
Little Song Bird Is Pregnant [BL]

Heavenly rain, once upon hundred years the human realm was gifted with a great shower of spiritual energy. All heavenly creatures and cultivators drench in it to increase their cultivation. Qu Wren, a hundred-year-old Oyster, was finally allowed to the surface with the other young oysters. With his shell wide open, he was waiting for the heavenly water to drip in. “Eh, why is it so coppery.... is my drop of heavenly rain so special?!” Qu wren happily swam back in. Two months later, holding his bloated stomach, he rushed to a healer clam. “You are pregnant with a little pearl,” the clam shouted in glee. “B—but... I was only drenched in heavenly rain,” Qu wren stuttered. “Oh, the heavens have blessed us. This is a holy blessing of one of the heavenly beasts. Such an auspicious event,” the clam happily jumped around spreading news of his pregnancy. “Then who is the father of my pearl?” And so the little oyster left his ocean in search for his baby daddy. P.s I dont own the cover art

Lullabybao · LGBT+
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200 Chs

Chapter 76 - Home

Qu Wren swam over to the shores. It was slightly far from the previous town they were staying in, facing the Mer Island's backside, closer to the small ledge that he picked up Feng Mian.

Climbing out of the water, he wrung his clothes and bit. "Where are we going to stay?"

Feng Mian glanced around. His place was in the interior of the forest. If they walked by foot it would take at least a few days. 'It's okay to travel now....'

He shook the water off his wings and pointed to the small passageway that led to the interior of the forest and chirped.

But Wren was looking at something with sparkling eyes.

"We can set up a house here...."

'Here?' Feng Mian glanced around. The place was a secluded area off the side of the spiritual stone hoard. It formed a huge crescent shape with access to the sea on one side and a small path leading to the interior of the forest.

It was secluded and alone... apt for their honeymoon.

"Chirp!" he happily hopped about.

"You seem to like that idea. Then let's get this set up. I have special something just for that..."' he excitedly pulled over his bag and took out a small red ball-shaped crystal.

"This was my dad's. Every time they go on an expedition to the surface they used it as home....." he placed it near the rocky bay and backed away a bit. "Wait and watch,"

Right before their eyes, the small crystal grew in size..... it reached a towering height of ten feet before it stooped.

"Let's go in!" Wren gently picked up Feng and walked in.

The interior of the place was neat, with a single bed and a small partition for the washing area. There was also some cooking equipment in the corner of the room collecting dust.

"It's a little dusty but we can work with it..." Wren happily pulled the sheets off the bed and fluffed it up. "Mum said that this house also has a camouflaging technique. To human eyes, it looks like a broken-down house...."

Feng worriedly frowned at that. it can be hidden from humans' eyes but they can't escape a cultivator's keen sight.

This was just a low-grade artefact, but this alone can attract the attention of some greedy cultivators.

"Chirp...." he hesitatingly spoke, hopping close.

"What's wrong? You don't like it?"

He shook his head and hopped out. On the sandy ground, he wrote. "It's not safe."

Wren squatted down with a small pout. "Oh... maybe... maybe.. Wait a minute," he ran into the house and brought back a black coral rock. "This one can create a shield around us. It will protect us right?"

Feng Mian keenly looked at it. the spiritual energy inside was vast. it was also engraved with an invisibility enchantment engraved.

'This will work,' he excitedly nodded.

"Great!" Wren placed in the side of the house. All of a sudden it disappeared. "It's awesome!...." he picked Feng Mian and gently kissed his ruffled feathers. "It's our home.. Temporarily of course. After a while, we can go and explore the world. The road, the forest, the cities will all become our home them because you will always be with me."

"Chirp~" Feng Mian lovingly nuzzled against under his chin. A small regret filled his heart. If he had control over his spiritual energy, he would have been able to kiss him as he wished, but now... all he could do is wait. Wait until the small vortex in his core was filled before they could even do anything.

He glanced up. Wren's pink hair dangled behind him, soaking wet and shimmering in the sunlight. Day by day the pink was becoming more vibrant and spectacular to look at it.

"What is it?" he whispered, smiling softly.

'This man is my mate.... my home... agh I love it!'

Things were all peaceful here, but in a village a little further away behind the burning embers of the volcano, Hachin sat in a restaurant calmly sipping tea biting his lips tightly.

