
Live Stream Adventures: The Horror Seeker

A man, or a teen in fact, that doesn't remember everything related to him, woke up inside of the unknown abandoned building. While confused, he started to search his way out. But unfortunately, he was saw by the ghost that he saw her too after looking back and the chase began, a race of life and death, literally... After he got away from the ghost temporarily, it was then that he realized that he activated the System of Live Stream Adventures and told him to seek, complete while streaming his journey for any of Horror Quests with rewards of random things like, experiences to level, stats to enhance his body and mind, skills to make his life easier with his quests, items that can help him in jeopardy and... Things that related to him...

Shengtot · Horror
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


A few minutes after the audiences felt a little more relaxed compared from the moment they heard the pig killing like scream, they brushes the barrage.

Shyrveen didn't have a time to focus on them and rolled on the water to make his body chilled down and the blanket started sipping some water.

He is gasping for a long time then he opened his eyes slightly but covered them again with his right arm, the water from the blanket started to mixed in with his tears that are rolling down non stop, whimpering can be heard, making the audiences stop and decided to give him some time.

Shyrveen just want to sleep but he heard the System's voice in time.

[Ding! Found something unusual within the Host's body.

This System judged to initiate scanning without Host's permission.

Scanning the Host's Body... Success.

Foreign Item that has been bound to the Host is found and identified successfully.

Item: [M] Left Eye of the Goddess Mayari

The eye of the Goddess Mayari, The Moon Goddess, that has been plucked by his younger brother God Apolaki, The Sun God.

Because the Eye has been staying in the place for a long time and witnessed two wars, it had been infected by the killing intents and evolved into resentment.

With both energies of Faith and Resentment, it created an independent space that started housing the ghosts and other creatures that born and visited, from the day back of indigenous people living in this mountain till in the day of this Teacher's Camp in reality.

The Left Eye of the Goddess Mayari accepted you!

Congratulation! You gained the [E] Secret Realm of the Moon Goddess, the Moon's Paradise!

Congratulation! You got the Stats: Faith, Resentment and Soul, automatically setting them in 10 Points each!

Congratulation! You got the Blessing of the Moon Goddess that has been integrated into your Left Eye and Original Soul.

Status: [E] Blessing of the Moon Goddess

> Skill: [R] Spirit Force: Lv 2 (0%) [Upgraded automatically after detecting another same skill]

> Skill: [R] Faith Force: Lv 1 (0%)

> Every night with the moon above the sky will double your Faith Stat, comprehensions and epiphanies related to the Moon Goddess' Skills.

Warning! You got the Curse of the Moon Goddess that has been integrated into your Heart and Original Soul.

Status: [E] Curse of the Moon Goddess

> Skill: [R] Spirit Force: Lv 2 (0%) [Upgraded automatically after detecting another same skill]

> Skill: [R] Resentment Force: Lv 1 (0%)

> All ghosts will target you within your ten meters range in diameter, as their main dish. After killing and eating your soul, the Curse will double their overall power.

> All Stats will double, except Faith, in Death Zones.

> Status: [Permanent] Anger towards the Sund God Apolaki

Congratulation! You gained the [E] Title, "The Teacher's Camp's Ruler"!

Title: The Teacher's Camp's Ruler

> You can enter the Teacher's Camp freely whenever you are!

> You can hire the Camp Residents and pay them with some Faith or Resentment Stats with your own Stats! (Proceed with caution.)

> You will be invulnerable inside the Teacher's Camp as its Ruler!

Ding! Detected!

Warning! Curse of the Moon Goddess disabled the invulnerability within the Teacher's Camp after detecting the Host's body's unqualified overall power, making the Ghost Residents have ability to kill the Host/Ruler.

Title Bonus: Faith + 15, Resentment + 15, Soul + 15, Psychique +8, Intelligence +7

Ding! Error!

Detected! You don't have enough power to Rule the Teacher's Camp!

Space Realm Restrictions have been activated!

Statuses, Skills, Bonuses, Stats and Title have been sealed!

