
Founders Day

"Ugh" I groan waking up on the floor of a dirty cell. "Jeremy?" I ask out loud to anyone. Then I hear footsteps, "Nope guess again" "Damon? What am I doing here...and where is 'here' exactly?" That's when I remember what happened last night. There was a guy Klaus that everyone is scared of them Damon tried to get me to forget and he knocked me out.

"What exactly happened last night?" I asked Damon in a demanding tone.

"Don't get all feisty, to answer your, many, questions, your here because we need to get the vervain out of your system, your at the Salvatore Boarding House aka where Stefan and I live and what happened last night is not important"

"How is all of that not important? Alaric wasn't Alaric, then Jeremy got knocked out and tied up by the not Alaric, then Bonnie comes in does a lot of crazy things looks like she died but surprise, she didn't then you try to get me to forget by looking into my eyes like that was going to work then I'm in a cellar next thing I know and what is vervain?!" I finish my little rant breathing heavy.

" You done yet?" Damon says with a bored face. I don't reply I just give him a 'really?' look.

"You don't have to worry about all of that because you won't remember any of it."

"What do you mean I won't remember?!" I shout at Damon while he's walking away. I sit down on the bed in the cell after I realize that he's not going to answer me. And soon the world fades as I fall asleep.

I wake up to the door being unlocked. "Okay the vervain should be out of your system by now"

"Still don't know what that means" I say in a sing-song voice

Damon ignores me to come up to me and look me in the eyes. "You will forget everything that happened at the dance, you went, had fun with Jeremy, danced a little then went home and slept, nothing happened that night."

"Nothing happened that night." I replied in a fake monotone voice.

Then, once again, all I see is darkness.

Jeremy's POV

"Hey, little Gilbert" that's what I picked up the phone to

I jump up from my bed, "Hey, is she okay?"

"Relax, your little girlfriend is A okay"

"Where is she?"

"We're still at the house"

"I'm on my way" then I hang up. I run out the house grab aunt Jenna's keys, " I'm borrowing the car be back soon" I shout into the house for anyone to hear and take off towards the Salvatore House.

"Damon, I'm here" I yell as I open the door

" your little girlfriend is over there" he says I look on the couch to see her knocked out. "What did you do?!"

"Relax she's fine just knocked out"

"I'm bringing her home"

"Fine by me, I already compelled her" I roll my eyes at that. I walked over to the couch, pick her up and take her to the car. I put her in the front and buckled her. Then I drive to her house. When we get there she starts to stir but goes back to sleep, so I pick her up again, bring her to her room and put her on her bed. Then, as I move to leave she grabs my hand.

Maya's POV

"Jere?" I asked in a sleepy voice.

"Yeah?" He whispered. I thought about asking him to the founder's day parade or something of the sort but instead I said, "Goodnight" and dropped his hand

"Night" he said as he walked away and out of the house. I groan as I hear him, start his car and pull off. 'Why didn't I say anything?!?' I yell at myself in my mind. And with that I fall asleep for another time.

-The Next Day-

"Hey Amelia, what should I dress up as for founders day?"

"Oo do a nice 1800's ball gown."

"You do realize I don't have one of those right"

"Well that's an excuse for you to come over! I have a few from find the one I'm going on the float on" see the thing about Amelia is she LOVES these kind of things, also she was in the Miss Mystic Falls pageant she didn't win though, that honor went to our beloved Caroline.

After a little pondering I say, "I'm on my way."

As I walk downstairs car keys in hand, dad come up to me. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked with a raised eyebrow and some authority in his voice, I think he forgot I don't listen to authority.



"Does it matter?" And with that I walk out of the house.

-At Amelia's House-

"Okay go try this on" it was a stunning red ball gown with some shimmer all over the chest area. I take the dress and walk to Lia's bathroom and put on the dress then walk back out to show it to her.

"What do you think?"

"What do I think?! I think you look beautiful"

"thanks Lia"

"I think someone else might like it too" she says with a little smirk

"oh come on"

"I mean what's going on with you guys anyway"

"Nothing, all I did was have a few conversations and study with the guy"

"Don't act like you don't like him"With that I stay silent because I know that she is right. But all my silence does is prove her right and boost her hopes for my social life

"shut up and let's go" I say as I grab some matching shoes, check my hair and make my way to the door. She just smirks and holds her hands up in a surrender position

-Founder's Day Parade-

As we pull up to the parade area I slowly get out of the car to prevent messing up my dress, as I get out I make eye contact with the one person I was hoping to see. and he walks up to me

" Hey Maya"

"Oh um hi Jere your outfit is very war times, I'm digging it" I complimented looking at his big camper type book bag, white breeder undershirt and dirty looking army green pants

"Oh um thanks I like your dress too it's very 1800's"

"Thanks that's what I was going for" I say with a smile looking down at my dress

"Hi, can I steal Jeremy for a minute" Elena says as she walks up to us

"Um sure, see you later Jere" I say with confusion all over my face and walk away to go to my float

As I was walking away I heard a little bit of their conversation apparently Elena lied about something and Jeremy found out, guess he's not a very forgiving person.

When the parade starts I'm on the float with the other girls and start waving to the people and the kids, I'm waving at Amelia when Damon walks in front of her and starts waving. I look away and wave at someone else, I don't know why but for some reason every time I see Damon all I feel is anger, towards him and anything that he does.

