
Live Line

(WIP) (Subject to change) Live Line is a open-world virtual reality fantasy game with many fun features that its creators promise "will sure draw players in." With its release comes a girl under the user of: Worldslash (otherwise World) who wishes to forget about her real life and "let go and have fun" in a world where responsibilities and real hardships are nonexistant. ...She has also decided to choose a male avatar instead of female, which, well, no judging but as to why she did is a mystery—Ahem! Forgetting about that, throughout the journey, World completes quests, defeats bosses, and meets friends but most importantly, her—his nemesis: Animalover1 (otherwise Anima). [ World has joined the channel ] [World]: What kind of stupid name is that? [System]: Now, now, World— [World]: No, I'm serious. What kind of idiot is so crazed about animals that they— [Anima]: I am. [World]: Since when the f*** was she here? [System]: I seriously don't know how both of you were able to connect to this channel, but please leave... We will later patch this glitch. And for viewers, we hope to see you playing Live Line. [World]: For the combat! [Anima]: Morelike for the cute animals... [World]: You little— When will you understand those little pet-things you're hoarding are millions of XP that us actual players could be usi— Channel closed due to unexpected interference. [Error Code 0001: Prologue]

129225_129145 · Games
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The TV flashes a bright yellow as a small, chubby panda appears: the mascot of "Live Line."

'Hey, you! Yes, youuu!'

As it extended the word, the panda shot forward from within the screen and appeared to be looking directly at its viewer.

'Are you sick of your mundane life?

Being a student, worker, boss, mother, father, daughter, or son?

Your responsibilities...'

A seemingly sinister grin spread across the panda's face.

'They're all just too tiring, aren't they?'

Suddenly, the panda's face became cheerful once again.

'Well, on Live Line, those responsibilities don't matter!

With our detailed, fantasy game full of quests and other exciting adventures, we can help you forget about your reality!

Not only that, but for those who are struggling in their own skin... Live Line has a character customization feature fit to meet your desires.

On Live Line, whether it be your appearance, choices, wealth, or rather, destiny, all is decided by you!

And well of course...'

That same sinister grin reappeared.

'Those who come first are served first!'

Once again the mood immediately changed into a more cheerful, lively one.

'Unfortunately, however, Live Line is only available on VRBs (Virtual Reality Bodies)!

Sooo, should you have one, download Live Line now!

For freeee!'

From the word 'free,' the mascot showed a cheeky grin.

'Hope to see you there!'

It waved and—

The TV shuts off.

Sitting on the floor of her living room is a young adult girl who pulls out her phone. She begins typing the words: 'Virtual Reality Body' into an internet browser, and shopping options begin to appear.

"2500 dollars for a VRB?!"

Well, technology improved a lot ever since VR released around 30 years ago.

The girl checked her bank account and sobbed thinking about the damage buying a VRB could do to her account, but then she began to remember about every hardship in her life:

Her absent parents, her decision to move to another city and basically, lose contact with her old friends, the jerks from her new job, and just... the stress—the loneliness—the sadness.

She grew into a fetal position, gripping tightly onto her phone.

She knew she wanted—no, needed a distraction from her daily life: a place to let go and have fun.

And before she realized, the words "Ordered" appeared on her screen and she had bought a VRB.

"What the hell did I just do..."

+ may or may not add more in the future

also, thanks for reading :))

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