Minimum Requirements for Stats:

> Physique: Core Stage: Low Rank: Stone

> Psychique: Liquidation State: Low Rank: Pond

> Faith: Esquire High Human: Low Rank: Gray Aura

> Resentment: Esquire Spectre: Low Rank: Gray Mist

> Soul: Extraordinary Soul: Low Rank: Gray Apparition

Ding! Detected! 

Two of the five Stats reached 20 points, please increased the other Stats that above mentioned to unlock the first ability to enter the space freely with the Curse and the Blessing of the Moon Goddess!


Warning! The Wandering White Lady (The Lady Guard) "Low Esquire Spectre", as the Manager of this Teacher's Camp, is now looking for you. (Malicious)

Warning! One God/Goddess is looking for you. (Malicious)

Notice! Goddess Mayari is watching you. (Neutral)

Congratulation! Quest has been updated!


Main Objective: Survive and find your way out from the Teacher's Camp's Independent Space (Updated, In progress)

Reward: 1 Draw for Random Epic Gatcha


Side Objectives:

> Investigate about the Great Five Entities within the Teacher's Camp: 1/5 (Updated)

Reward: 2 Draw for Random Rare Gatchas

>> Independent Space "{Incomplete} Demon Goddess" (Completed)

Known as the Left Eye of the Moon Goddess Mayari, that has been plucked and forgotten by his younger brother Sun God Apolaki in the battle of the Divine War.

Because the Eye has been staying in the place for a long time and had been infected twice by the killing intents, it resulted of giving birth to a incomplete consciousness with both power of Faith and Resentment.

Independent but an incomplete life form, resulting into a passive realm that grabbing ghosts and creatures randomly that went inside the Teacher's Camp in reality.

A space realm that created by both Faith and Resentment.

Reward: 1 Draw for Random Normal Gatcha

Hidden Reward: Choose one of the four Myths of the Moon Goddess Mayari.

> Skill: [M] Dynamic Moonlight (Active)

> Skill: [M] Moonlight Descends (Active)

> Item: [M] Mayari's Kampilan

> Item: [M] Mayari's Bow and Arrow


Congratulation! This System is now being speechless for the Host's luck. Good luck, Host.]

Anger is the first emotion brewed and burst out from his mind and shouted madly at the System.

'... Congratulation!? Then fucking congratulations too! Your Host wants to kill himself now!!! What the fuck do you mean congratulations!? Are you cursing me so bad!? You're not a fucking AI, right!? Right!?'

He calms himself down after heard nothing from it for few minutes and after a few breaths and the cool feeling from the water as he is still lying down he asks the System again.

'Tell me, what the hell in those things that you said, that only I got?...'

[1 Draw for Random Normal Gatcha, 1 Chance to pick 1 of the 4 Myths of the Moon Goddess, The Moon's Paradise [E] (Secret Realm) and Maliciousness of the Lady Guard, One God/Goddess and Camp Residents.]

'... Eh? Except from the quests rewards, I thought everything is sealed?'

[The Secret Realm is exclusive to the Left Eye and not included into the Independent Space that has been born by the incomplete consciousness. That's why, this System said, you 'gained' and not 'got'. The two realms are different from each other. Now, that the Left Eye has been integrated into your own left eye and Original Soul, you can access them freely. Everyone that noticed you was because of the Left Eye leaving the little shrine and now sensed the aura of Faith and Resentment of it, but it was gone after integrated within your left eye and Original Soul, only leaving the Moon Goddess, herself, that found you.]

'How nice... System.'

[Thank you.]

'Fuck you too... I'm tired... Should I... Give... up?...'

He mumbles and darkness slowly consumes his consciousness...

In the barrage.

A Man Living in a World with Four Dark Corners: "I... This is making me autistic..."

Nike, Just Do It: "You're already one, upstairs..."

Twister, the Professional Gamer: "... Damn! This-! Tch! I'm angry, sad, and scared but I don't know how to pent up!"

Little Fiery Fairy: "I know how~"

"How!? +26"

Little Fiery Fairy: "Share the link! Or share it through the text message! I was confused until now for why we're the only ones that watching this stream and no coming in, just even one!"

I can See Them: "That... But, how's that related?"

