
i guess i still love you

Jake and cassie

Wedding reset

Jake: why are you ok with every thing

Cassie : what do you mean

Jake; Do you even feel anything at all like jealousy am your ex after all and ...

Before he could continue cassie interrupt him " should i be jealous , should i cry

I don't know ... you should atless feel something for me ... did you even love me

What do you want from me jake did you expect me to be crying like an idiot for you ...

do you want me to say don't married her marry me cuz i love you jake

jake : well

will it change your mind jay??

For a few moments there was nothing but silence

Jay what do you want?? ; cassie ask impatiently

This whole thing was getting at her and at any moment she was going to snap at him ir anyone who come in her way .. she was hurt

And didn't know what to do all she was trying to do was try to hide how hurt she was and she was just praying that this hold thing would end soon so she could go home and cry herself to sleep but jake wasn't making things any easier

Jake; i want to know how is my ex girlfriend so calm with everything do she even care for

Jake , care.... of couse i do !

I always care i alway love you but your the one who change everything , your style change, your typ change your feeling change , every single thing change jay you don't even care about how you you abandon me just like every body else did

Cassie said in a clam voice , trying to hide how hurt she was

But one could see her real emotion

Her eyes look like soon it would flow

Jake could see how hurt she was

Jake felt something heavy in his chest when she said this

It was something he never wanted to do he never wanted to abandone her

He never want her to feel that hurt again atless not from him but he forgot it when he get so busy and distance got in between them

He try to explain : that is because

But interrupted by cassie again ; i know why

And oh God jake ... jealisa is everything am not,and will never be , she so perfect while i couldn't even be good for you , just for a second admitted it

Am helpless jay

Seeing you with someone so perfect and seeing you so happy i guess i was kind of happy but really jealous and hurt

I was happy that you find that special someone but deep down inside i am hurt because that person isn't me..... it never gonna be me it was never me i was jealous seeing you two so close but again happy because your gonna be happy in the end and your not gonna be with me then why not her

Am just trying to accpet they reality that .. that person isn't gonna be me no matter how mush i cry no matter how much i miss you no matter how much i love you and you meant to me your never gonna change your mind cuz am not good enough, am never gonna be her and i should just accpet it that way ...

Cassie said in a find voice with hurt and tears begone to run down her cheeks she then walk away but jake call her back

Jake; wait

He didn't know to to comfort her

He was already too hurt to meand someone womb when his is yet to heal

Then he walk up to her and said

Jake ; even tho you look adorable whan you cry it wasn't made for you , so smile more often

Trying to change the subject

And he wipe her tears and cassie said

" i will try too

she then try to walk away

But he held her hands with one of his and then wipe her tears with the other she look at him with love as she was still in love but is trying to accpet they reality

She look at him and said

jay am trying my best what other choices do i have .....

With that jake kiss her she try to resist it at first but they feelings she was still having for him and still missing him

Even when he was so close , missing how they use to kiss and so on , he was what she was greaving for and he just gave himself to her like that she couldn't help but kiss him back , her body was calling for it but in her mind she was only staying around them to accpet the reality and in this reality they can never be together not because they can't it was because he doesn't want to , so she resist him and look at him who was lost in his own world in that world of just being with her

She then look at him and ask what are you doing ????

Jake ; i don't know i guess i still don't like it when you cry... i guess i still wanna be with you... i guess i still love you

With that cassie cold heart melt away and start to beat even faster and he pull her closer and kiss again they kiss for a long time but then cassie remember why they broke up if he wasn't gonna go it she was going to do it anyways she remember it

Why she stay until now It was to accpet they reality not to go back into dream land

She chooses to give up on her love for him and forget everything they had because it wasn't just that his feeling change or hers but it was because she wasn't good enough for him she wasn't up to his standards not because she wasn't his typ it is because of something that can't change no matter what she do it didn't had anything to do with feeling and cassie began to cry even more then she stop responding to they kiss as jake realized what was happening he part ways from her .. for a few seconds the just rest there head on each other then they open there eyes and cassie said " jake i can't do this

Jake ; why

Because i don't want this , you don't want this

I do , i want every bite of it with you .. i want you .. and i know you want me too

Of course i do but am not good enough for you !!

Your everything i ever want isn't that good enough??

Cassie ; jake your getting marride tomorrow

Jake ; i can cancel it

it is time to face the true

it is time to accept they reality

LEXiVANESSAcreators' thoughts