
Live a life! Hunting throughout the multiverse

A man from earth gets a chance to go to heaven Or fight monsters. Of course he picks the option to fight monsters.

MachinaOnTheMoon · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs


"Wow, I can't believe I really made a grenade!"

I was chilling in a motel room I rented out for a few days. Of course, I couldn't just be like a hobo and sleep outside; no, I'd get robbed. Messing around with the so-called 'grenade' I made, I turned on the TV and was greeted with a news channel covering a horrible bus accident near a hospital.

"Police have not determined the cause of the accident, but we do know there are multiple fatalities."

Ahhh, the plot is starting to move a bit now.

Although my memory is a bit hazy on the plot of the movie, I do remember that after the news of Michael's escape from his bus, his murder spree would start. And when does it all start? Of course, it's on Halloween night.

"According to sources, authorities have sent personnel from a local state hospital. At this time, we do not know why."

The TV continued to ramble on about Michael's escape and murder spree, prompting me to shut it off. Walking over to a table, I set down the 'grenade' and picked up my Heckler & Koch P30L, lifting it up as if I was aiming to shoot someone. It felt natural to do this, numerous ways to shoot and kill someone just seamlessly flowing through my mind. I should have been horrified at this. Like who in their right mind would have 27 different ways to shoot someone?

But I wasn't; it was just another random thought coming to me.

Putting down my gun, I grabbed my suit jacket. I don't know exactly when this happens, but two dumbass podcasters were going to meet their end if I don't do anything about it.

POV Change:

Random service station,

Who is Aaron Joseph-Korey?

He is a true-crime podcaster, working with his long-time friend Dana Haines on investigating the serial killer that terrorized Haddonfield for years, Michael Myers.

And what was Aaron doing right now?

Pumping gas at a service station.

He could only let out a defeated sigh as he filled up the gas tank for their car. Dana was too busy 'studying' her 'research' that they had found to fill up the tank instead of him, which made him a bit annoyed as he has had to fill up the car the past five times!

"Taking turns my ass..."

Dana was currently pondering headlines from newspaper clippings in her binder, all made from different articles talking about Michael Myers. Staring at her, Aaron shook his head as he finished up filling up the car. They had recently been on a short adventure, directly meeting Michael at the prison he was locked up in and visiting the cemetery of his deceased family members that he killed himself.

Aaron didn't want to be this hands-on with the investigation, but nooo. Dana told him that she needed the extra evidence; she basically forced him to come along with all of this. They had even lost one of their most important pieces of evidence they had, Michael's mask he wore back in 1963 when Aaron was forced to literally give Michael his mask by Dana. It was all just a big mess, and he wished to get back to his dingy little apartment and sleep. Snapping back to reality, Aaron saw a church van pull up at the pump opposite them. What confused Aaron, though, was that in the back seat, he saw an elderly woman staring at him out her window.

Of course, the old woman wasn't actually staring at him. No, she was actually looking behind Aaron, where she swore she had seen a man wearing bloodied clothes and a mask step out of a truck. The man started to walk towards the garage of the service station, everyone completely oblivious to his arrival.

"If we could get those initial police transcripts from the press conference and post-conviction proceedings, we might have a great prologue for our story."

"We have access to Brackett's personal journal on Michael as well as city records."

Conversing with Dana a bit on how to make their podcast more unique, she suddenly had to use the bathroom which Aaron didn't pay much mind to. As she walked away, Aaron got out a cigarette and lit it. He had a strange feeling, as if something was lurking around the area, but he chalked it up as some hobo's sneaking around the area. Puffing out some smoke, he was completely unaware of how wrong he was.

Dana POV:


"Back out around the side."

Without even saying thank you to the store cashier, Dana made her way outside to where the bathroom was. Before entering the bathroom, a cold wind brushed against her neck, as if a warning for something to come. She didn't pay any mind to it as she stepped inside.

She was greeted with a horrible stench and a dirty bathroom that made her cover her mouth in disgust. Taking a paper towel from the dispenser, she walked towards the least gross-looking stall of the three open for her. Placing the paper towel on the toilet bowl, she begrudgingly sat down.

As Dana sits on the toilet, she sees graffiti scrawled on the stalls:

"Amazing grace come sit on my face. Don't make me cry, I need your... smile"

'What does that even mean?'

