
Little villains father from Mahayanas Rebirth story in Western Fantasy

I actually got past the little villain father. It is a story whose hero is a Mahayana who failed during the ordeal of immortality and his soul was brought to western fantasy by a divine artifact. The stupid son harasses the hero and the cheap girl sacrifices the family for the hero. What should I do??? . . This novel was a harem genre work that had recently become famous on the Internet. I was criticizing the duality of the hero's personality when suddenly the phone's battery, which was connected to the power bank while charging, and the power bank itself was also connected to electricity, exploded and I I hung up the phone and joined the legions of time travelers. So far, everything is standard teleportation, but the problem is that the person I passed is the father of the little villain. Meanwhile, no matter how much I yell at the system, there is no response, of course. This is not the only problem, I think the biggest problem is my new half demon body. Devils in this world are enemies of humans and humans are enemies of demons, and naturally, as a half-devil, I am the enemy of both sides (-___-) . . I'm trying my best to join the hero group to save my little life but why is the story changed, the other heroes who must be mentally retarded cough, why don't the heroes fall in love with the hero and also what are these? The looks they give me . . The cover photo is not for me. English is not my mother tongue, so I apologize if there is any grammar problem

Parham_Aa · Fantasy
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6 Chs

the thief?

The continent of Austria, west of the capital of the Kingdom of Auralia, a middle-aged man with a pencil nose and a full body cloak with a hat that shadows the face up to the nose is walking slowly through the alleys one after the other. In the western part of the capital we can see such suspicious people in large numbers.


MC: Well, this is a slum. I thought that if I could have come earlier, I would have been able to prevent it from happening, but this place is very big and I have no clue except when and where the incident happened. If I want to report, it will only cause Those people can change the location. As a reader of the novel, I don't even know how much their influence is.

Anyway, this is the last restaurant where I will sit today to listen to these people. Oh, how can I listen to them without studying magic? Well, first of all, I have mastered some low-level magic these few days, in fact, most magic. They happen by reading spells and body language. So this does not mean that my talent is good, it means the depth of my lack of talent, think about it. I inherited eight out of ten, one of them is only reading words, only the understanding of doing things together is left, but I only learned a few common magic that most wizards can do without spells. Anyway, fortunately, Salaf has an artifact that can perform a mid-level offensive spell without words, so it is not difficult to deal with this issue. Oh, I hear it's because of my powerful half-devil physique, even though the body is not refined, it's still very powerful


In a place that seems to be used for food and drinks, a man in a cape is constantly ordering water. Hmmm, it is impossible for anyone to suspect that this method can really only be the work of a super genius.

A big man with one eye: Tonight we will go to that beggar woman

A thin man with a stubble and eyes like a toad: How can the boss be so blind, it's his pride that he can be sold as a slave by you.

Others at the table: That's right, if he doesn't accept, he should do it. Who said to pledge himself for medicine for his bastard?

Big Man: Humph didn't even look at what he had signed to know that he could save his little girl. He signed the half-empty paper in blood.

There was laughter

MC: There seems to be no clue here either. Hmmm, it is not possible for this chair to eat such food and drinks

The waiter addressed an old man at the counter: The boss of that man only ordered a few glasses of water and left

The old man at the counter: Humph, uhm, cough. A full table's money bill

MC: But I didn't order anything

Old man: Heh. As if you didn't hear me right, I didn't ask you

MC: (Actually, I also have a chance to slap in the face) Ah. MC with a deep voice. what did you say

Before the MC finished his speech, there was a pop and pop

Old man crying: Master, the evil grandfather has no eyes, please spare me. I have a wife, ten children, and sick parents

MC was confused. In fact, when MC was ready to be aggressive, due to lack of control over the unwanted power, the pressure of the fourth rank spread in the restaurant and no one could breathe.

A little later, the sound of various kneelings was heard and some fainted due to suffocation

MC: Looking around, he didn't notice, but he quickly left the place to avoid attracting more attention


In front of a building in a narrow alley, a man in a cloak was approaching quickly when he was suddenly held by a hand.

MC turned around and saw a young man with a black shirt and pants that look a little bigger than his figure, along with a black glove. And imperceptibly, of course, he moved his hand to a stick in the left pocket of his cloak.

A man in a loose and black shirt: Ah. You live on the third floor of unit five of this building.

MC: How do you know what you want?

A man with a loose and black shirt: Ah. cough Do not misunderstand, I just went to your blood today

MC: What?

Black shirt man: Cough. I mean, they have been watching me for a few days. Well, you look like a rich kid and all that. Cough . That means I am a thief.

MC: -....-

Black shirt man or thief: cough. Well, I went to your house and I really felt sorry for you, brother, what kind of life is this, you are a handsome young man, how come there is no chair, no gold, no bed, nothing. I was hungry, I said to go to the kitchen at least to eat something, I went, it was only rat poison, brother, I am very sad, think about it. Can't be like this

MC: (°---°) (It seems that I have been very miserable for the past few days, I don't eat any food here, I only ate dry bread and water. For example, I became a millionaire, why does it seem worse than my previous life)

Thief: It means that in short, I was very upset, my heart hurt, take this box, there are potatoes in it, because each of them has ten copper plates, bro. This is milk and yogurt. Cough. Take these fifteen copper coins

MC: ----

Thief: Well, cough. In fact, I took these from the neighbor facing you. There was an old woman in it who seemed to be dead. Keep an eye on these neighbors, they must be rich, well, I swear you will have your own house within a year.

