
Little Nymph

They say that love is something that is worth fighting for. That it fills a hole inside of us that nothing else can. Love is what people spend their whole lives searching for, yearning for. And yet, people skim over the fact that it is the one thing that can destroy the most intimate parts of your soul. That it brings some to their knees in agony, and that with love comes the inevitable war. Internal and, in some cases, external. As if it's worth all the pain, and complications. Finding one's soulmate is for some, their biggest dream, or wish. That they would give anything to find the one person that was made for them, fated for them. Me? There's not a chance in hell that I would search for the one thing that has the capability, the power to destroy me. I did a damn good job at avoiding it too. For the most part. Who am I? Why am I so cynical and pessimistic? Oakley's the name, and staying indifferent is how to win love's game.

Kelly_Alice · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 20: Oaks


The wind was howling outside of the makeshift shack, shaking it rather fiercely. The blindfold over my eyes was scratchy, and there was no way to itch, my hands were wound with thick rope.

I was waking up again, and fear instantly invaded every one of my nerves. I'd been tied to this old, rusted pipe for seven days, six nights, and forty minutes. I heard the door creak open, and I already knew who it was going to be.

"Hello sweet little Oaks, I missed you so much." His snarl thickened.

My body cringed at his disgusting voice, and the tears began to well in my eyes. I knew what he was here to do, I was just hoping this time would be quicker.

My body was violently shaking with silent sobs, and my throat was still burning from the screams that had erupted from me the night prior.

"Now, Now. Quit your crying. I won't hurt you…too much." The sickening sound of the belt being removed from his pants sent my body into a frozen state, and my lungs resisted filling up with air...

*End of Flashback*

Memories of last night flashed in my mind as I shot up from the bed. My hands instantly went to my mouth, and I bounded out of the room nearly knocking Trey over, into the bathroom, plunging my head into the toilet just in time. My stomach was convulsing, and I couldn't control the stomach acid spewing from my mouth. My arms were gripping the sides of the bowl as if my life depended on it, I'm pretty sure it did.

I'm sure that more than fifteen minutes passed by until I felt a fraction of an inch better. The vomiting subsided, and I was able to back my head out slowly, flushing the remnants of my stomach down the copper pipes. I stood up carefully, dusting off my romper, and turning towards the door.

"You good, little one? Do you need anything?" Trey's groggy voice was filled with concern at my appearance.

I only shook my head, and wiped my mouth off with the back of my hand. I needed to go lay down for approximately twenty four hours before the feeling would wear off.

"No, I'm okay, Trey, thank you." I managed to force out, my throat was burning from my stomach acid, and it was difficult to talk.

I tried to move past him and out the door when he caught my upper arm. I lifted my head slowly in question, one of my eyebrows raised for emphasis.

"Are you going to leave right now? Because if you are, I am taking you to see Coop." Trey spoke, with the same questioned brow.

I could feel my eyes widen, I didn't want to see Coop yet, the memories were still a little fuzzy, and considering I woke up in his bed, I don't think I even wanted to remember.

"Trey, please not now. I'm still mad at you." My voice was weak, and I couldn't contain the melancholy that snuck out. I kept my eyes trained on his, and I'm sure I looked pitiful.

"I guess I'm taking you to Cooper." Trey said as he began dragging me into the hallway. When we reached the stairs, he let go of my arm and motioned for me to go ahead of him. My head was pounding, my ears were ringing, and to my own dismay, I needed water, and fast. I sighed, lowering my head and began descending the stairs.

I took the last step, and turned towards the kitchen. Somehow, I knew he'd be there, when I saw his toned back facing me. He stood in front of the sink and had an empty plate in his hand, a soapy sponge in the other.

Doing my best to be sneaky, I made my way over to the large, almost industrial sized fridge. There was no hiding the sound the fridge made, though, and as it opened, Coop dropped his plate and the sponge into the sink, turning around, immediately catching my gaze.

"Oakley." It was a whisper, but it still stung my eardrums. I involuntarily winced at my name, and pulled a small, plastic water bottle out of the fridge before closing it.

"Coop." spoke, doing all that I could to keep my tone passive, and indifferent.

"How are you feeling, little nymph?" He spoke softly, his eyes stayed locked on mine, and I swallowed the lump that unceremoniously formed in my throat.

"I feel like crap." I told him honestly. I felt horrible, and there was no getting around that, especially with my pale and sickly appearance.

"Here, come sit down, I'll make you something to eat, when's the last time you ate Oakley? Probably yesterday morning or the night before, am I right?"

Cooper was right, I hadn't really eaten anything since yesterday morning, and my burning throat could attest to that. He seemed awfully cheerful, and I was reluctant to find out why.

Just yesterday, he was as cold as ice to me. I almost wished he'd kept the same energy and threw me out last night. I lifted my hands to my temples and began massaging the throbbing veins.

"Coop, please, I just want to go. Preferably, to crawl into a hole." I groaned softly, continuing the same rhythm on my temples. It was working, slightly, but it was working. The pain was beginning to minimize, and I was able to think clearer.

"No, Oakley. I'm not doing this right now, look at you. You're the palest I have ever seen you. You're eating what I make you, and I'm not going to hear a single complaint, insult, or harsh comment until you are done. Understood? You can even throw your empty plate at me when you finish. Okay?" The tone in his voice really didn't leave room for any argument, and I was considering the offer of throwing my plate at him.

I stumbled a few steps and went to sit at the table in the center of the kitchen. When I crossed my arms on top of the table and set my head on top of them, I heard his footsteps near the stove, and a sizzling sound erupted from that direction.

The mouthwatering scent of bacon filled my nostrils, and I felt my stomach rumble in response. The chuckle that came from Cooper made me lift my head and glare at his back. The silence in the air was calming to my throbbing mind, and I basked in it for as long as I could.

When the bacon and eggs were done, Cooper fumbled around with some of the plates before placing one in front of me. I lifted my fork and dug in silently, savoring each bite as if it were my last. When the plate was completely empty, I raised my head and scanned the kitchen until my eyes landed on him.

With a devilish smile, I slowly raised my plate as if I actually were going to throw it at him, and waited for him to turn around from washing the pans.

When he was done, he turned around, and saw the raised plate in my hand. He smirked as he raised his brow sarcastically.

"Oh really, little nymph?" His sarcastic laugh was immediately halted when I cocked the arm that held the plate back.

"Okay, okay woah. I said you could, but please don't." He raised his hands up in mock surrender, and I played along, slowly dropping the plate onto the table. "Fine, but only because I feel so miserable." I joked with him, and his smile returned to his face with lightning speed. I grabbed the plate again, and raised an eyebrow, laughing when he raised his hands up again. I laughed slightly, and stood up from my seat, taking my empty plate to the sink and rinsing it.

"Leave it, Oakley, we have to talk." His voice was serious again, and I took my time turning back around to face him. He was right, we did need to talk, and I needed to remember, fast.