
Chapter 5

As they all walked up to the house, Colton was in and gone faster than Ari could climb the porch steps. Miles was encouraging Jonah to be happier while pulling him to the door.

Sid stayed behind Ari, guiding her through the door behind the others so she couldn't make some excuse to wait outside. Smart, because she was going to try. Sid put his hands on her shoulders and directed her further into the house. He lead her into the living room, and leaned down to whisper from behind her.

"Beer is in the kitchen. I'll find you in a minute."

He rubbed her shoulders once before he walked over to a group of guys in the other room. Ari took off for the kitchen. When she walked in, to her relief she found Jonah leaned over in the fridge.

"Hey Jonah?" Ari called to him.

"Yes, Ari?" He looked up and smiled at her.

"Thank you."

He reached out his hand with a beer in it. She walked over and took it. His other hand was holding the necks of a few more unopened bottles. He made his way towards the patio door, wrapping his now free giant arm around her and pulled her in to a hug as they walked out to sit on the back deck.

"Don't thank me yet. You were probably better off with my dad... " He looked down at her with a half smile. He seemed upset by his own words.

"Anything is better than a stripper." Ari commented. To her, anything really was.

Jonah laughed as they sat down.

"You would have had to do a lot more than just dance on a stage, babe."

Ari shoot him a look of shock. She didn't realize the severity of what could have happened if Jonah hadn't walked her out of his dads office. She sighed and leaned her head on Jonah as they stared out at the empty pool, appreciating the company and fresh air even more.

Jonah could tell he had upset her, but he wasn't sure he could win back the conversation.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to.. Uh.. Well, fuck. Just don't go running off if shit gets crazy, okay? You'll be alright once we thicken this skin of yours."

Jonah wiggled his arm that was still around her and she smirked at him as he let go of her to put the other beers down.

"I get it... I'd rather be kickin guys in the dick, than have to suck 'em, Jonah.." She tried not to smile as Jonah was laughing.

Sid came out, and Jonah tossed a beer at him. When he caught it, he opened it and sat down on the other side of Ari. He saw her beer wasn't open yet, so he switched them, giving her the already open one and opened that one too.

Ari glanced at Jonah quickly, seeing him grinning to his brothers action. She wondered if the month she spent in contact with Sid and getting to know one another was the reason for all the help today. Over that time, even Ari found herself looking forward to his messages a little. He always seemed more concerned about checking in with her well being than the money.

They all drank their beers in silence, listening to the music and laughter inside. Jonah was opening the next round when Miles came out with a plastic cup, and sat down on the deck with his legs stretched out.

"Why is it so quiet out here? Bunch of weirdos." Miles foot kicked the nearest persons foot, which was Sid.

"Jonah never shuts up, take advantage of the silence." Sid remarked. Jonah snorted on his beer.

"Fuck off Sid, maybe if you actually conversed more, I wouldn't have to talk all the time." Jonah replied.

Miles chuckled and looked over at Ari.

"You are super quiet over there too, girlie."

Ari looked back at Miles and wiggled her beer between her fingers as if to say she was a quiet drinker, but Miles shook his head.

"No, that's not it..." he sat on his knees and moved closer to her. She frowned at him.

"She's not much of a talker, Miles. The girl was raised by her dad and uncle in a shop that was always too loud to carry on actual conversations. What's she got to say?" Sid shot back at Miles before he could start drunkinly guessing things about her.

Ari just drank her beer. She didn't really enjoy hearing that coming from someone she barely knew, but he wasn't wrong. She really didn't say more than she ever needed too, and she didn't like to stick her nose in places it shouldn't be. 'Just keep your head down, and do your job' her uncle always said when her dad was high, or drunk, or angry, or on another stupid rampage again.

Miles patted her knee, than used it to stand up.

"Take me inside, giant! I can't remember where the door is, and I need a new drink." Miles held his empty cup over his head.

"I think you've had enough, hunny." Jonah laughed and stood up to help Miles back inside, leaving Sid and Ari alone again.

"Don't drink too much tonight, we've got to be up early for a job tomorrow." Sid stood up and motioned for her to do the same. She did, and walked back inside ahead of him. They were back in the kitchen and she didn't know where to go, so she waited for him to lead the way.