The Player, that kind of Cheating: "Upstairs, you lack EQ, right?"

I can See Them: "Wtf!? What do you mean!? I do have but... Not that great like yours?"

The Player, that kind of Cheating: "... Tch, no fun. What he means is, that some people who are running the whole internet."

Neo, The Nerdy One: "Yup, if this is really a live stream of otherworlder, then most of the governments around the world are already holding hands to quarantine this website. If they can't delete, then do some things that can separate the site's link from the outside."

The Mob that Being Mobbed by the Mobs: "What about us?"

Shooter of the Shot to Shoot: "What they can do? If they can't even touch this site, can they touch us? Pfff!"

Nanny of the Books: "You mean, you can't touch us, right?"

Shooter of the Shot to Shoot: "!!!"

Everyone else: "..."

Annie, the Little Red Riding Hood: "Ah! Brother Shooter is a retired soldier! He only said it but it didn't mean that it is the truth!"

Flipping the Flip of Flippant: "Goddammit!"

A Pen that Singing: "Then use the word of mouth! If they catch the first person, then spread the words by ten people more!"

Aphrodite, the Hottest Celestial Body: "There's an Earthling outside of our Mother Earth, and you guys are isolating him more!!??"

A Farmer that Farming Numbers: "Alright, the numbers should start moving, I know I can't touch the government here, but there are billion of people in my country alone, let's see if they can put all of us behind the bars! Even if I knew that all billion of people will join us! But number can still move people!!!"

Seeker that Seeking for the Sake of Sake: "I'm in, brother Farmer!"

"I'm in! +18"

Shooter of the Shot to Shoot: "This... Shit! We're not isolating him! We're just trying to stop, or just slow down the process till everyone can adapt! Because the economy will have a great shift because of the gifting system! Even though some corrupts in the current government of the Philippines and are having some ideas but if that's really happens, the country will be besieged by then! So, the president gave order to watch those people, and catch at once even with just a little evidence. That's all I can able to say to you guys! And everything after that will be included to the contract I signed!"


Shooter of the Shot to Shoot : "C'mon, guys! I already with you all from the moment the Host started live streaming inside the closet till to this very minute. I can't leave him too! My comrades here are with me, giving support even though Shyrveen can't hear it, after all he's still a Filipino!"


Shooter of the Shot to Shoot: "You all-! Just think that Shyrveen is currently alone in the front line in the battle of cosmos!"

Neo, The Nerdy One: "Got it! Comrade! Don't worry, we know what you mean. I'm just thinking something, I don't know about the others too though..."

"I'm the same with comrade Neo~ +24"

Shooter of the Shot to Shoot: "You all are such a bastards..." (Has been killed.jpg)

Nanny of the Books: "So~ What should we do, after all, we can only help him by increasing the audiences, so his points will increase too... It's not that I'm poor, nor rich, but I, and I know you all guys too, that still have some responsibilities."

One Eyed Moon: "Just do sharing the site in a word of mouth, or on the piece of paper. Oh, what about you Freeze?"

The Person that Freezes Memories: "It's good that I'm not yet done editing some photos from the live stream and post it on my social network! Phew! That was close, or else, the 27 VIP will reduced by one person so suddenly!"

One Eyed Moon: "You mean, you can't follow up with the live stream the moment you were caught?"

The Person that Freezes Memories: "... Shut up." 

A Man Living in a World with Four Dark Corners: "Okay, let's move, move, move! Don't let yourself be caught! This will be our first secret movement against the world!"

Little Fiery Fairy: "... I wanted to agree but the last sentence caught me off guard... Your eight grade syndrome is too much."

A Man Living in a World with Four Dark Corners: (crying dog in the dark.jpg)

Each people inside, but not all, since some people are restricted to do something about, started to pent up their frustrations and Shyrveen's adventures to others to be shared...

 Once upon a time, for there was once a prince, sleeping beautifully in the middle of the big puddle that in the middle of the big dense forest in the middle of unknown place with starry sky but with pair of smooth moon and pitch black hole, staring at the prince...

The More you Tore then Marry-Her: "Yo, guys~ New here! I don't know what kind of live stream is this? And upstairs, what's with that introduction?"

