
Chapter 68 - Matilda and Jia

Han Su slowly rowed their boat to the shore. Just as they were about to reach it, he jumped out and started to drag it.

Wen and Moroko also got down to help tie down the boat. While the Mer stayed in there slumped low vigilantly.

Han Su looked at her worriedly. "Umm it's best I go and bring your mate here. Is there any objects you can give her so that she recognises you and might as well add a memorable event as welll?..."

"here..." Jia removed a small scale right behind her neck and held it to him. "Tell her the Mer cave rock is always prickly to my tail. I want a new bedrock."

"yes... I will make sure to convey that," Han Su glanced at his son, who stayed close to Wren. "I will be back soon. Take care of them. If you spot any humans, just distract them or make sure that you sail them away. Got it?"

"yes dad!" Moroko proudly puffed his chest out. 

Wren gently patted his shoulders. "Get back safe."

"Sure, mister Wren..." he ran back to the town while the three were left behind.

Jia hesitantly glanced out from inside the boat.

"You can come out, you know. It's not that bad," Wren glanced at her with a small smile.

"No, I much prefer being in here," she slumped down low, hiding her figure.

Wren sighed and sat leaning gain the boat. Moroko also joined him while scribbling something in the sand with his wet fingers.

"So what do you plan to do next, mister Wren?" he glanced up at him expectantly.

Wren froze. He actually did not have any other work above shore. Hachin was happy to be with his new found lover and didn't need his rescuing. He was not pregnant and did not need to search for that phoenix.

He lost his purpose in staying ashore.

"I—I don't know. I don't know what I want to do now."

"You can return home." Jia popped her head out slightly. "They are searching for you frantically,"

Wren grimaced. He left his family with just a note. They would have definitely panicked, especially his second brother Diago. "Let me guess Diago or Ren?"

"Yes, I only got the chance to meet Ren, who searched near the surface. It's better to go back home," she gently touched his head.

Feng Mian, who started silent inside the shirt, suddenly popped out and bit her fingers.

"Ow.." she took her hands away with a small pout. "Easy, I already have a mate,"

Wren glanced at the bird, who had his naked wings stretched out. "Why did you say that? why did you say you have a mate…."

"I wanted to make it very clear to him. These are obviously mating behaviour," Jia mumbled and slumped back into the boat

Qu Wren was shocked as he glanced at the bird, who looked shyly at him. "Is it for really?"

His mind went on overdrive thinking about multitudes of reasons why the great phoenix even chose him. 'I have a bad character. I cry a lot and I am not even that strong....'

"So why?" he mumbled, gently caressing his head

Feng Mian just nuzzled against his palm, chipping a bit. 'It's because it's you dummy.....'

Jia once again glanced down at them. "Silly oyster. Beasts find their mate by touching smell and other pheromones. He is most likely attracted to you without even his awareness,"

After saying so, she winked at the little bird.

Feng Mian gave her an excited chirp. 'Well done Mer. I will definitely gift you a water territory,'

Moroko instantly sat up and glanced at the little birdie. "So he is mister Wren's mate? It's not the red-haired guy, but this bird? He is just a bird.....Then do I have a chance to be with you, mister Wren?" he hopefully glanced at him.

Feng Mian just squeaked loudly, flapping his wings. 'how dare you covet my man!! You have a death wish or what!!! Grrrrr'

Wren laughingly kissed his head. "Someone is a little jealous,"

Moroko still looked at him hopefully.

Watching this, Jia sighed loudly. She gently tapped his small coconut shaped head. "We mate for life. It's not possible to have a side piece as you wish. Only when the first mate dies will you get a chance to get a new one,"

Moroko's face fell. He sadly leaned on the boat, hugging his knees. "I thought I had a chance,"

Wren gently caressed his small head. "Don't worry, one day you will find the one you will spend your lifetime with,"

"hmmm..." Moroko swiftly wipe the tears that were about to spill over. "But mister Wren, I really do owe you a life, so when I grow up I am definitely going to you and will work as your assistant,"

"I don't need an assistant thought... but thank for the offer,"

As they were sitting around, a small rustling sound came from behind them.

Jia dove in the boat swiftly.

Wren and Moroko stood up violently, holding an ore in each hand.

The dense bushes parted and a shy looking woman walked out. "oh it's just you... that human said my mate was here.." a certain white haired Mer mumbled with a disgusted look at Wren's way.

"Metilda!! Oh my god!!" Jia jumped out of the boat and ran to her.

"j—Jia!! Jia!!!" they both hugged tightly and twirled around.

The white haired Mer lifted Jia high and gently kissed her lips. "Oh baby, I thought you had been killed."

"No no that roc just held me hostage for a while after which he released us unharmed," Jia whispered, gently caressing her face. It was as if she wanted to remember the contours of her face.

"That fucking roc! I told you we should have killed him!! You were too soft hearted," Metilda swore with a deep frown on her face. "Oh, I'm so sorry... it's entire my fault as well. I... kind of.... messed up,"

Jia kissed her once again. "What did you so?"

Qu Wren intervened. "She attacked me and Hachin in hopes of killing my friend,"

"Metilda!!!" Jia glared at her mate. "I told you not to resort to violence!! Why did you?.."

"I was desperate, okay.. He captured you so easily and... and I panicked. I just wanted revenge," Metilda whispered softly, sobbing.