
Brave New World

Chapter 05: Brave New World

I feel like my head is like a burning cauldron. What is wrong with me? What am I thinking now? Am I a fool? I still have no idea if I can sense magical power or mana, let alone If I could be a mage or muggle.

But does all this matter right now?

Hell no.

The night is coming, and I shouldn't stay long in this clover field.

Now, I have to choose my destination carefully.

Forward or backward?


I couldn't decide by myself, why? Cause I'm just a jinx walking on two feet... Let fate choose my destination.

I picked up a bunch of clovers, made it into a ball, and threw it into the sky.

If the ball falls to my right, I'll head forward

And if it drops to my left, I'll go backward.


OK... Destination: forward.

I walked about two kilometers and still didn't find anything, no hut, no silhouette of a distant city.


I felt my feet were about to fail me, and I might fall to the ground... amidst the clover field, So I could die in peace.

Damn it, how long do I have to walk?

This is the longest I have walked in my entire life.

I swear.... if my cell phone was on right now, I might get a notification from my Step Counter app [You finally did it, you lazy sloth... Congratulations! You walked 1,000 steps and finally achieved your daily goal.]

A few minutes later, when I was really about to give up, I finally saw the walls of a city looming on the horizon, perhaps three or four kilometers away. I almost cried! You know, I'm not an athlete guy at all. And even if I'm younger and with a new body, that doesn't mean I can walk non-stop like this.

I really wanted to cry!

But the sun is about to go down, and if I didn't reach the walls of that near yet far city, I might die, for real, in the open.

Suddenly, I heard a humming and cracking sound, getting louder and louder, coming from behind me.

I turned around and saw nothing.

But the sound still came close to me, So I looked closely, but there was nothing yet again.

I almost lost my temper. I should flee. There must be a hidden enemy approaching me.

At the moment, When I was about to run as if the devil was chasing me, I felt the silhouette of something in the sky approaching from afar. That thing; was a small magic Airship flying in the same direction as mine at a medium speed.

I sighed and stared at that magic Airship for a few moments.

Yes, my guess was right. This is the world of my novel. This model of magic Airship is spreading in this world.

Yet, no one could afford to buy a commercial family magic airship like this one. So I guessed that the occupants of this magic Airship belonged to the Nobel class without any doubt.

I sighed and continued on my way.

It didn't take long for the magic Airship to approach me, hovering above me for a short while, before a handsome young man's head peered out of the window.


Of course, I couldn't understand what he was saying at all. So I pointed at him with my hand as a sign that I didn't understand his speech.

He shook his head, then disappeared into the magic Airship. I guessed he would go on his way, but instead, I found him landing the airship close to me, then opening the door, and making a gesture with his hands to get on board.


This noble person isn't a trashy character but a true gentleman. I mean, he offered me a ride!

Without hesitation, I decided to get in. I mean... what could possibly go wrong?

I almost whistled when I saw the inside of the airship. It oozes with riches. It wasn't as small as it looked from the outside. It seemed as if there was a space magic spell that tripled the size of the space inside.

The airship was fully furnished as if it were a Moveable home; it consisted of two rooms, a hall, a bathroom, and a kitchen.

In addition, the main cabin.

I was too amazed to notice there were other people inside the balloon. There was a pretty girl, in her mid-twenties, with Ruddy cheeks, dreamy blue eyes, a delicate little nose, lovely lips, and black hair down half her back. She was really charming. There was a little boy, no more than six years old, and a little girl, no more than three years old.

There was no need to guess that this was his wife and children.

When I saw that beautiful family, I felt jealous For a moment. And I thought... maybe... maybe, if I had heard my friend's advice a few years ago, I would have had a family like this one.

But after rethinking it...

Fortunately, I have no wife and kids waiting for me on Earth.

And just as I was examining them, they were looking at me with curious eyes. And the boy pointed at me while hiding behind his mother.

".........," said the young man.

Again, I couldn't understand anything. And when he realized that I never understood him. He and his wife exchanged a look. as if they were surprised I didn't understand their words.

What can I say?

This is very natural. I come from another world. And I didn't get the chance yet to learn the universal language of Tia.

On the continent of Tia, there is a universal language, which everyone can learn; so they can communicate with others across the continent.

Naturally, I am under suspicion now, not to mention my weird clothes.

Anyone would be a fool if they didn't raise any suspicion about me.

But I do have a solid plan to prove my identity in this Brave New World.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

For Reaaaaaaaaaaaaal !!

LazySpaceTurtlecreators' thoughts