Dana pulled out a pen, quickly changing the 'smile' to 'pie.' She let out a small chuckle before the sound of the bathroom door opening startled her, loud footsteps followed the door opening. The footsteps stopped at the first stall, as the sound of it being forcefully opened was heard. Seeing nothing inside, the footsteps moved to the second stall, with the same result happening. Dana could only hold her breath as the footsteps stopped right in front of her stall.

"Excuse me. Someone's in here."

Only a quiet whisper escaped her mouth.

Two muddy boots were right in front of her stall door. Dana looked in horror as the person behind the door reached over and dropped a handful of bloodied teeth onto the ground in front of her.

She looked up, seeing two hands grab the top of the stall door. The hands began using force to pull and push the door. The metal was creaking under the pressure of the hands. Dana quickly put on her pants and tried to slide underneath the stall walls into the stall next to her, only for none of that to happen as two hands quickly grabbed her and pulled her out under the stall walls. Dana held onto one of the stall dividers for dear life, she quickly kicked as hard as she could at whatever was holding her.

Lucky for her, the kick was able to free her and knock away whatever was grabbing her, allowing Dana to lock the stall door. The person, thing, whatever that grabbed her banged on the door, as if trying to break it down. The sound of the bathroom door opening was heard by Dana as she saw Aaron's white sneakers, with one of them untied.


Aaron POV:

He had to come inside the store to pay for the gas, only to be greeted with the sight of the cashier with his jaw broken, his teeth, and jumpsuit gone. And there was another cashier with his legs and arms all twisted in horrific ways that shouldn't be humanly possible.


He got no response in the store, cautiously moving around it. He suddenly started to put two and two together and realized that Dana was in the bathroom, and two people were dead. Someone was on a killing spree, and he was pretty sure Dana was next. Grabbing a nearby crowbar, Aaron rushed out the store and into where the girls' bathroom was.

He was right; someone was trying to get his friend. Just the last person he wanted to ever meet in his life again.

"Oh bollocks..."

Aaron could only describe what he was looking with one word.


Michael fucking Myers was standing right in front of him, trying to get his friend.

Gripping the crowbar with sweaty palms, Aaron mustered all his courage and charged at Michael, swinging the weapon with all his might. The first blow landed on Michael's shoulder, followed by two more strikes aimed at his head.


But to Aaron's horror, it seemed like his frenzied assault had no effect on the monster in front of him. Michael, unfazed, retaliated with lightning speed, clamping his massive hand around Aaron's neck and lifting him off the ground. The crushing grip tightened, suffocating him, while his struggles proved futile against Michael's inhuman strength.


Dana was able to grab the crowbar from under the stall and stab Michael's foot, lessening the grip he had on Aaron's neck and letting him escape.

"What have we done..."

Aaron could barely get out a whisper as he clutched his neck in pain. But before he could rest any longer, Michael in one swift motion, grabbed Aaron by his neck and he swung Aaron into the wall, shattering the mirror and leaving a trail of crimson on the broken glass. The shards littered the floor, resembling a morbid mosaic. Micheal quickly slammed Aaron into the stall door Dana was hiding behind.


Dana could only let out a scream as the stall door broke down, knocking the crowbar out of her hand. She could only stare in terror as a bloodied Michael threw away Aaron like a wet rag. Aaron crashed into the garbage can as he puked out blood, his eyes barely opened as he tries to reach out for Dana.

Michael yanked Dana by her neck, slowly lifting her up and choking her with a single arm. She tried to get out but Michael was just a whole other monster that she couldn't escape.

"Someone... please...help....us..."

She could barely get out any words as Michael slowly squeezed the life out of her. Her vision blurred as she struggled for air, the world spinning in a dizzying haze. With each gasping breath, she closed her eyes as she accepted her fate, but she was suddenly dropped from Michael's grasp. Dropping to the floor, she looked to see blood dripping down from Michael's arm. Both she and Aaron were confused, with them both staring at where the gunshot came from.

A teenage boy, his face filled with determination and a killer intent, stood before them. His hands were steady as he pointed a smoking gun at Michael, the scent of gunpowder mixing with the metallic tang of blood.

"Guess I was a bit late, huh?"

A teenage boy was their savior.