MC :( I'm getting angry.) The pressure spread a little again, but this time MC took a deep breath immediately

The thief's eyes widened

MC blocked the door and said to himself: (Ummm, it won't happen like this if I do this in front of nobles higher than me, especially that person, I probably won't even have ashes left, I have to do some relaxing exercises from my previous life) Be quiet if you want to survive

Thief: Arshad, please spare my life, I swear that I have not stolen from a poor person, even if I have stolen more than enough food from a rich person.

If I am full, I will share it with the poor. Please spare my life

MC: (Ummmmmmm. Is this the Robin Hood of this world. Oh wait) You know a woman named Irene who has a sick little girl.

Thief: Arshad, what do you want from her?

MC: Does it matter?

Thief: Arshad, if you want to do something bad, I can't say. Once, when I was younger, my father had just died, and he helped my mother find a job. She is very kind and has helped many people despite having no money

MC: Oh, well, I heard that some people want to kidnap him

Thief: What? that corset is ### and ###

MC: Shut up, tell me where it is

Thief: Arshad, please help him. I will do the work of a horse and cow for Arshad


In a neighborhood in the west of the capital of Euralia

A little girl with half her face covered is crying and screaming loudly. She looks like nine years old. If you look closely, there seems to be sparks of energy in the pair of small eyes.

One-eyed man with a big body: As you can see, the contract is over, since you have no money, you will be taken away

Irene: I never signed such a contract, how can I sell myself for three silver coins, and I already have two coins.

One-eyed man or corset: According to the full or nothing contract, this contract is blood and cannot be signed without consent, since it is your blood, so it is true that the more you resist, the harder it will be for you.

Irane: Who doesn't know that you are my enemy because I saved many people from you

People around you, let it go

Crest: Shut up. It's a perfectly legal contract. Do you want to break the law? If you really want to help, she fined twenty silver coins for being late.

Collect, it's not a lot of money

The people around suddenly became silent.

Irene looked around expectantly, but the light in her eyes gradually disappeared

Little girl: My mother helped you so much. Aunt Helen, my mother did your work several times because of your illness. Helen's eyes turned to the other side. You, old Jason, my mother, didn't she beg the city guards to save your grandson from this corset. You know if you Mrs. Lawrence's workshop was not working, what were they doing with it and you

Corset hit one under the girl's ear and said: "Shut up, I'll be alive."

Krest: Since the work is done, let's go to the authorities to complete the contract

Suddenly, a deep, masculine voice with a hint of innate confidence was heard: Wait

Corset: What?

Suddenly, twenty silver coins were thrown forward

The little girl's eyes stared curiously into the center of the voice

The person with the beautiful and settled voice is naturally the MC who slowly approached Corset

One of Crest's followers in a deep voice: Do you know what you are doing, do you know who the master wants to send this slave to, do you know the power of a rank 3 mercenary?

MC who is ready to slap. Suddenly, a pop sound was heard, everyone's eyes widened and turned towards the center of the sound, and suddenly everyone's eyes widened when they saw the big one-eyed man.

Crest: The evil master has no eyes and didn't know that the master gave fantasy to this woman and not to this lady. Please forgive the villain, the elders don't need to pay, just please treat the villain like a fart.

MC: Oh. So go.

Irene: (Who is this person, so handsome, cough. I mean, if I saw such a face, I wouldn't forget why he saved me, that is, because of...) Irene's whole face turned red and she lowered her head.

The little girl is staring at MC curiously, her eyes are full of tears and she is whispering something under her breath.

MC: You, woman, come here

Irene approaches the MC with her head down and does not dare to look into the MC's eyes and says with a voice like a mosquito: Yes, young master.

MC: Well, you know the freedom of this thief, I gave him some money that somewhere... MC's attention is drawn to the little girl's eyes and he quickly goes towards her.

Irene: What?

Little girl: (What happened, why is she coming towards me, why is she taking off my mask, don't be ugly) No

MC: Umm (two-colored eyes in this world, when someone's eyes have a special magical frequency, it is possible to have a special body) it seems that you have magic, this is a letter of introduction from me, go and participate in the academy exam

Little girl: My magic, not my young master... MC suddenly got up and left


Corset's Little Follower: Big Brother, why are you like this all of a sudden?

you did

Kirst: You fool, you forgot that this is the same person from the canteen. When he knocks people unconscious by releasing the pressure, he must be higher than rank two. If such a person kills us, no one will follow him.

Everyone's eyes showed fear



On top of a tall building

MC: Tomorrow is the day of the accident




[An: Well, we don't have informative content in this part. Please introduce the story to your friends]






[An: Humph, as I said before, even if there is no story, there will be informative content.

This time, I want to warn you about crossing the street, please cross the special crossing. By not crossing the marked section, only you will not get hurt.