
Little Song Bird Is Pregnant [BL]

Heavenly rain, once upon hundred years the human realm was gifted with a great shower of spiritual energy. All heavenly creatures and cultivators drench in it to increase their cultivation. Qu Wren, a hundred-year-old Oyster, was finally allowed to the surface with the other young oysters. With his shell wide open, he was waiting for the heavenly water to drip in. “Eh, why is it so coppery.... is my drop of heavenly rain so special?!” Qu wren happily swam back in. Two months later, holding his bloated stomach, he rushed to a healer clam. “You are pregnant with a little pearl,” the clam shouted in glee. “B—but... I was only drenched in heavenly rain,” Qu wren stuttered. “Oh, the heavens have blessed us. This is a holy blessing of one of the heavenly beasts. Such an auspicious event,” the clam happily jumped around spreading news of his pregnancy. “Then who is the father of my pearl?” And so the little oyster left his ocean in search for his baby daddy. P.s I dont own the cover art

Lullabybao · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
200 Chs

Chapter 3 - The Phoenix and The Roc

The giant eagle like bird peered distractedly into the clouds. Right then a huge red phoenix clawed at his chest and bit his wings.

"Don't you dare undermine me!! You stupid Roc*!"

The giant black bird's focus finally returned to the giant red phoenix in fury. "You scared him away!!" its wings turned pure white, freezing the clouds next to it.

"What? Make sense for once will you?" Feng Mian shouted and reached for him with his huge claws outstretched. A huge fire ball blasted from his claws, rushing to him like an arrow.

"Shut up!!" the Roc finally lost its patience and bit his neck tightly. "Heed to me, little bird; you are a weak hatchling compared to me. Give up!"

"Really is that so," Feng Mian flexibly turned his body and kicked his face with his legs. His huge talons pierced through his eyes, making the black bird scream in pain. "This is what you get for undermining me,"

"This is not over. I will be back and what is yours will be mine." the roc screeched loudly and flew away into the dark clouds.

Feng Mian gave chase, but with his wounded body he was not able to catch up to that guy's brute strength and speed. "Fuck, Hua Ro!! I will tear your heart into pieces, just you wait!" he changed back into his human form.

His matted brown hair stuck to his back, wet with spiritual water. His sword like upturned eyes peered down below with a frown. 'What was that stupid Roc looking at?'

A sharp pain distracted his deep thoughts. He glanced down at his white clothes that were completely stained red as his heat was still dripping blood profusely. "Shit, looks like I have to breakthrough sooner than expected," He pulled out a Minx fur coat and wore it protecting him from the rain.

With a final glance down at the calm ocean, he flew away into the distant lands of Gulia.

He tiredly entered his house in the mystical forest of Gulia. "Mu Zeng, bring me some water please," he leaning against the door frame waiting for the peacock beast to come assist him. His servant happily hopped out the room but as his eyes met his, his smile melted away into a frown.

"Young master!! What happened to you," Mu Zeng ran over wordily and held his swaying figure. "Your heart.... you have lost a lot of blood.." he swiftly took him over to his bed room.

"Don't fret, Mu Zeng, this is just a scrape," he swatted his busy hands away.

"Scrape? You heart is torn and bleeding out your heart's blood. You call that a scrape. Darn master, you are reckless as ever,"

The man in the bed gritted his teeth loudly. "It's all because of that wretched Hua Ro. I'm gonna kill him with my own hands, I tell you,"

"I beg you shouldn't master. That man is almost seven thousand years your elder, your cultivation can't match up to his level," the kind servant reminded him.

Feng Mian sat up immediately. "so what, he comes charging into MY territory demanding me to give up MY rights. Should I have given it to him fearing his age? Don't be silly, Mu Zeng. That western Roc is a bastard through and through. If I didn't have this duel, he would have found other ways to get to me,"

Mu Zeng sighed and slowly bandaged his chest up. "What if he comes back master... this is not a good decision? We have to find ways to defeat him and fast,"

"I thinking... maybe if I advance in my cultivation I might have a chance at defeating him," Feng Mian but his lips anxiously.

"No! Master, it's too early. You are just five thousand years old. If you attempt it now, the phoenix fire will burn you to a crisp,"

"What else can I do, huh? I can't run and I can't fight him with this measly power. I have to advance or else it will be the death of us." the young man said nonchalantly leaning against the pillow. "What of that area, the new spirit stone hoard you discovered?"

"I have made sure to acquire the sole propriety of that property. Even so master, you can't attempt a breakthrough now you just can't," Mu Zeng strongly objected.

"hmm, prepare my travelling gear. I shall go there as soon as possible,"

"Not with you leaking like this," the manservant warningly poked his heart.

"Hey! That hurt," Feng Mian cried loudly, holding his chest tenderly.

"Does it? And you want to travel in this situation. Wow, you should have a death wish mater. That also is okay, when you die I become a free a man. With my riches from my business, I can live like a king," Mu Zeng said with a stern smirk.

"Little peacock, look at you awaiting my death so anxiously. But sadly I won't die anytime soon." Feng Mian Jokingly tapped his forehead.

The young servant waved his hands away. "Master, you are so reckless... 'sigh' what else can I do for you now? Shall I bring you some healing elixirs?"

"Ew, those things are bitter. Bring me some crabs no, Maybe some stir-fried mussels will do. I will be healed in no time." Mian happily whispered.

Mu Zeng the servant slowly closed the door behind him. "him and his sea food obsession, the Mers are panicking at the amount of mussels and fish he eats every day... maybe one day they might attack too, tsk, too troublesome,"

"I heard that!!" the young man shouted from the inside.


Roc- a mythical eagle like bird.