"Ignore that bastard, newcomer. Come~ Come~ Just gift me just a few hundreds of your money and will use that to make some magic, deal?"

Shyrveen said jokingly after washing his face using the water on the ground, that seems so clear and clean.

He already woke up one hour ago, after sleeping for whole six hours, that was reported by his audiences.

He was shocked the moment he saw his (LSIC) after waking up.


Streamer's Information


Title: The Horror Seeker

Name: Shyrveen

Level: 3


Popularity: 159

Rewards: ₱ 758,913.00

Points: 673/3,000


Status: All Good


Greetings: A world that exclusive to the Host, seeking every Horror Quests around this world, uncovering the ghost's resentments, investigating the creature's top secret stories, and searching for the lost memories of your Host. Temporarily named, Shyrveen, The man that born in this journey...


'Brother Farmer told me that he share the site's link to his friends, which are rich too. With some of them are bored with the current entertainment in the Earth, and decided to check out what their friend, Farmer, shared to them. And soon already done watching some video scenes in the website... System's works, maybe... Oh, well. Now that I'm half full and already done relieving some mortal needs... Again, thank you for this Secret Realm that made me feel safe for some time, Goddess Mayari.'

Shyrveen thoughts and finally bowed towards the little shrine.

Nanny of the Books: "Alright, Host, we got some new friends here. What do you say?"

"Say? Well... *cough... Welcome, everyone!~ To the live stream which life is at stake, not that you all normally seen in other live stream, but against the supernaturals! This is the world where the Gods and Goddesses retreated, I think, and where most of the beings that hidden under the sky and normal eyes are living, I think. Again! Welcome! Just to reminders for those newcomers~ Please, see yourself out if you have any heart or other implication after seeing gores and horror that can scare you to death! Why? It's not that I won't take responsibility, but I can't!~ If you can find me in which planet I am, then I'll be glad to do so!~ So, folks!~ Let's! Get! Out! Of! Here!~"

Ghost Groom: "Whooo!!! Time to find some ghost wives!"

Everyone else: "..."

Little Fiery Fairy: "Whom invited some weirdo here?"

Flipping the Flip of Flippant: "It's fine Lady Fairy~ After all most of the newly added audiences plus some old audiences are still lurking and waiting~ We will be with you Host, and help you, Host!"

"I know, don't worry and thank you all!~"

Shyrveen sighed and recycled everything that can be recycled after buying some foods and drinks in the mall.

Of course, just ordinary meals without bonuses and shits.

'After all my mall is still Level 1 though... Maybe, if I reached a higher level, I might those kind of foods in the future...'

A Farmer that Farming Numbers: "Host! We heard yah!~ Can you mailed them to us? What do you think?"

Shyrveen shrugs and said that he didn't know yet, since the System became a perfunctorily System the moment he asked it about it.

[Please work hard to level up more, Host.]

He slept and woke up uncomfortably since he forgot to wear off the blanket earlier and slept with it.

Now that he is good again, and bought new clothes and packed the things that can't be recycled into one plastic bag, he feels so good.

He didn't dare to leave anything that can't be recycled by the nature slower, compare from his pees and shits.

He did even dare to wash himself on the big 'lake'!

'It's really uncomfortable to walk, run away like that, who knows if those ghosts were on rampage because of smelling my stinky smell...'

He shook his head and stretches for a minute before smiling bitterly then closed his eyes.

Seconds into minutes, before opening his eyes.

Nike, Just Do It: "Host! You're trolling us! C'mon! Don't be a scaredy cat after encountering life and death!"

A Man Living in a World with Four Dark Corners: "Yes, Host! Who knows if your current girlfriend, I mean your body's current girlfriend is outside and now crying wholeheartedly after getting the news that you were gone just like that... How sad she is~..."

Shyrveen felt shied at this very moment.

'Who thought that some of the light novels are lying! And this otaku... Should I ban him?'

A Man Living in a World with Four Dark Corners: "Don't! Don't! Just kidding! XD"  

A Pen that Singing: "Host, you mean you tried to get out of that place with your just thoughts? Hahaha! Nice try, Host! Now we know what to do once we accidentally got inside of unknown place!"