-Founder's Day Night-

Finally I'm out of that very uncomfortable dress, yes it was cute but I felt like I couldn't breathe due to the corset. As I'm walking down the street away from the Mystic Grill and towards the town center to watch the bands playing I bump into somebody. "Oh I'm sorry" I say before looking up at who it is

"It's alright little Lockwood" Says Damon

and once again I am filled with a body shivering anger, "alright bye"

"Hold up little Lockwood" he says holding out his arm preventing me from walking past him and away

"What do you want Damon" I groaned already annoyed with this interaction

"Nothing just to ask you about the dance night"

"What about it, you should know how it went you were there" I say as I cross my arms and look at him a little confused

"Yeah bit I wasn't with you the whole night, how was your night" Why does he look nervous?

"Yeah, It was fine I just danced with Jeremy the whole night" And with that I shove past him and continue walking towards the bands

-Damon's POV-

"Damon" I hear then turn around to se who it is just to have an unpleasant surprise

"Your still around?"

"There's something you need to know, the vampires from the tomb are planning an attack tonight"

"How do you know this "

"I went to them, the think I'm with them but I'm not, they want to founding families dead" Great

"When is this suppose to happen?"

"When the fireworks start" Information that I needed sooner

"John Gilbert wants to use that invention on them."

"Well then we can't be here"

"It doesn't work it's been deactivated"

"Well then a lot of people are going to die"

"Where are they right now"

"Their already here Damon" I need to find Ric



"You keep those nifty little vamp items in your car?"

"Yeah, why are you asking"

"Cause the square is crawling with tomb vampires I think we might need a steak for two"I say trying to be calm and quiet

"Yeah got it" he says as he runs off to get them, perfect timing as I see Elena and Stefan. I walk up to them and grab Elena's hand

"What are you doing"

"Saving your life 15 words or less," and look at Stefan "Tomb vamps are here, Founding families are the target, Get her out of here, now" I say to him with urgency in my eyes.

"Wh-What where are you going"

"That's more than 15 words Stefan I say as I walk away

-Maya's POV-

I end up meeting up with Caroline, Matt, Amelia and Tyler and we head back to the Mystic Grill. Tyler is playing pool when Dad walks up to us.

"I though I told you to go home"

"Yeah, I decided not to" Tyler retorts

"When I tell you to do something you do it" Dad says talking Tyler's arm into his hands, I stand up ready to defend my brother

"Get off of me" Ty says as he shoves dad off of him. Caroline forever the peace maker, walks up and toys to deflate the situation

"Mayor, is everything okay?" She says with a cheery but weary grin. Dad then looks around,

"Please kids go home, take your friends with you."

It's my turn to talk"Why is everything okay?" I said

"I can't explain but all of you need to get home now, please"

Tyler answers for all of us looking dad up and down, " Yeah okay." Tyler says putting down the pool stick

"Here take my car it's out back, Caroline, Amelia, Matt, Maya go with him" Dad says as Tyler takes his keys and we all walk towards where dad said the car was.

-While driving-

We were almost half way to our house when I heard this awful screeching sound, it was ear piercing making Tyler and I scream in pain. Tyler accidentally swerves the car but luckily it wasn't anything very bad. When Ty pushed on the breaks Caroline hit her head on the dashboard making Matt and everyone else freak out but then everything went black. I hear the sirens of the ambulance as it comes down the road but I don't wake up. I feel someone open my eyelids but then back away with a little screech of fright. But, I'm still not fully conscience. I hear Matt come over to ask what happened, the worker just says, "Their eyes" which confuses me a little. Then from nowhere like life was breathed back into me I wake up and take a huge breathe of air and I hear Tyler do the same. "Tyler?!" I feel when I finally figure out my surroundings.

"What happened?" I hear Ty say. Then Matt says, "Don't scare me like that"

"Care!" I shouted and she comes running to me, I start checking her over for any signs that something might be out of the ordinary with her, but everything seems fine.

"Care did you get checked out by a professional yet?" I asked. She responded with "Only you would go unconscience and still eb worried about someone else." She said with a little chuckle

"No I'm being serious you hit your head really hard and it could have given you a concusion"

"I'm fine Maya"

"If you say so" With that she steps away from me to go check on Tyler then collapses.


"She needs some help over here" Matt says getting up from Tyler to go check on Care. They end up bringing her to the hospital

-At the Hospital-

"Hey is she okay" We all ask as Sheriff Forbes walks away from talking with a doctor

"There was some head trauma and internal bleeding but they said it wasn't severe'

'Will she be okay"

"Their going to do the best that they can, hey um Tyler, Maya did you call your mom"

" We left her a message saying that we were here"

"I think you should call her"

"Why, what happened? Something wrong?"

"It's your dad"

"what happened to him?"

"He died in the fire"Those 5 words made my face drop and my feet move a mile a minute to carry me away from everyone. I couldn't think, I couldn't breathe. I never really got along with my dad all the time and we almost always argued, but, he's my dad. And he's gone....

*I know that the only people in the ball gowns in the founder's day parade all the Mystic falls pageant girls but in this story lets pretend its anyone that wants to do it and only like 3 people(counting Maya) wanted to do it, thank you for understanding

Lani_b2821creators' thoughts