I must say, it's pretty fitting.

"Shall we end this, Mr. Jack?", He grinned at me. I looked at him oddly, it seemed that his behavior was turning stranger the longer he is exposed at the passive curses of this dark place.

Well, not that I'm complaining. I'm quite excited about kicking some kid's asses.

With a subtle grin, I let darkness embrace my body as my blood red eyes glowed eerily.


"Tsk! I didn't expect for the Class D to be capable of putting a trap in the middle of an ambush!"

"Yeah, but we can still destroy it once all of them falls down."

"Make sure to always be on guard and focus on breaking their defenses."

Five other Class D were separated and stuck in another Isolation Barrier, although they had managed to eliminate some of the Class D members that's maintaining the formation, weakening their opponents.

However, before the could press on, a sudden chill ran crept through their bodies.

The lights of spells and the stars flickered, and the ruins and trees that littered the city seemed to become taller, while the dark shadows waved and danced in agreement to the unease that settled in… Everything suddenly stilled and became silent, as the curses of the place seem to have intensified several times.

It was then that the Class S knew, that something was coming.

"Once upon a time, amidst the chilly night, 5 people were mysteriously killed…" Amidst the unease, a deep, hollow voice suddenly echoed.

The 5 immediately were on their highest guard, as they panicked to see who or what the perpetrator was.

"And now, it comes back, and once again, 5 were slain…" Without warning, a flash of metal glinted and the sound of blade hitting flesh echoed. The 5 Class S members suddenly felt as if they were weightless…

Before blood came into their view. The 5 widened their eyes, as they frantically looked around, they're eyes widened further in horror as they realized that all of their limbs have been severed…

They tried to scream, but before they could do so, another glint of a blade and the echoing sound of metal rang out.

This time, their vision blacked out. In another strike, they have all been beheaded.

Meanwhile, on the livestreaming platform…

[HOLY SHIT! Did you all see that?! I mean, those were kids!]

[I was not exaggerating that there are should-be censored content on this livestream]

[Wut? Is this viewer alien? You can always block off the gore content]

[Well… Some scenes are better displayed raw, so…]

[Then the hell are y'all complainin' about?:-|]

[Look at those gore!!! That was a brilliant slash and thrust, hard to imitate and practice thoo...]

[Moshi moshi, Mr. Policeman? Yeah, some guy's about to commit murder here]

[When did a fantasy thing suddenly became a slasher movie?]

[Hey, why not? They're winning despite the case]

[The Union is observing you]

[Yeap, this kind of reminds me of the certain games that's about to be released]

[We regard here as well, the Round Table is aware of your presence]

[The big snake is cool as hell though, although the prince is also creepy asf. Still, kudos to Gypsy for outsmarting the guy]

[Karma cannot simply ignore this, and so does all who swore secrecy.]

[The Motherland watches over…]

[Bruh the chunnis are here lol]

[Damn! The guy's hella good with the blade]

As I stared at their bodies, or rather, pieces of their bodies, I looked up the serpent devouring the moon.

The time of slaughter has arrived.


Somewhere outside the arena… An odd atmosphere brewed, as a few of the black and white dresses individuals were overlooking the crowd.

In the crowd, the Black Zodiac, the Noble's Oblige & Prestige were also watching.

"Everyone has arrived…", A mysterious voice suddenly spoke. His tone carried a strange, echoing ripple into it.

Silk Walter, who was watching the match, managed to grasp the voice despite all the crowd. Her eyes glinted, as she grinned lightly and uttered something. Or rather, someone.

Someone who was well spoken and is a legend on their history.

"Augustus the Pryer…"


Revised by BaNaeNae.

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