

Ebele_Dorris · Teen
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

"Galen, Galen wake up"

"We're leaving the village"

Aurora, a maiden from the valley village wakes Galen.

It is the day they were set to leave the village for the capital city and Galen had supposedly slept late.

she sprung to her feet, wore her shoes and ran out with her friend. They were lucky to meet the group just outside the square or they'd have to wait till next year.

They didn't pack anything or midnight snack or toiletries because there was noting to pack. They are the poorest village in the country and as promised.

The town leader promised to provide them with clothes when they get to the city.

They fixed themselves among the fellow maidens and marched out of the city. To many maidens, they always look forward to the Lordship's birthday , to Galen, leaving the village is the most adventurous thing she's ever done.

"Remember the rules, no one should try to run away, no one is allowed to leave the camp site, no one's allowed to lag behind, disrespect the royal household and face death penalty" is their anthem.

They sang the anthem in unison but Galen paid little to no attention to the group. She was captivated by the power of nature.

There are lots of things that she's never seen before. There are things and questions running through her mind.

'If the gods did blessed the earth with so many things, why do they live in a cave ?There are so many things village could do with the beautiful green lands and hectares of lands. If they moved to the fertile and spacious area, they would have enough for farming, poultry and fishery, they would still have enough for houses.

Lots of decent houses would be built here and her village would be free from living in cracks and under woods.

This became her mission, to dance to impress the King and be granted a wish. A new home for her people.

"i noticed that you've been absent minded Galen, you've never contributed to any of the conversations, you didn't sing with the men either and look, it's already dark"

"what were you thinking about Galen"?

Galen cleared out a space from the piles of trash under her feet and sat down.

The men in the group were setting up camp for the night. She didn't know just how much time had passed.

"Come, sit with me Aurora" she stretched her hand to help her friend seat beside her.

"i saw the northern border today and fell in love with it. There are lots of fruit tress, ever green forest, spaces and empty plots of land. Aurora the northern border is more then enough to accommodate us for generations....it can"

she was still speaking when her Aurora threw a fruit into her mouth.

"may the gods forgive you Galen" Aurora looked around to make sure no one's listening on their conversation.

"how can you complain about something like this, besides the northern border they say is a country on its own"

"the northern border is a forbidden area. The bandits live and prosper there and practice all kinds of immorality"

Aurora spat to her last words. Immorality is a crime punishable by death in the valley village. Any maiden rumored to have been stripped of her virginity before marriage is considered an immoral one and hence sentenced to death. that is how much they despise immorality.

"How do you know all these?" Galen asked starring at her Aurora's lips.

"my father is a the town's leader so i hear stories" aurora replied

Aurora is the daughter of Chief Stephan, the leader of the valley village.

They had crossed path during Galen's father's funeral and have been friends since then.

When Galen heard her friend mention her father's name, she dare not oppose. It could be false for all she knows but, she dare not argue any further. Disregarding the leader's words is considered treason, punishable by death.

"let it go Galen, we're contended with our home, we live peacefully and and and and " Aurora stammered.

Whenever she stammers, she is emotionally hurt, that's the one thing Aurora can't live to bear.

"come Galen, heard we're having snails for dinner"