

It's been a couple of days since the whole drama with mom and it's like it never even happened,thank God because she won't have a problem with me going out tonight since it's New year's eve. I'm thinking of just being out with my friends tonight because I'm starting to think i have a problem, a sex problem to be specific.The rate at which my inner bitch wants to get fucked everytime i see Richard is not fun at all.

If it were up to me, i would just wanna fuck the whole time people will be counting down but I'm trying to prove a point to myself so I'll stick to a couple of drinks and screaming with my friends.I call my bestfriend and two of my other friends so we can meet at a place we like to call 'CITY SQUARE' i wanna get drunk tonight,I'll be done with high school soon.

After I met my friends,we decided to go to the mall near by because there is a club there and they usually count down with fire crackers every year, I'm the youngest among my friends but when we dress well we all look like we are in our early 20s. For some reason i wasn't allowed to enter that night,so my friends said they wouldn't enter without me.We stayed outside without a plan until a tall,bald and well built man said hi to us,he asked why we were outside and after we explained to him what transpired he told us to walk with him,well he told me specifically to hold his hand.Without hesitation the door bouncers let us in and he smiled and told me he was the man,i couldn't help but laugh.He asked us to join him and his friends in the VIP lounge and well we did it's the least we could do so we thought to ourselves stupidly.

After 2 rounds of a 'pantie dropper' cocktail my clothes felt heavy on me so i excused myself and went to the bathroom, as i entered Jon the bald tall guy was right bebind me,i know how this ends I've seen it in so many movies so many times,he locks the door he grabs me, rapes me and kills me but usually in the movie the girl hits the guy in the balls and runs away and so I'm ready to make my move. He calls out my name as I'm about to enter the ladies bathroom" Vanessa! Vanessa!!I'll be standing outside just in case you need me,you don't look too good,i wanted to make sure you are okay".I was shocked,his a good guy after all.

I come out five minutes later and his standing right there where i left him,he holds my hand and takes me to our table.I refuse to drink anymore but he says i should feel a different kind of high,he asks me to drink from his glass,i refuse so he takes the first sip and tells me it's safe with a smirk on his face. I try to sip and he pushes the glass further i drink a mouth full and it's something i can't explain but i like it i take another mouth full gulp then i ask him what it was and he says it's liquid cocaine. Shit!!!!!!! I say to myself,I'm dead.

Minutes later my head is spinning,I'm horny as fuck and my friends are nowhere to be seen,i start panicking the only person i can recognise is Richard,oh shit how did he get here where are my friends?Where is Jon? is this a dream?