

Sofia is a hardworking woman, who loves her family very much. His parents gave him a lot of love and an excellent education. However, in her teens, she learned that she was adopted.

Sofia's adoptive parents told her the whole truth; about her adoption, when she was fourteen.

In order for Sofia to overcome any difficult situation, her adoptive parents confessed her true origin, relying on the help of a psychologist.

It was difficult for Sofia to find out that her biological mother had been raped and that she was the product of that violation.

The most important thing, for Sofia's adoptive parents, was to take care of her emotional stability; For this reason, the psychologist was present when he found out that the person who had raped his biological mother had been his father, that is, Sofia's grandfather.

However, the behavioral specialist developed an atmosphere in which the adolescent was able to digest the information as balanced as possible. In any case, the fundamental thing for the parents was to maintain the emotional and psychological stability of the young woman and to try as much as possible, that the least possible damage was produced in Sofia.

After Sofia learned of this great truth, she kept quiet for several days. That is, the young woman did not speak about it, until on one occasion; she asked her adoptive parents if they knew her biological mother. Immediately, the adoptive parents replied that they did know her.

From that moment on, Sofia began to cry a lot and then hugged them and thanked them for how good they had been to her.

Sofia also began to express her thoughts and impressions more clearly about that surprising fact.

The Smiths considered that it was necessary to speak to him very clearly, since they had waited a long time to tell their daughter the truth.

With great patience, the Smiths told Sofia how everything had developed since they adopted her.

The surname Smith belongs to a very wealthy family and at that time a very young girl came to her house requesting a job, because the house was very large and they deserved to increase the service personnel. She was a shy and very beautiful young woman; although she was beautiful in her eyes a great sadness was reflected.

From the beginning, the young woman captured the admiration and confidence of the housekeeper who was the person in charge of evaluating the cleaning staff, who entered the house again. However, Patricia never said that she was pregnant for fear that she would be rejected.

When four months had passed, Patricia confessed to the Smiths that she was pregnant. With great fear, she apologized, as she needed the job and did not want to risk losing her job.

The Smiths were very upset; since that news came to them just at a time when they as a couple were having strong marital problems, because they could not have children, that is, Mr. Milton Smith was sterile.

Undoubtedly, Patricia's confession unleashed a surprise in the Smiths; that deep down it could be translated into a strong hidden desire that husbands had to be parents.

Later, the Smiths reflected on the situation and agreed to help Patricia with her pregnancy. But before accepting the help, Patricia confessed to them what had happened to her. Above all, because her mother who was the person who helped her escape from the town "Little Hope" died of a heart attack a month after arriving in the city.

Patricia's mother suffered a lot, due to the bad life she had with her husband and then she could not deal with the guilt and sadness for what had happened to her daughter that weakened her so much that she caused a heart attack. After that, Patricia was forced to continue with her problem on her own. It was then at that time, when he went to apply for work in the house of Messrs. Smith.

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Después de que los Smith se enteraron de lo que le había pasado a Patricia, decidieron adoptar al bebé al nacer y Patricia estuvo de acuerdo, ya que sentía que psicológica y emocionalmente no se encontraba bien.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Patricia no podía imaginar que estaba presentando un problema psiquiátrico.</font></font>