
Little World of Make Belief

Written by Rowben. A woman wakes up within the body of a doll, no memory brought with them as they walk out to the sight of a dystopian world. This world is a ghost town, with few that could be described as people, though it’s hard to spot a monster in disguise. Our protagonist, Morell must overcome their self doubt, and revolutionize this world to it’s past glory, forming allies, though unaware on who she can trust. As she ventures through this cruel reality, Morell must discover her new abilities, and regain the knowledge of her past life, as well as the many more secrets of the world to unveil.

Rowbenverse · Horror
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10 Chs

“The really repetitive walking chapter”

A life gives off many feelings. They give off warmth, a presence sensed. When a life is lost, these feelings go away.

Within a subway, just arriving at it's stop, rested one without these feelings. They were cold, as it felt as if they weren't even there, but regardless, a life still remained.

Upsat the being, a confused expression on their face, as they look towards their surroundings. It's dark, the lights broken as all that can be heard is the feint dripping of distant water.

They stood theirself up, but something was off to them, they couldn't feel their palms pressed against the floor to push themselves up, they couldn't feel the warmth, nor coldness of their own body, they felt nothing.

They looked down at their hands, their eyes widening at the sight. They stared to their skin of plastic, their visible joints, they were but a doll. They examined theirself further, clothed in a frilly, maroon dress, a nametag clipped to the skirt.

They hold the nametag up, having a gentle, almost weak grasp on it, as they read it aloud.

"I am Morell.."

They reacted suddenly, holding their hand over their mouth, as their own voice was not one the recognized.

"This is.. a dream. It must be."

They said, shaking their head as they ran forth, having some difficulty in their dress, going step by step up the staircase out of the station, arising to an unknown area.

They looked around, building standing tall, but all was dark. The sky was pitch black, only a feint moon appearing behind the clouds, it was like a ghost town.

They walked forth, roaming the streets, as did many civilians, though they all walked in orderly lines, dressed in similar formal wear. Confused of this all, they approached a man, tall and slim, tapping on his shoulder. The man turning to her, as his face was one without features.

Morell (I'm sick of calling them "they" 👺) took a step back, their eyes widening, as all the civilians stopped in their tracks, facing Morell, all faceless as they slowly approached.

Morell felt a sense of fear, an instinct within them kicking in as they pushed the man out of the way, running forth throughout the streets, the civilians all following, as no matter how fast they ran, the civilians copied the same pace.

All Morell could do was run, and run, as all that could be seen were more, and more road. Despite this, whether it be adrenaline, or the lack of feeling, Morell couldn't feel a single bit of fatigue. The body of a doll, might it be a curse or blessing?

The longer Morell ran, the more they wondered if this would ever end, or why they should even care. They are practically a newborn, with no memories, with no one, they had nothing to lose.


Morell shouted, suddenly turned to the crowd, stopping in her track as she held her hands out wide, walking towards the crowd, as they all slowed down, confused by Morell's actions.

Morell stared straight, her hands lowering as she walked right up to them all, the crowd standing like lines of soldiers, all watching Morell. Their sudden cease to chasing Morell left them confused, why would they listen to her?

Morell watched them closely, making sure they didn't pull anything, as she slowly walked circled around them, the crowd staying faced the same way, as once Morell made it to the other side, they ran off, though this time, they weren't being followed.

After a few minutes of running, Morell slowed down, assumingly safe now, as she walked forth, looking around constantly.

"Why had they listened to me? This dream is truly strange.. I hope it's a dream."

Morell mutters to themself, not knowing what to do next, as in every direction there were only more roads, and bland buildings, as if this were a simulation.

Morell was losing hope in this all, losing track of time. They were waiting for something, anything to happen, as they got exactly as they wished for, but this granting wasn't quite pleasing.

Morell felt a second presence near, her eyes widening as she turned around quickly. She was met with another faceless civilian, swinging a knife towards them, as Morell leaned back, just avoiding the attack, as the blade striked a few hairs off her head.

The civilian's one swing became a barrage of them, as Morell tried their best to avoid each one, few slices grazing their skin, and cutting her clothing, before she took a mistep, stumbling back as they fell into a source of water.

Morell was in rather shock, sitting up as they happened to fall into a fountain, a fountain they never remember being there. The civilian was gone, and the area seemed completely different, though keeping it's dark atmosphere.

Morell rested their face in their hands, at this point no longer surprised, but annoyed at all the confusions in this world, as everything was so unexplained, not a memory in their head to assist.

They began questioning their own assumptions, perhaps this wasn't a dream, we're they dead? They needed an explenation.

Morell, stood up, grasping their skirt to wring out the water, before hearing a sudden laughter from above. Morell looked up, as upon the top of the fountain, sat a young girl…

The doll is very hot

Rowbenversecreators' thoughts