
Little Fiancee

"Go back to your room beauty, you shouldn't have to answer to anyone, you don't want this, then it fine go and catch your beauty sleep while I deal with the rest hmm" Vladimir said to her. She blink once then twice before climbing up the stairs leaving the crowds of people who are there for her engagement in total confusion. The reporters began taking pictures ready for a hot topic for tomorrow news. He pull open his first two button and said to James his PA. "Make sure no one leaves here with a picture of what happen"

Cassie_Berry_9014 · Teen
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Little koala

Vlad got down the bed and squat Infront of her.

"You will hurt your self if you keep being silly" Vlad told her.

"I..... I...." Ivanie lost her voice she press her lips together and look at him with those puppy eyes that gets Vlad each time.

He carried her back into the bed and adjusted her pillow she she was sitting up.

The door to the room open and Mrs Markin walked with a basket of fruits and a bag containing a food flask.


Mrs Markin called walking towards her, Vlad went ahead and collect the bag she was holding along with the basket and dropped it close to Ivanie's bed.

"Hello Aunt am happy to see you" Ivanie said with a smile.

Mrs Markin Chuckle taking the seat Vlad provided her with.

"Poor you, it must hurt" Mrs Markin said touching Ivanie temple close to her bruised skin.

"Not anymore just a slight ache that all" Ivanie said.

"That good, you should be careful you have such delicate skin it would look bad if you get it all bruised" Mrs Markin said.

"Don't worry Aunt I will be careful from now on" Ivanie told her.

Mrs Markin turn to look at her soon.

"Has he been taking good care of you?" She asked.

Vlad raised his brow at his mom, was she here to taunt him, he knows he's doing a better job at taking care of Ivanie.

"He's okay" Ivanie replied nodding her as if she was just managing the situation.

Vlad brow furrow, he turn leaving the two ladies to say whatever they wish, he was going to take his bath.

"So Ivanie dear how's things going with you and Vlad" Mrs Markin asked not shying away from asking the question.

Ivanie flushed, she look away from the preying lady, how was she going to answer her.

One thing is there's nothing going on with her and Vlad and another is everything was going on, she didn't enough know the word to describe it.

"It okay you don't have to answer it Ivanie it just a wild thinking of a mother" Mrs Markin told her.

Ivanie nodded.


Back at the Shanks mansion, Mrs Shanks came out the master bedroom only to be met with her husband who was just coming back from his trip to Dubai.

"Hone...." Mr Shanks was saying but his wife raised hand what was made him raise his brow in surprise.

"How could you not come home even after hearing about your daughter accident, unh was your meeting so important you couldn't come back to see your daughter. How could you be shameless shanks you...you" Mrs Shanks choke in her words her eyes tearing up.

"I had important meetings to attend, my presence was necessary, it a big deal I couldn't just back out from it" Mr Shanks said.

Mrs Shanks approach him in anger pulling at his cloth annoyed.

"You couldn't back out??? You could back out .... Shanks can you listen to your self you couldn't back out what if... What if... My poor child was taken from me again, can you live with yourself knowing you didn't get to see her" Mrs Shanks tears ran door remembering the past.

She let go of him moving back, she cover her lips swallowing the horrible things she was going to say to him.

"You know it your self it was all her fault, she's to blame, if only she had stayed at home and had not urge anyone to go on a trip then this wouldn't have taken place." Mr Shanks said misery washing over him.

" You know it isn't her fault we both know it quite well, it's because of your unfortunate self you put us all in this situation, do not forget that.

Mark don't you dare put my daughter in a situation she would be distressed and disturbed in, I have only kept you quite until know".

"I have said nothing for so long, how bad can it be she doesn't even recollect what had happened that night, she can't feel the pain unlike we who suffers it every day," Mr Shanks said.

Mrs shanks sniff standing straight on her feet meeting her husband eyes.

"Don't, try to bring this up now" Mrs Shanks said.

