
Little More Than Friends

A 'normal' high school student who gets stuck in a love triangle BUT then is transmigrated into some other world where werewolves live. And now she is apparently the female alpha of an imaginative city. She sees nothing but werewolves and werewolves. With new things to discover, she explores the world with three more boys who also transmigrated with her. Come and join her on these surreal adventures...

Starry_Night11 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Chapter 4

The next morning, you wake up at first light. It was several minutes before you realized where you were and why the sound of the birds tweeting was slightly different. "I am in Japa-" you say but your brother shouts as soon he barges into the room.

"SIS!! WAKE UP.. WE HAVE SCHOOL AND OUR FRIENDS ARE GOING TO BE WAITING DOWN FOR US!!". You close your ears and say in calm voice, "Chill bro.. You know I take less than ten mins to get ready.. Less than you too." "We'll see about that.." he says running to the washroom.

"Good riddance.." you say stretching and finally getting up. Walking slowly to the other bathroom, you freshen up and go to the kitchen for breakfast. Your brother still wasn't there and you smirk.

After breakfast, you grab your bag and go outside the house and wear your shoes too. "Bye dear.. Have fun on your first day!" your mother says. "As expected, he still didn't come.." you say sighing. "Good morning!" wishes Akari. "Good morning.." you wish her back. Just then your brother came running outside and fell on his knees. "Oh! Come on! How did you get ready so fast?!" he shouts.

"It's a secret.." you say smirking and start walking. "Good morning?" Akari wishes your brother who was still groaning on the ground. "Uh.. Good morning.." he wishes her, blushing a little.

You guys walk to school chatting and greeting everyone around.

After reaching school-

You guys were actually early. Your brother heads to his class and Akari too. She was two years younger than you like your brother. After entering the class, you found only a few kids there. It felt weird looking at them as they looked lot different than the kids in your old school.

You decide to talk to them and they were actually pretty friendly. You ask about the teachers, the amount of work they receive and they show you around the corridor till the bell rings.

"Y/N?" the teacher calls your name after entering the classroom. "Yes?" you answer. "Please step out and introduce yourself." he instructs. "Ok.." you say and walk to where the teacher was pointing. Getting a bit anxious, you ask, "Wassup?"

No response was heard for a while but then someone says, "The ceiling.." Nobody laughed either and someone else says, "That's lame now, dude." You smile and finish introducing yourself.

Your first period was English. The teacher starts a new lesson and you got to know that everyone was quite fluent in English. Just after the English period ends, you ask one of the girls beside you. "Hi.. I was just confused.. Don't mind what I am about ask.. But how are you all so fluent in English?" The girl giggles and says, "In this school, English is compulsory and we have it from our first day in school.. And Netflix exists too.."

You laugh and ask for her name. "I am Yuki Yamamoto.. Call me Yuki.." she says. "K.. I am Y/N.. Already introduced myself at the beginning.." you say. "Yes.." she says. The next teacher enters and the time keeps passing and passing.

After a few more periods, the bell rang and everyone ran outside. "It's break now." Yuki informs you. "Oh.. No wonder.." you say and go outside with her. Everyone was running outside and you suddenly remember your old friends.

"Just two years.. I can do that right?" you think. At a distance from your class, a chubby boy was being bullied by a few ill-mannered kids. "Why are they doing that? And why is no one helping the boy?" you ask Yuki, disturbed. She pulls you away and says, "Don't try and mess with them.. They are famous bullies around this school.. They are quite rich and can get you into trouble in a blink.. So no one actually wants to go against them..."

You look at the bullies and with a daring spirit walk over to them. You tap on one of the guys shoulder and he turns back and looks at you. "Why are you bullying him?" you ask. "And why do you care? Little miss?" he ask smirking.

You try to remain calm and say, "It is inhuman to bully others.. And since, I am probably the only human here, I decided to help him.." "Heh.. only human? Then what are we all according to you?" he asks laughing. "You all are dimwits.." you say in a low voice.

"What did you say?" he asks coming forward. "No wait.. 'Dimwits' is not suiting you guys at all.. How about.. Pieces of shit or little fucks?" you ask stepping forward. He frowns and starts moving back. "Let's get out of here.. We'll deal with her afterwards.." one of the guys says. They all start running and then the other students start whispering about you.

Yuki comes running to you and asks, "I told you not to mess with them.. Now you caught their attention.."

"Good.. Now I will not be bored anymore.." you say stretching your hand to the boy still on the ground. "Are you okay?" you ask. "Yes.. Thanks.." he says and runs to his class. Your eyes go on the ground and you find a piece of brown cloth which appears to be his nametag.

"Tsukiyomi Hayashi.. Cool name I guess.." you mumble out reading the nametag. "Yeah.. He is two years older than us.." Yuki informs you. "Ok.. So.. Tenth, right?" you ask. "Yeah.. 10A.." she answers.

"K.. I will go return it to him.." you say walking towards the stairs. The whispers calmed down a little and all the students look at you as you start walking up the stairs.

"TRINGGGGGGGGG!" the bell rings. "Shit.. Well.. I will give it to him afterwards.. Maybe tomorrow.." you think and head over to your class.

The rest of the classes were quite interesting and easy for a straight 'A' student like you. ;D

After school (still in school)-

You decide to check Tsukiyomi Hayashi's classroom. After getting lost a lot, you finally reach his class. He wasn't there, so you decide to hand it over to him the next day.

Walking with your brother and Akari, you quietly enjoy the early sunset. "I will be heading this way, see you tomorrow." Akari says with a small bow and walks in the opposite direction. "Yeah, bye.." 

As you started nearing your house, at the doorstep you find...
