
Little Nymph

They say that love is something that is worth fighting for. That it fills a hole inside of us that nothing else can. Love is what people spend their whole lives searching for, yearning for. And yet, people skim over the fact that it is the one thing that can destroy the most intimate parts of your soul. That it brings some to their knees in agony, and that with love comes the inevitable war. Internal and, in some cases, external. As if it's worth all the pain, and complications. Finding one's soulmate is for some, their biggest dream, or wish. That they would give anything to find the one person that was made for them, fated for them. Me? There's not a chance in hell that I would search for the one thing that has the capability, the power to destroy me. I did a damn good job at avoiding it too. For the most part. Who am I? Why am I so cynical and pessimistic? Oakley's the name, and staying indifferent is how to win love's game.

Kelly_Alice · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 37: Don't Get Too Comfortable

I'm not sure what I expected when I woke the next morning. However, I know for damn sure it wasn't Coop snuggling up to my near comatose frame.

His arm coiled protectively around my waist, velvety covers enveloping both of us in a warmth my body wasn't used to.

As much as I wanted to struggle, I couldn't. It was too nice, too peaceful to interrupt, and I cursed my body for having such a reaction to Coop's warmth.

I felt his body wiggle a bit before a loud, quite obnoxious, groan escaped the sleepy demigod's lips. I turned my head to examine his eyes, and I found nothing but happiness in them as they scanned my own features.

"Good morning, Little Nymph. Are you ready for the day?" The sleep in his voice was charming, but the sarcasm dripping from it made an uneasy feeling develop in my stomach.

"I have a hunch, an inkling even, that you mean something else when you say this to me." I groaned rubbing my eyes, and stretching my limbs.

"Well, I do have a certain werewolf on my agenda today, but you my dear nymph, have some friends to see." With his words, I hopped out of the bed, and glared at him.

"No werewolves are on the agenda for you, Coop. We have friends to see today." I emphasized, barrowing my eyes further.

Coop held out his hands in mock surrender, and shot me a sly smirk.

"I could really get used to you saying we in a sentence." He joked, gracefully ejecting himself from his side of the bed.

I knew he'd won that game of reverse psychology, but I wouldn't play into his ego just yet.

"Don't get used to anything, Coop. With the way things have been around here, just, don't get comfortable is all I'm saying." I warned as he neared closer.

Coop's smirk widened, and I backed myself towards the door.

"Oh, c'mon, Oakley. Doesn't it just roll off your tongue a bit better?" he questioned, and raised his eyebrow seductively.

"No. My tongue prefers the words me, my, and I. Thank you very much." I sassed in return, and snatched my bag from the floor.

Coop snickered from behind me. I kept my eyes from rolling, and sauntered out of his room. We made it down the stairs and into the kitchen before I spoke again.

"Ainsley and I have a training session together today. I'll let her know that were going to have a meeting here later. I think everyone needs to piece what they have together. Alex may know more about Hannah's project, and Ainsley has been up to something. Maybe she's seen or heard something."

The fridge's cool air hit my face as I grabbed two water bottles. I tossed one to Coop, and twisted the top on the other, sending the refreshing liquid down my dry throat.

When I finished the first gulp, I wiped my hand across my lips, and glanced at him. A pink glint to his eyes caught me off guard, and I twisted the clear top back onto the bottle.

"What?" I asked, scrunching my brows.

Coop cleared his throat, and quickly took a sip from his own bottle. He avoided my gaze for a few moments before turning his attention back to me.

"Nothing, nothing, I'll let Alex and Trey know to meet here at lunch, does that sound good?" He finally replied.

Lunch would work, training was just before lunch. I nodded my head and left the kitchen. I knew Coop had to get ready for his own classes, and I needed to change before my first class. Yet, somehow, distancing myself from him this time was difficult.

I felt calmer in his presence than before, and with all the chaos happening around us, I craved it. Brandon and Ray's fight also had me on edge, and the chance that I would see either today had my heart sinking to my stomach.

I debated asking Coop to come with me to my dorm, but ultimately decided to make the journey myself. His fuse for Brandon was too short for me to risk an encounter this soon.

After changing my clothes, and putting my sneakers on, I made it to Hawkin's class without any problems. The only obstacle was a stray kitten that needed some water, and a hug. I'd take that over a mountain lion any day.

Hawkins' notes were, per usual, lengthy and difficult to discern in some areas. Clarification was slim, and his patience, slimmer. Nothing about his class felt right. It felt like a tightened coil nearing the point of snapping.

I tried my best to focus on the lesson, but my thoughts kept wandering. How much would Coop tell his friends? How much would I be willing to tell Ainsley?

"Ms. Ellwood, would you like to tell us why measurements for brewing a shrinking potion must always be precise?" Hawkins' voice snapped me out of my trance, and my cheeks heated with embarrassment.

I knew the answer, but having the entire class' eyes on me had me cowering in my seat.

"Measurements have to be precise because of the complicated biology of all species. Any type of growth potion must be proportionate to their height and weight, and must contain a portion of their DNA." A deep voice chimed from behind me.

Hawkins' eyes narrowed, and I shifted in my seat to see who had spoken up.

"Mr. Portadge, thank you for your input, but I would prefer the student whom I called upon to answer. Ms. Ellwood, please see me after class." I cringed at his scolding request, but got a better look at the guy Hawkins addressed.

He had inky black hair that curled around his ears, and a smirk plastered on his face. Crystal blue eyes met mine, and I held back a gasp. His eyes matched the black wolf from last night, and my gut told me his intervention was intentional.

I shifted in my seat, and refused to look back the rest of the class. I had too much on my plate to answer any questions this wolf had. Hopefully staying after Hawkins class would give me a reason to avoid it.