
Little Nymph

They say that love is something that is worth fighting for. That it fills a hole inside of us that nothing else can. Love is what people spend their whole lives searching for, yearning for. And yet, people skim over the fact that it is the one thing that can destroy the most intimate parts of your soul. That it brings some to their knees in agony, and that with love comes the inevitable war. Internal and, in some cases, external. As if it's worth all the pain, and complications. Finding one's soulmate is for some, their biggest dream, or wish. That they would give anything to find the one person that was made for them, fated for them. Me? There's not a chance in hell that I would search for the one thing that has the capability, the power to destroy me. I did a damn good job at avoiding it too. For the most part. Who am I? Why am I so cynical and pessimistic? Oakley's the name, and staying indifferent is how to win love's game.

Kelly_Alice · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 15: Green House Confessions, and A Flopping Fish

I wasn't sure how much time had passed between the bear's death and when I woke up. Stretching my stiff arms, I peered into the clearing. The bear's body was no longer there. In its place was a large wet spot, and a few tufts of fur. I wasn't sure what to make of it, but I knew I needed to get out of the tree.

Dawn was breaking. I knew that even with no classes today, I was a long way from campus. I didn't mind, but I needed to get some work done. Shivers still ran down my spine from the previous night.

My pants were ripped and dirty from the small branches that caught them from the chase. A dress would have been destroyed by some of the gnarlier branches. My top had a few holes as well, but it looked much worse than it was. The dried blood was only from minor scratches where the holes resided.

I waved my hand and a staircase of vines and branches slowly appeared on the side of the tree. As I made my way down, I felt the full effects of using that much energy. My head was pounding, and my legs felt like jelly.

My feet stumbled, and my knees wobbled. It was difficult, but I managed to make it down the steps, and my feet stumbled towards the pond. It had significantly less water, but I knelt down and scooped some into my hands. As the water settled in my palms, I saw a fish writhing about the pond's edge. I took a sip, splashed the rest onto my face, then carefully peeled the fish off the ground, and lowered it into the pond.

I needed to wake up and get out of here. My pulse spiraled as fear spiraled through me.

I pushed up from the ground and scanned the clearing. I sucked in a deep breath and let the wind guide my direction. It proved difficult, but I managed to find my way back to a hiking path. Recognizing the creek along it, I knew exactly were I was again.

I slowed my pace when I was far enough away from the garden. I knew I would encounter someone on the way to my dorm, and right now, I didn't want to see anyone. Classes would be starting soon. I wouldn't be able to avoid the question of why I looked like I got hit by a train. I didn't have the energy to conjure up a believable story.

I took my time along the creek. When I reached the garden, I had a little more energy for the day. I would inevitably need coffee, but for now I was okay to get to my dorm and change.

Passing the lavender patch I could hear a few students talking amongst themselves in the Green House, and I made my way past as quietly as I could. I turned my head and saw Trey, Ainsley, and Coop. My heart sped up and I flopped onto my stomach to hide. That, however, did not work, because the green room had glass windows, and Trey spotted me before I could make a quick escape.

"Oakley!" I heard him call out to me, and I cursed, popping up to stare at him.

Coop and Ainsley were faced away from me, but turned their heads to meet my frozen gaze. Ainsley squealed and ran out of the green house, but stopped instantly when she took in my appearance.

"What the hell happened to you, Oakley? Are you okay? Is that blood?" I winced as her voice got louder with each question.

When she saw my reaction, her face softened and she apologized quietly. Moments later, Trey and Coop were next to Ainsley, also taking in my appearance with worried expressions.

"Who did that to you, little one?" Trey's concern was what made me realize that I truly did look like hell.

His carefree expression was replaced with creased brows, like Ainsley. Coop just had a furious glare plastered on his face.

I forced a small, playful smile onto my face, and addressed Trey's question. I decided to keep it vague, but honest enough in hopes that they would drop it and let me go.

"Trees, Trey. Trees."

Ainsley shook her head at my lame attempt, and pulled me into her arms.

"I've never seen a tree do this without a reason, sweetie. What happened?" Ainsley patted my head. I pulled away from her, and shook my head.

"I was a little too eager at the forest's edge last night and lost my footing. Don't worry, Ainsley. I'm good. I just need to run to my dorm and change real quick. I'll meet you at the fountain, yeah?" I saw understanding flash across her face, and she squeezed me a little before letting me go.

"Of course, Oakley. I have to meet with my counselor in like ten minutes anyway. I'll see you at the fountain." She placed her hand in Trey's and the two of them walked off giggling to each other.

Confusion formed on my face. When did those two start talking? Did Ainsley tell them anything about me? My trust began to falter in her, when Coop cleared his throat.

He was scowling at me, his brows furrowed. I sucked in a large breath.

"Are you going to tell me what really happened? Because last time you lost your footing, you were able to catch yourself with vines." His icy tone made me cringe, and I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"We aren't friends, Coop. That isn't any of your business. And even if we were, just because I caught myself last time, doesn't mean that I catch myself every time." I had lost what little energy I had left in me, and continuing this conversation made me want to crawl into a hole.

I felt him relax a bit before taking a step towards me.

"You weren't at your dorm last night, nor were you at the caves. So, where were you Oakley? I was scared shitless, worrying about you. I may not be on your list of priorities right now, but you're on mine."

Shock erupted through me. My mouth began to open and close, but he threw a hand up, and continued.

"Something obviously happened, and you're shook up about it. I wanna help you." He finished, stepping closer to me.

The shock vanished. Rage took its place. I didn't need help. I couldn't catch a break this semester, and I was tired of it. My eyes focused on the ground in front of me. I had nothing to say.

"Oakley, I'm not kidding. I'll go to Vancejoy if I have to." My eyes shot up at the mention of Vancejoy.

She would have to take action if another student had caught me, and that meant my mother would find out. I couldn't let that happen. Despair washed over me, and my emotional wall weakened.

"No, okay, don't do that. It really wasn't anything, Cooper. I was on the edge of the campus' territory and encountered a bear. I ran through some branches and got scuffed up along the way. I really am fine, I promise." I was definitely sugar coating the bear encounter, but I wasn't going to jeopardize sleeping in the forest.

My answer seemed to satisfy him because he didn't pry any further, and his anger dissipated. A softer smile formed, as if he had no clue the emotional turmoil he'd caused in just a few minutes.

"I won't go that far again if it makes you feel any better," I added to appease him so he would let me go.

"Really?" His chocolate eyes lit up when he spoke. A hopeful glint appeared in them, and I found myself smiling.

"Yes, now please, I'd like to change." I laughed, hitting his chest and turning on my heels towards my dorm.

"I'll see you later, little nymph." was the last thing I heard from him before I heard his footsteps trail off in the opposite direction. I knew he would be going on a hike now, the only thing in that direction was the trail.

He'd definitely see me later. I had a meeting with a bottle of nectar.