
Part 22 Dirty thoughts


Dirty thoughts → Chloe Adams ft. Nationhaven


I wanted to shoot my father. He came barging into my office this morning screaming at how incompetent I was. How could I lose my fiancé and why was I not doing anything to get his companies back, and he meant anything. Ari were missing for almost three weeks now, and I was very worried.

I have to admit since I claimed Hanul, I haven’t contacted her much, but either she or Jack would drop me a text every now or then to keep me up to date.

Thank you Mrs. Kang, who knocked on the door just as I was about to reach for the gun under my desk and put a bullet right between his eyes. Oh, that would make to most beautiful picture regardless of the mess afterwards. One can still fantasize.

Mrs. Kang opened the door and addressed my father and me.

“Uhm excuse me, President Lee, Director Lee, President Chun of Black Jade is here for the 10 o’clock appointed”.