He lead her past a large living room with couches and a big TV on the wall, into an attached room that was just as big. It had a bar on the far side of it for standing, and more couches and chairs spread out around the room. It was all smokey and smelled like cigarettes and pot when Ari walked in. She also realized that she was the only girl in the room with next to a dozen guys. She sighed to herself as they all stopped conversing to look over. Some nodded, others decided to just go back their conversation like nothing happened.

One guy did start to come over to her, and Sid walked away to talk to one of the guys standing by the bar.

"Hi Ari. I'm Blake."

Blake reached out to shake her hand, she shook it normally, and gave him a half smile.

"Wow. Quite the shake, shorty.." he grinned and walked her over to an empty couch to sit down.

"Happy Birthday, by the way." She said, following.

Blake was huge. Clearly he worked out a lot, like Jonah. His hair was short, dark and slicked back. He looked like he started today off in a suit, but only had the pants and and an untucked dress shirt left on.

"Thank you." He said as they sat. "So, is Jonah behaving?"

"What's your definition of behaving?" she joked.

"Have you seen his penis?" He said back quickly.

Ari had made the mistake of taking a sip of her drink at that point and nearly chocked on it.

"Have you?" She asked before answering making Blake laugh.

"Whether you want too or not, you will eventually. For now just consider yourself lucky." He replied.

"Is it that small, or...?" She snorted.

"Oh my god, don't say that too loud or he'll pull it out for everyone, just to prove it isn't." Blake tried to whisper.

"Sorry, I'm still learning." She replied.

They laughed together before being joined another guy. He sat across from them on the coffee table with two unopened beers, handing one to Ari. She looked down at hers. It was basically empty and only her second, so she took the new one.

"Thanks." she said opening it herself.

He nodded and opened his too. This new guy was Hispanic, almost 6' and covered in tattoos. His dark hair in a low pony tail, and his hands and arms were rough, still a little stained with oil, maybe. She figured he was a mechanic.

"Ari, this is Dom." Blake introduced them.

"Mechanic?" She asked.

He nodded again before finally speaking. His voice was very deep.

"Welder?" He asked, looking at her arms. She had a few small circular scars mixed in with other light scaring up her arms, nothing huge, but he was clearly looking for it. She nodded.

"I figured. What else?" He chugged his beer til it was empty.

"Little bit of everything, I guess. I used to work in a restoration shop. Not much we didn't help each other do." Ari shrugged.

He nodded. "I got a big job coming at the end of the month, if you're interested in some extra cash. You gunna be alright working with cars?"

"Sure. Thanks. Just call Sid to get ahold of me, I guess." She replied, and Dom raised his eyebrow.

"No phone." She responded to his questioning eyebrow, and shrugged again.

He nodded, reached out and shook her hand and he walked away.

Ari looked back at Blake.

"Nice guy." She said, and she meant it.

Blake laughed and shook his head, going back to his drink to find it empty. He wiggled the empty cup and frowned.

"You good?"

He asked her if she needed a refill.

"I'm good."

He got up to get himself a new drink. After he left Sid came over with Jonah and sat down on the couch with her. Sid sat on the arm, and Jonah pretty much took up what was left of the small couch.

"Where's Miles?"

Sid asked as he looked around the room for him. Ari remembered that he was already pretty drunk when Jonah had him last, so she assumed he was passed out.

"Sleeping it off upstairs. Louis will pick him up on his way home from work in the morning." Jonah said. "Did you call Seth and Jamal?"

"Yeah. They'll be here soon." Sid replied.

"Ari, you ready to get out of here?" Jonah asked.

She nodded and they all stood up, making sure to say goodbye to everyone they needed too before going out front. Apparently Colton was going to be just fine here on his own, since she hasn't seen or heard of him since she got here.

When they got outside, a black Mercedes was parked out front. Jonah walked over to it and switched with the guy in the passenger seat. Sid tossed the guy Jonah switched seats with the keys to his car, and Sid went for the passenger side of his own car. Ari followed to get into the back seat of Sids car. The last thing she remembered was smiling to herself about how a bunch of mobster type dudes made sure not to drink and drive. She fell asleep shortly after that.