
Little Green Man

WELCOME TO THE GREEN ARMY, THE MOST HONOURABLE COLOR OF PLASTIC KNOWN TO ALL. OURS IS A RIGHTEOUS MISSION. ERADICATE EVIL, TOPPLE RULING TYRANTS AND SPREAD THE TRUTH OF GREEN. WE'RE GREEN AS GRASS AND COLD AS SNOW. ALL ARE WELCOME! except if you're a tan... ~ Gonna be honest, I'm consistently inconsistent. Dunno when imma write, dunno how imma write it, and dunno what I wanna write about. I want to get at least 3 chapters a week but my time is scarce and I'm always dreaming up different stories that take my interest away from this one. I want to progress LGM and I also want to begin several other series. Time will tell how I manage. Criticism is welcomed and encouraged. Comments on the story will give me motivation to do more, trust me. I'm human so please bear with me.

SendMeToHeaven · War
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21 Chs

Time to leave

The urge to fall asleep nearly overwhelmed Connor as he lay on his stomach atop the box. His body's need for rest was a struggle he was close to losing. One moment of carelessness could result in a deep, deserved sleep.

One moment of...

Connor closed his eyes for a moment and quickly shook himself awake the next.

Not yet, he thought to himself, there were many things to be done.

Reluctantly, he sat himself up before sliding over and down.

When he landed, he was reminded of the wound that was inflicted upon him.

The one in his leg.

The one through his shin.

The one that could be used as a peak-a-boo hole.

He collapsed and nearly bit off his tongue holding back a scream.

It hurt.

Quite a bit.

Forcing down the pain, Connor glanced to his side where Flynn and the Tan were.

It seemed like they were having a nice and pleasant conversation. One half delirious and the other waving a knife around.

No longer interested, His mind wandered for a moment before...

He once more sprang into action!

But this time, with energy!

He had remembered his urgency.

He had remembered his friend.

Dragging his leg along, he quickly arrived to where Markus lay.

Seeing the green on his stomach unmoving, bullet holes marring his back...

If he could've cried, he would've wailed like a baby.

Sulking, Connor was getting ready to face reality when a random thought popped into his plastic mind.

What if...

Connor took a few steps back, and then...

Sprung himself forward, driving his dominant ( and injured ) leg into the ground, giving him more potential energy.

Following this, bringing his other leg back, he quickly extended it.

Right into where Markus' ribs should be.

This ended with Markus' body being flipped over, showing a green face plastered with pain. Eyes scrunched, and lips pursed.

Elated, Connor quickly pounced on his hurting friend, unable to keep in his joy.

Markus was alive!


They could barely move their left arm, and if they even attempted to lift their right one, unimaginable pain bit into them. They couldn't help but shut their eyes, likely a way to cope.

Along with that, came the fact that they were the only one left from the ambush.

Thinking that far back, they couldn't help but feel anger over what happened.

That damn green had startled them with that scream and their sudden appearance, everyone had fumbled with their weapons.

Which had essentially lost them the fight.

As their anger rose, an emotionless voice reminded them of the now.

"I want information."

It was a simple statement.

That simply didn't get a reply.

"I want information."

The voice repeated.

Once more, there was no reply.

They expected this, as soon as they heard that green speak of them, they knew this would happen.

They would not budge.

Not to a green.

After a moment, there was no voice to be heard.

A crazy thought popped into their head...

What if they had already given up?

That was surprisingly ea-

Before their thought could be finished, a blow to the jaw rattled them, stunning them for a moment and jumbling their mind.

With this, they couldn't help but open their eyes.

And what they saw, chilled their heart.

Apathetic eyes, ones that gaze at nothing.

Along with that, was a knife dangling from the grip of two fingers, blade between the index and the thumb.

And those eyes simply dug through theirs.

All of this new information briefly distracted them enough that the pain in their jaw was only known a few seconds later.

That and the fact their jaw was now limp and hanging.

"I want info."

The statement was shorter.

This time, there was a reply.

"huck hyou."

Was what they answered.

And they got a knife to driven through the back of their hand as punishment.

Their scream of pain was muffled from the hand put over their mouth.

The green wagged their fingers left to right, as if to say they were being naughty.

That playful attitude disappeared once they got the immediate pain of their system and no longer had the urge to scream


Shortened once more.

They chose to be silent this time.

They lost a finger next.

Then an ear.

Then they were sliced on their exposed body.


Words they have started dreading. For a moment, they hesitated before choosing to remain silent.

A mistake.

They were pounced on, and, unable to defend themself, helplessly laid there as their mouth was covered and their eye was dug out with the knife.

When it was over, they lay their on the ground, their mind scattered fuzz, unable to recover in a short amount of time.

The green simply looked on, face unchanging, an eyeball rolling within their fingers.

After some time, and through labored breaths, they spoke.

They spoke of everything.

They had given in.

They had enough.

They just wanted an end to the pain.

And when they were finished...

With quivering lips, they said...

"thawts evweything, pwease k-"

They were cut off, unable to finish speaking as a knife had lodged itself within their throat.

Their one good eye wide with surprise as their body slumped to the floor.


Without missing a beat, he pulled out a cigarette and brought it to his lips. Taking in a large breath, he blew out a cloud and thought of the things he learned.

They had to LEAVE.

"Bloomhouse, get your boyfriend to help you search for survivors, and make it quick, we gotta go."

His voice wasn't too loud but he knew they heard him.

"Got it sir."

A reply from Cherry.

A slight smile cracked his stern face.

Taking in one last puff, Flynn put out his cigarette in the empty eye socket of the tan and started looking for a gun.

Your eyes do not deceive you. It truly is a new chapter of LGM! Been busy with things, mostly work. Summer sure does pass by when you do nothing but make money. This chapter has more mature writing I would say, but that should be fine (I think) lmk if I should sprinkle that stuff in later chapters. Also, the amount of writing felt helluva lot more than some 900 words. Strange. Anyway, I'm tired. It's 5:14 am. 11 hours of work and walking. Be glad I'm so generous&enjoy chapter 12. Woah it hit 12!

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