"Thumbs up for the Host! +95"

'... How to get out of here, System?'

[Please operate your Mental Force or Faith Force into your eyes.]

'Got it... And anything to remind me?'

[Every operation of getting in in this Secret Realm, a wisp of the Eye's Presence can be perceived of those who seeks. Each operation will make the wisp get stronger and stronger, until every entity with any ranks can perceived it unless the Host has the minimum requirement for the Faith Stat, Faith: Esquire High Human: Low Rank: Gray Aura, to hide the said wisp from being leaked.]

'And I thought I can use them without guarding against anything or someone at that...'

Neo, The Nerdy One: "Host is talking to his golden finger again, guys~"

A Farmer that Farming Numbers: "I still feel envied of the Host... Sighs~"

"Same. +101"

Shyrveen decided to filter them out again, before coming out from the realm.

Only to noticed that the room is much brighter compared from the first time coming inside, in pitch black room.

Without any further ado, he went to the door tried to perceive any perception but nothing can be.

And so, he opened slightly the door, just to see the same ghost girl's back that mumbling or ranting something before she perceived something at her back and looked back.


She tilted her head and float over to the something she perceived, but still nothing. She reached, claw, floated around the spot, and lastly expanded her white mist, and still nothing.

"Maybe, I was wrong... Hmmp! It made me remember that mortal, but... He's quite... Cute... Ayeih~ What are you thinking about?... No, no, no... No?... Maybe, I can follow him and be with him forever, ah, you cursed yourself, Nina~ You mean till he dies and be together forever~... Seems good... Yeah. Yeah? But he can see me... That's bad... And he's so bad... That quite I like it~ <3~"

Shyrveen heard everything she mumbles because! The  way to the White Wall is the same way he and the ghost girl is trekking right now

'Holy shit! This ghost girl will be in my dangerous list! She must be in! I must looked out for her, damn!'

Making his audiences in the barrage be crazier, different craziness.

But Shyrveen got no choice, he go to the White Wall, he still remembers that brother Shooter told once that it got a double door, but he didn't know what's inside.

No, he knows that it is own by the Love Sick Igorot, but the hall might be something. He have a thought that since it is own by a ghost and Red Spectre, higher than the Ghost Teacher, the place must be much more complicated, big or might be small.

He wishes and prays that it must be small.

'It might be small, no! It must be small, please!'

But, it seems that fate doesn't want him to get out of this domain so easy.

"Where are you going, Nina?"

"Eh? Eh? T-Teacher... I-Wha-No, I mean, I-I'm trying to find t-the kid for my m-mistake..."

The Ghost Teacher seems stunned but smiled happily, but for Shyrveen, it still giving him goosebumps.

"You're still the most sensible student in all of my students... But, it's too bad that..."

She looked at the ghost girl from head to toe before adding.

"You're still useless against mortal! Tch! Go on! No need to fret here, that kid won't be able to get out off this place."

The ghost girl is nodding like a pecking chicken before floating away.


The ghost girl was scared after hearing a shout and stops on his track and slow asks for why while she looks back.

Just to see the Ghost Teacher is frowning and making the same ugly face again as she stared deeply at her.

"You met the kid again?"

"No, No! No! T-Teacher! I-I swear!"

The ghost girl bowed while shaking and after a few minutes of making sure for her senses, the Ghost Teacher waved her hand to shoo her away.

"His lingering presence on her are still there but much more weaker... Hmmm... Maybe, I didn't noticed that time that the presence is too strong and forgot to ask her how they met up?"

She scratches her head making her hair much more messy and scarier.

"That ki-"



Time seems too slow to move, Shyrveen is sweating while the Ghost Teacher is getting madder, scarier, crazier, uglier!

"Kid!!! You won't get away this time!!!"

The Ghost Teacher teleports to the same spot where the glass shard was stepped on and waved her claws and controlled her hair and resentment with it to ripped apart the hiding kid.

That she still didn't know how can he do that!

'This kid is slapping my face! Face to face!!!!'