"She's my daughter too and I would do with her as I wish" Mr shanks said looking sternly at his wife he walk back her and went into his room.

Mrs shanks breathe back in holding back her tears pressing her palm and drawing blood from them.

"There's no way I would let you traumatize my child again" Mrs Shanks muttered.


Malachi watch as Britney walk into their English class, he had keep a seat for her beside him, as she as he saw her walk in her pulled out the seat raising his hand to wave her over but someone unexpected beats him to it.

He watch as Britney walk towards a blonde headed guys.

The two shared a smile and they started talking casually like they had known each other's for age's.

The guy bring his hand and place them at the back of Britneys chair and say something which would make her laugh. Even with the teacher they they whispered to each other, Malachi had a hard time concentrating during class because all he could hear was the whisper of the two wish distracted him.

"Make sure to summit your assignment before the end of the week I have them all in my mailbox " the teacher said before stepping out the class.

As soon as she was out the class burst into round of talk all sides giving their experience on one or two things Malachi wasn't sure about.

Malachi relax back on his seat looking at the two people opposite him at the front, he had his eyes fixated on Britney he was sure if it was possible he would pierce a hole at the back of her head.

As if getting an eerie feeling coming from behind, Britney turn to see Malachi eyes on her. He did it so calmly it was Dearing also.

His eyes shoot daggers at the guy seating beside her.

Britney said some few words to him and he nodded getting up his feet to attend other classes.

Britney stood up from where she was sitting and approach him.

Malachi look away from them and stare down at his note he has in front of him.

"Hey" Britney called taking her seat close to him.

"Hmm" came Malachi sassy.

"How was the class?" Malachi asked looking at the white board Infront of them all.

"It was perfect," Britney replied taking her back to bringing out the Chocolate bar in her bag.

"Perfect uhn, I bet you enjoyed every seconds of it" Malachi said.

"Enjoy? Mrs Pedro class has always been interactive." Britney said.

Malachi got up his seat and walk out the class making his way to the next class.

"Interactive indeed he muttered walking away "

"What was that?" Britney thought to herself.


Jeannie arrived home right after class ended, she opened the door to her small apartment and met her little brother back from school and was asleep on the couch.

She walk pass him and made her way into her room changing into her casual outfits she got ready to leave but Rickey eyes snap open .

"You going off again, it manners to inform me when leaving" Rickey said sitting up his 12 years old ass .

"Ant that makes you?" Jaennie asked.

" The man of the house" he replied her.

"Right and who earns the money?" Jaennie asked him.

"You, as you should it your duty to pay taxes to your majesty". Rickey replied. Jeannie laughed ruffling his hair .

"You silly things, you can have my food in the fridge I would be back early today okay" Jaennie said before stepping out.


Ivanie belongings was packed into Vlad's Car and he shut the booth he walk round made his way into his car and got in tightening his seat belt, he look over at Ivanie to see her scrolling through her phone.

He noticed her seat belt wasn't done, so he scout over to help her with it.

Ivanie who didn't take notice in time was trapped between her seat and Vlad.

She shriek back looking at Vlad eyes which seemed focused on her lips his eyes made quick contact with her eyes and back to her lips.

He pulled the seat belt and clicked it in before turning back to his seat.

Ivanie try not to look flush.

"Ready?" He asked her and she nodded.

Vlad try is possible best to drive slower, Ivanie ended up falling asleep.


There's was sounds of music box which was playing coming from Ivanie's room, her giggles filled the place, she ran out her room her tiny legs going after the one ahead of her.

He laughed seeing how she struggled to catch up with him.

She tripped on the rug laid on the floor and her loud whinny voice filled the passage.


"Come on does it hurts?" He asked blowing air on her knee which had a little scratch, she nodded sniffing back her runny nose.

"It hurts" she told him trying not to cry.

"You are a good girl, my koala come here" he told her and she crawl onto him.