
How are you little heart"/Edward and Jenifar's first meeting

Next morning,

Edward's hotel

Edward was completely ready. He was wearing a black business suit. His hair was falling on his forehead. He was wearing black glasses on his blue eyes and he was looking very handsome in a killer look. About six cars of Edward were parked there. Guards were sitting in the cars in front and behind. Edward, Shekhar, Atul and Mr. Saxena were sitting in the middle car.

Edward's cars were moving fast on the beautiful and clean roads of Mussoorie when Edward's eyes fell on an antique shop in a local market. There was a medium-sized gramophone kept in a corner. Neither too big nor too small, Arjun said in his deep voice, "stop the car". Shekhar immediately stops the car. Edward, without paying attention to anyone, gets out of the car and goes towards that shop. Shekhar also follows him. Edward's attention was on that shop. There was a lot of crowd in that local market. Edward was walking ahead but his attention was not down. A small boy who was coming from that direction was in a hurry and in a hurry he collides with Edward who was coming from the front but Edward was not paying attention to him. Due to the fear of falling, that small child had tied his hands and legs with Edward's left leg. When Edward feels a little heaviness in his leg, he bends his head and looks towards his leg where a cute little boy was stuck on his leg. Seeing this, Edward's eyes get narrowed. Looking at that boy, he said without any expression, "what is this, why are you stuck on my leg?"

That boy said, "hey, wait at one place, only then I will get down, otherwise I will fall."

Edward had already stopped, that boy gets down from his leg and staring at Edward said, "Tall uncle, can't you see that there can be small children around, don't walk like this, one day you will crush small children like me and go away and you won't even know about it."

Edward said in his mind without any emotion "This child is exactly like my childhood, how is it possible, how can he be so similar to me?"

Edward said to that child "Where is your mother, don't your parents know that they should not leave small children alone like this?"

Just as that boy was about to say something, a sweet voice comes from behind "Hardy baby come to mummy, where have you gone?"

Om pointed towards that voice and said "My mother".

After saying this, he runs towards that shop. As Edward had frozen at his place after hearing that voice, he quickly comes to his senses and moves his steps towards that shop. He was at the same shop where he was going to buy a gramophone.

Edward looks around the whole shop but he doesn't see anyone there. He bows his head and says to the shopkeeper, "I want this gramophone, no matter how costly it is." The shopkeeper said smilingly, "I am sorry sir, but a lady has bought this gramophone and we don't take back the things we buy from anyone."

Edward said in a cold voice, "I don't care, I want this and that's it." The girl who had bought the gramophone held it and said without looking at Edward, "Hey, how can you take it like this when I have already bought it, still you want it, this is strange compulsion." Edward's eyes were stuck on the girl's face. The girl was wearing a white satin formal suit which was looking very good on her beautiful fair skin.

Even the white color was looking pale in front of her. Edward was not aware of his surroundings, he was just looking at the girl's face, the girl who was putting all the things in her bag was still not paying attention to Edward and Hardy was looking at Edward and that girl, sometimes he looked at Edward and sometimes at that girl, he did not like Edward looking at that girl like that, the girl started going from there, then Edward said with a crooked smile "How are you little heart" .

Jennifer's heart beat faster on hearing Edward's voice. She was frozen at her place. She was neither moving nor looking at Edward. Edward bent down with a crooked smile and brought his face right in front of Jennifer's face and said without any expression, "I said how are you little heart?"

Jennifer's breathing had increased on being so close to Edward. She raised her eyes and slowly looked ahead. Her eyes met Edward's blue eyes. Jennifer was looking at her favourite eyes after 5 years. She was looking lost in Edward's eyes as if she had been hypnotised by looking into Edward's eyes. She was not aware of anything around her. Edward was also looking into her eyes.

Hardy shook Jennifer's hand and said, "What happened mom, who is this person? Why are you behaving like this after seeing him?"

Jennifer quickly regains consciousness and holding Hardy's hand, she walks forward without looking back.