But at the same time she teleported, Shyrveen rolls down forward and activated the recycle function for the blanket and sprinted right away to the door of the White Hall and kicked it so hardly.

The Ghost Teacher sensed him the moment the blanket was gone, and saw him sprinted so fast!

She wants teleport to his side since there's no second time, and for sure there's no third time for her.

However, the moment she teleports again a black bead appeared on her very sight after she did that!

Then she was restricted!

'FUCK!!! YOU!!! KID!!!'

She can only watch the kid crouches down and dashes inside the White Hall, and stared at the Red Spectre that flew from inside.

Back for a few seconds.

The moment Shyrveen sprinted inside the White Hall with a bang!

But he was stunned after seeing an indigenous person here.


Not a person, but a ghost.

He is floating inside the red mist in a room that with a size of single apartment, a mist that represent the ghost's resentments!

They both stared at each other before waking up from their trances at the same time.

And moved at the same time again,

The only difference is, Shyrveen steps back outside hurriedly since he didn't got inside completely and swung his right hand after pulling out something from the (IC), at his back to the left.

Throwing a bead towards the Ghost Teacher then crouches down to dodge the leaping Igorot Ghost and dashes inside the room.

Then a materializing visual appeared beside him that constructing a flashlight, but before it's completed.

He leaps forward, but didn't forgot to twists his body on mid air to the left with swinging motion from his right hand to throw another bead towards the Igorot Ghost this time.

And he landed on the floor and crouches again to shift the center of the gravity of his body and grabs the flashlight that started to fall, with his right hand that on it's way back to his right side.

Subsequently, he jumps forward towards the dusty old bed after he pointed the flashlight to it.

He saw this bed in his peripheral vision and decided to check who's the shadow lying on it.

And now, just to see a girl wearing a same style of his uniform and without dilly dallying, he dashes forwards towards the double white door and punch with (MF) on his gloved right hand.

But only to be stunned, seeing that it only leaves a crack.

He and the audiences knew how strong his punches with (MF).

Yet, he used his left hand this time with Chakra Force (CF) after flickering the flashlight on the air.

And started a continuous and fast punches towards the same place on that door.

'I only got a couple of seconds left now! Please! Please! Please! Please!'

"Fuck! -Ing! Break! FOR! ME!"


Without looking at it, he sprinted towards the girl student and grabs her without formalities and force his left foot after turning it again, to dash away.


At the same time, the Igorot got freed himself earlier from the restriction of the bead and allowed the Ghost Teacher to enter as he fly towards Shyrveen.


While shouting angrily, the Igorot's resentments materialized into five red spears.

And the moment he was done shouting, this five black spears flew towards Shyrveen's left leg, right shoulder, lower back, heart, and head.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Five targets were shielded by miniature Golden Buddha Palms that appeared from the talismans he bought earlier, and the force from the attacks pushes him forward that made him successfully got outside.

He smiled joyously in mid air and some tears went out from his eyes.

'I'm fucking finally free!'


Then he landed on the cemented pathway but only to kneel down and released the girl on the ground before spurted a lot of blood.

His exuberant eyes stared at the spearhead that penetrated his stomach, and his eyes became muddy and confused.

Yet, only to widen after seeing the spearhead swirls from being 'it' and separated from each other before being pulled out from his body.

'... Hair?...'

He looks back slowly just to see the Ghost Teacher's most vicious and cruel smile, and the hairs that penetrated him, slowly floated towards her lip and she licks it.


The Ghost Teacher savor his blood like a wine with closed eyes, then a few seconds she open them and went to stare at him so maliciously.

She raised her both hand and laughed crazily before shouting to the night sky.

"Finally, finally! FINALLY! Ha! Ha! Hahaha!~"

She flew towards him.

But only to be held down by a big hand so suddenly.

"Hey, don't forget to give me a piece of his soul."

The Ghost Teacher slowly looked at the Igorot Ghost, and became confused.

"I thought you hated all men except yourself, narcissist?"

The Igorot Ghost rolled his red eyes before glaring at her.

"He's an extraordinary. I don't mind eating the man's soul as long as he is one."

"No. He's my prey in the first place."

"That disturbed my meal!"


