

  I gasp in surprise, and horror is written all over my face as I shove him off. “I’m not making love to you outside here!” I exclaimed aloud.

  He laughs hysterically and clenches his stomach, “You should see your face!” he laughs louder, “you looked like I said I wanted to harvest your organs for money.”

  My cheeks heat in embarrassment and the horror and surprise decrease, but I defend myself. “To me, it’s almost the same thing.”

  “Honey! Beach sex is amazing! The waves, the feeling and cold feel of the sand on your skin, the clear sky above you. It puts you in the mood.”

  “Have you had it before then?” I point to him as I ask.

  He shook his head and speaks, “I haven’t, but research—”

  I cut him off. “I’m not having sex with you outside here because of some stupid research people may see!”

  “There is no one, not even a hundred miles away, and the maids are gone, so basically, I’m the only one, love!”