Edward said with a devilish smile, "Where will you go now, little heart?"

He looks at Jennifer's bag which Jennifer had left behind and left. Shekhar bowed his head and said, "If it is yours, I can pick it up."

Edward stops her with his hand and picking up Jennifer's bag himself, starts walking behind Jennifer. Her friend also went a little ahead of her, but Edward goes right behind her with his long strides. Jennifer's heart was beating badly, her eyes were moist and she was walking forward quickly holding Hardy's hand. Hardy looks back where Edward was walking behind Jennifer, staring at her.

Hardy was very angry with Edward. Sadhvi stops a rickshaw from there and goes to sit in it but Edward signals the rickshaw puller to go ahead with his hand and the rickshaw puller also goes away after seeing Edward's cold face. Jennifer was looking at the rickshaw puller with surprise but she ignores him and goes further and catches hold of a rickshaw from there and sits in it.

Edward said with a crooked smile "I have found what I had come for, Mr. Saxena, you can go and see the land with Shekhar." ו

Mr. Saxena did not understand what she said but he did not say anything further to Edward. Jennifer quickly gets out of the rickshaw and goes inside. The rickshaw puller was asking for her fare but Sadhvi was so scared that she did not even stop to pay.

When Edward sees that the rickshaw puller was going behind Jennifer saying something, he gets out of his car and says without any emotion "what happened, why are you shouting?"

The rickshaw puller said "look sir, that madam came sitting here and did not even pay the fare."

Edward took out a 2000 rupee note from his pocket and giving it to the rickshaw puller said "take this, it won't be that much, your fare is too much and from now on never even think of speaking loudly in front of that girl or else I will burn you alive with this rickshaw of yours."

The rickshaw puller trembled in his place on hearing Edward's cold voice. He doesn't say anything further and quickly takes his rickshaw and leaves from there. Edward takes a deep breath and says, "You always create problems for yourself, little heart. You can never forget this habit of yours."

He shakes his head and goes upstairs. Arjun goes to the place where Sadhvi had gone. When he goes upstairs and sees the scene there, his eyes narrow.

Shekhar, all the guards and Mr. Saxena were standing there at that time and all the people in the apartment were looking at them because this was the first time that such a big person must have come there. They all started talking. Just then a car comes and stops there. Loy comes out of it. Loy looks at Shekhar and asks, "Where is Edward?"

Shekhar says without any emotion, "Boss is upstairs. He has met Madam. He will be coming with her in some time."

When Loy starts going up, Shekhar stops him and says, "No sir, the boss has forbidden that no one will go between them."

Upstairs, Edward sees that there were two women, a man, a policeman and a female policewoman standing in front of Jennifer. The woman showed Sadhvi to the policeman and said, "Sir, this is the girl we were talking about."

The policeman was staring at Jennifer's innocent face. Seeing this, Edward's eyes fill with anger. The woman looks at the policeman who was staring at Jennifer.

This time, the woman spoke a little louder, "Sir, this is the girl we were talking about. You have to arrest her." Why do you want to arrest him? Do you have any serious case against him?" Edward moves towards Jennifer and standing in front of Jennifer, he said while staring at them without any expression, putting his hands in his pockets.

Edward looks at Jennifer once and Jennifer looks at Hardy and says, "Hardy son, go to your room."

Edward holds Jennifer's hand and pulls her towards him and says in her ear, "Your house is small, with one room, you will go to the room and still will be able to hear everything here. Don't send him here, down to the garden."

Sadhvi snatches his hand and says, "He is my son, you don't need to tell him anything, I am there to handle everything."

Edward says while staring at her, "Yes, why not, you have handled it very well till now." He says while pointing towards those policemen.

Edward says to Om, "Om, go and play in the garden."

Om says while staring at Edward, "Why should I listen to you?"

Edward looks at Jennifer after staring at Om. So Jennifer gently kissed Hardy on his forehead and said, "Hardy baby, please go downstairs for some time."