The Ghost Teacher turns her head towards the unconscious girl on the cemented pathway.

Then she was stunned after realizing something that she thought just now.

"... Cemented?"

The Igorot Ghost's eyes widens after hearing her murmur and look hurriedly to the place, where the two mortals are on.

"Shit! You fucking idiot! Stops squeaking and pull them out from that pathway!"

He shouted and teleports and the Ghost Teacher followed too after being awaken by his shout.

Only they stops in front of both mortals and heavily turns their sights to the left side after hearing a simple greetings that penetrating their souls.


Shyrveen, the Ghost Teacher and the Igorot Ghost, all looked at the person who greeted them and saw a lady wearing a white guard uniform, from leather shoes, to straight pants, to high collar long sleeve unto her cap, that shading her whole face from being seen.

All of them saw her frowning, as if she's displeased to see something to them.


Not that they 'saw' her, but they felt 'it'. They're feeling it from her, that she is actually frowning.

The Lady Guard turns her head to the girl student before to Shyrveen.

He sense her that she's just looking at him blankly, he sweated and subconsciously looks down  but looks up again and shouted.

"Ate! Get out of here with this girl please! They will kill us! But since I'm dying, I'll buy both of you some time to run away! I still have aces on my slee-... Puff!"

Shyrveen coughed out the second mouthful of blood that made his face paled more, before looking again at the Lady Guard that still looking at him, before turning her head to the two ghosts.

'C'mon! I'll die at this rate without even saving this girl student! - !!!'

He shouted at his mind, only, he and the two ghosts heard a soft melodious voice that saying.

"I know that you all know that I didn't put restriction on my pathways and roads, but you two seems so indignant to do something inside my territory, eh?~... Go back."

Shyrveen was stunned then he quickly looked at the two ghosts only to see the Igorot Ghost trembling before nodding at Lady Guard to show some respect. But he still didn't forget to glare back at her after the formalities, then he switches to stare at Shyrveen.

"Be thankful, kid... Don't let me meet you again... Inside."

And glances lastly to the student girl that beside and still protected by Shyrveen.


Then he's gone back into the White Hall without closing the door, just leaning on the door frame to watch the scene.

Then the Lady Guard stares at the Ghost Teacher, while Shyrveen coughed out the third mouthful blood while thinking that.

'I'll die... My acting didn't even affected this Lady Guard... The Lady Guard that the System was talking about! And she's malicious towards me! Even though she seems protecting me, who knows what she will do later...'

This time, he didn't care anymore and pulls out three capsules that he bought from the (LSMC) back then at the Moon's Paradise.

He swallows them all and felt a sudden burst of life, power, and blood in his mouth before moving into his stomach and spreads out evenly into his whole body.


Life, Power and Blood.


Live Stream Mall


Item: Life Capsule

> Adding One Bar of Life. One Bar is equivalent to the Host's peak Status.

>> Destructible.

Cost: 500 Points

Item: Power Capsule

> Adding One Bar of Power. One Bar is equivalent to the Host's peak Stats.

>> Destructible.

Cost: 500 Points

Item: Blood Capsule

> Adding One Bar of Blood. One Bar is equivalent to the Host's peak Blood Volume.

>> Destructible.

Cost: 500 Points


Then he curls on the ground while trembling so hardly, opening his mouth so widely with his saliva flowing out while breathing in and out heavily, before tilting his head back at the night sky with red eyes.


Personal Information


Title: None

Name: Unknown

Level: 3

Experience: 100/800




Strength: 13 [26]

Agility: 13 [26]

Intelligence: 13 [26]

Physique: 20 [40]

[Foundation Stage: Low Rank: External Organs [Muscles & Bones]]

Psychique: 20 [40]

[Mistification State: Low Rank: White [Black]]


Free Stats Points: 2


Status: Green +

Rating: Berserk State [Overflowing of Three Essential Energies within the body's limits.]


Of course, Shyrveen can't see this thing or just ignored it because the three energies within are getting out of control and something is starting to overtake his consciousness and body.


The Lady Guard and the Ghost Teacher snappily turns their heads back to Shyrveen with a look of incredibly shock...