
Just another day . . . Oops!

Yawn . . . What a boring day of helping my fellow classmates with their lovesick drool. To be honest it makes no sense if this love they speak of exists why would you need help or fall out of love so easily? Oh well more buisness for me. My love potions are the best after all.

"What was that? Did you think you could use some weird drink to win me over? A girl like you is far too poisonous for anyone let alone to actually be with."

"Huh? But everyone else who used this potion praised it as the best and it never fails. Of course I get the bad one at least I get more money out of that weirdo."

'HMM, I am not that bad am I?'

"To have to resort so low is bad enough but to blame the product as the problem is worse. Maybe some are immune but I am glad either way and interested to hear from the potion maker. Leave and don't come back, clear?"

". . . clear . . . (_ _ _ _ _)"

Darn . . . who was that? They were immune to my concoction so now I have to give back Miss Two Faced her money, not only did she win our old bet she was the one who had the boy be immune to my perfection! At least I have something to aim for. But I know full well that should have been successful it was part of the bestselling and best batches I had. Not just anyone can withstand 10 water components with infused light flowers, passion crystals and obsidian purification level light & dark magic binding with a blood seal with no noticeable scent due to the ember plant. To top it off it looks and tastes like a vanilla milkshake (I used vanilla extract) that's my favourite flavour. Maybe he also has high aura and manna reserves? I'm the only other person who is immune to my potions after all.