"More?" hesitantly Hua Ro held out a steamed bun.

Hachin glared at him. "So you are telling me.. That I'm pregnant?... let me hear this clearly. This right here," he pointed to his floppy stomach. "Has a baby? It is growing in there?"

"Yes. Please don't call our child a it." the roc gently massaged his stomach as if trying to soothe the child.

Hachin swatted his hands away.

"You read the letter, it was sent by your clan elders," Hua Ro whispered carefully bringing in a spoon full of soup. "Try this. It's good,"

Glaring at him, Hachin took a sip. Instantly his frown disappeared. "it's tasty."


"Don't divert the topic. Why did I get pregnant in the first place? I have never met you, never even got.... physical with you...." blushing Hachin peered at him.

The roc guiltily glanced at the round. "It was my fault.. I was selfish."

"Why not? I still don't hear an explanation,"

Taking a deep breath, Hua met his eyes. "On the day of the heavenly rain, I got into a territorial fight with that annoying phoenix... I got hurt... I was dying."


"I wanted my bloodline to continue. That day I saw you swimming up the surface, looking at me with fear in your eyes. At that very moment I knew that you were my mate...so..

"So?" this time Hachin glared at him intensely. "You impregnated me.. that was a bad move! You knew I was your mate yet you did not approach me or talk to me. Directly skipped to the pregnant stage, and you held me hostage! That is not how it works!"

Hua nodded softly, handing a soupy dumpling in his chopstick.

Hachin bit into it and chewed loudly. "Can't believe this man. The audacity!"


"Sorry doesn't cut it!"

"Then... what should I do to get in your good graces?"

Hachin looked into his deep, dark eyes. They seem determined and very loyal. That was one part about this man he liked. He was also very kind in a weird caveman style.

"No holding me hostage, no restricting my movement."

"It's risky..."

"You can come along and act as my bodyguard then,"

Hua Ro's eyes lit up. "Really?"

"Yes really, you made the mess take responsibility. AND when are we having our marriage. I'm definitely not having this child out of wedlock. It's not my style,"

"Today!" he enthusiastically held his hands. "Today will be wonderful!"

"n-no... a few days later...."

"I'll arrange it,"

"We have to invite Wren's family and all my friends from underwater. Maybe we can have our wedding underwater. It will make it a lot easier for the younger ones to attend." Hachin gestured for him to feed the soup.

Hua Ro was more than happy to comply.

"As you wish," 

"This is so good, get me another bowl. Don't mistake me for a hog. I naturally don't eat like this. It's your child... Your child is eating it all up." he whispered blushing slightly.

Smiling softly, Hua Ro nodded and walked over to the cashier.

The whole restaurant was filled to the brim and the servers seem to b running about. To make it faster, Hua Ro directly went to the kitchen window to give their order.

Hachin happily hummed eating the dumpling. On hindsight, he noticed the top floor of the restaurant that was covered with a translucent screen. A few people were sitting there.

One person, in particular, caught his eyes. It was a man with jet black hair with a bright streak of pink up front.

'Didn't know pink was a normal hair colour here...' he thought to himself biting into his chopstick.

Suddenly Hua Ro came running. "we have to go,"

"What about my new bowl."

"I'll buy you more. Please let's go," he seemed very panicked and almost spooked by something.

"Hua, what's wrong?"

Without a word, Hua Ro led him out of the restaurant into the busy street. He kept glancing back as if he was being followed.

"Are we in danger?"

"No,.... Hachin I don't think we can have your wedding under3atter."

"Why?" Hachin froze. "I like my home town. It's pretty with glowing crystals,"

"Because they are going to attack it!" Hua Ro panted softly holding him close. "They are going to attack that place. We need to get out of here as soon as possible. Maybe the nearby kingdom will do,"

"Who!" Hachin refused to move any further. "Who is going to attack my home?"

"Those men up there in that restaurant. They are very powerful cultivators and they were talking about the Mer islands and how they were going to attack it,"

Hua Ro pranced before him anxiously. "Please let's go,"

"That man with the pink hair? Wait, I don't get it. How is he powerful than you. is pink hair traits of being powerful? Is Wren powerful?"

 "Your friend might be born with it, but that fellow. That hair is a leftover trace of his past sin."