
Lives Beyond Those Eyes

One woman who could see past lives through someone's eyes crossed paths with a professor whose past lives continued to haunt him to this day. And one serial killer was hell-bent in killing them with the goal of ending a cycle from the ancient past...

jo_yi_seu · Fantasy
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4 Chs


The sad love becomes a scattered flower petal. When it rides the sad wind, will it reach your heart? ~ Will It Reach You?, Lee Soo Young


Sarina remained in the hospital for a week before the doctor finally declared her healthy enough. Of course, she still needed to make sure her wound didn't reopen. So she was given medications to make sure she would fully recover. It was a good thing that her work hadn't started yet so she still had time to rest, just as the doctor demanded it.

As much as she wanted to know more about the dead body she saw that day and even the incident that put her in a hospital, she had no means of knowing any of them. In fact, during her stay in the hospital, she had not met the man she saved again. But Rein explained that the professor went to a conference outside of town and won't be back for a week.

She didn't want to feel desperate to see the man again. But for some reason, the desire kept getting stronger. To be honest, this had never happened before.

Sarina busied herself with folding clothes that she still hadn't removed from the suitcase since she arrived. She placed it inside the closet and it didn't take long for her to finish. After that, however, her mind started conjuring images about the vision she saw in the professor's eyes that day.

The vision of his four lifetimes...

His death… His suffering... His regret for not being able to save that person...

'No! I can't let it affect me...' Sarina shook her head to get rid of these thoughts. She took a deep breath to calm herself. She knew all of those deaths she saw in those eyes were caused by something beyond her control, but they felt like such a heavy burden at the moment.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

She turned to the direction where she heard that voice. She frowned upon seeing Sejin approaching.

"You didn't answer when I called, so I thought you were sleeping. But it seems you didn't hear me. Are you okay? You look like you're thinking deeply just now."

Sarina blinked a few times. "I'm sorry, I must have been lost in my thoughts. Yes, I'm doing fine. Sorry for worrying you again."

Sejin smiled and shook her head. The woman sat down next to her bed, giving her space. They didn't talk for a while after that.

"Rein said that... you saw something from the professor's eyes that day. Does that mean you've seen his past lives?"

Sarina wasn't angry that Rein mentioned it to their other friends. However, she couldn't help wondering why her friends would take interest in knowing the professor's past lives that she managed to see.

"It's a lot to take in, even now. But it seems that the death of a certain woman in his first life had haunted the professor even to this day. A woman in each lifetime died protecting him. It was like a pattern that he couldn't get away from," Sarina explained and sighed.

"Honestly, even I would be haunted if that keeps happening in each of my lifetime."

She couldn't help looking at Seiji after that comment and smiled. "I never thought you'd easily come in terms with my ability when you first learned about it."

Sejin faced her with a raised eyebrow. "Why would I doubt your ability when it was the reason why I got the answers I needed about the dreams I've had before?"

The dreams Sejin was talking about was about a past life that she had to come in terms with. Though it was from more than 200 years ago, they were able to create a story about the past life regret that Sejin had to face in this lifetime.

Not just Sejin. Even their other friends Isona and Rein learned about their past lives through Sarina's ability.

But what made it interesting to Sarina was that none of them really shared the same fate as the one in the vision, which led to an uneasy conversation between the two of them.

"It was hard trying to explain my power to everyone else. Especially when they asked about whether or not I could read minds," she told Sejin.

"Well, I don't think you'd be able to know more about the professor and his past lives anytime soon. Not to mention, he was teaching at a different university."

"It's not that I want to inquire him about it. But maybe he could use some information about what I've seen if those visions had haunted him at some point."

Sejin sighed and faced the window. The sun was beginning to set, slowly turning the surroundings to orange.

"But you know, maybe that pattern you mentioned could be the reason why he never entertained his admirers and potential marriage candidates all this time. Those past life memories scarred his heart so much..."

"...or he could be keeping a promise to someone. One that had transcended time. And that promise might have hurt his heart at each disappointment it receive for not fulfilling it."

Of course, all they had were speculations. But there was always hope that something could happen. And they hoped that everything would turn out well.


After finally starting on her first day at job as an assistant to an archaeology professor at Riverwillow University, Sarina tried to avoid talking with anyone about the professor and the visions she saw. She just focused on making a living in the meantime and did her best to make her life better. Her friends also started working in the university, as planned.

However, her thoughts continued to haunt her, even days later in the evening. She never mentioned anything to them.

'He might have kept a promise to someone who died because of him... I need closure,' she decided to herself.

But honestly, it was easier said than done.

When she got home that night, she took a quick shower before going to sleep. Since it was Sunday, she could take a nice nap instead of going to work the next day. Her first day of work.

And while she was taking off her clothes, her phone rang. With surprise filling her system, she quickly took the call.

"Hello?" she greeted softly.

"I hope you're alright to start working as my assistant tomorrow, Miss Klausen."

Her face lit up at the familiar voice and cleared her throat despite the shock that filled her.

"Professor Larrea!"

"I'm sorry to hear what happened to you. But my brother told me you're doing fine now. However, I need to discern for myself if you're really alright to start working tomorrow for your first day."

Of all the things that the female professor said, one of them made her frown."I'm sorry, but did you say your brother told you about my condition?" She couldn't recall meeting anyone that day other than her friends.

Okay. She might have seen some people – still strangers to her – but not that she could associate with her employer. Unless...

Sarina's eyed widened at the realization.

"Are you telling me... the professor that Rein told me I saved that day was..."

"That's right. My half-brother, Cedric Larrea."

She was speechless. What the heck? How was she supposed to respond at the end of that sentence? Or should she just keep quiet? How the hell does one react when hearing that revelation?

A minute passed by before she found her voice.

"W-what exactly did he tell you?"

"He mentioned that you surprised him when you dashed towards him like that, only to end up getting stabbed in his place. He couldn't go to the hospital to check on you all the time you were there. But that doesn't mean he doesn't care."

Sarina couldn't help smiling. "I know that, Professor. And thank you for telling me. Rein already mentioned that Professor Larrea had to attend a conference so he couldn't check on me."

"Miss Klausen, if you're going to be my assistant, I suggest you start referring to me as Professor Clarice."

Of course, it surprised her to hear that suggestion. "B-but..."

"It's to give you a distinction between me and my brother. After all, we're both professors."

As much as she didn't like the idea of referring to her employer by her given name, the professor's suggestion does make sense. It would be easier for her to distinguish between the two Professor Larreas.

Sarina chuckled lightly. "Alright, then. Professor Clarice."

They talked for a little longer after that. Once Professor Clarice finished telling her about her brother, they disconnected their call and left their separate ways.

Sarina took a deep breath before looking outside the window. It was already dark and there were few stars visible in the sky. But for some reason, she could vividly envision the male Professor Larrea's shocked face that probably remained engraved in her mind since then.

"Talk about coincidences..." Then again, she was not one to believe in such.

The visions that assaulted her mind that day she laid eyes on the Professor's troubled eyes that day told her that something must be done to stop his internal suffering.