
Little Ett's Villainous Son

The hidden gem of the Adiand Empire, which only few could know and see, the former Emperor's precious treasure and now became the schemer behind the scenes, has died at her son's hand. Even with its cage opened and freed, a bird would always return to its place. She assisted her son mercilessly to eradicate his enemies but was indifferent to him—all for the sake of duty and maintaining the bloodline of the royal family. "Even in the face of death, you still can't look at me. That expression of yours would never be mine." It was a dark novel in which the son died at the hands of the male lead, and even the female lead couldn't do anything to save the Emperor. She couldn't heal him. Her innocence, kindness, justice, and love, and the concern she portrayed were viewed as pure annoyance. The villainous Emperor was a tyrant through and through. Unsavable until death. "I'm a child?" Ett, who had read the novel, realized she had become the mother of the tyrant who nearly destroyed the world. "Hahaha!" The smile on her face faded as she shook her head lifelessly, staring at her window. You see, she is not your kind of transmigrator that is kind to children and would change her son's fate and behavior. She was worse. "I will continue scheming in the shadows, ensuring you'll have a smoother ruling. In exchange, let us not meet often." "Then I will hold the Silence Ceremony in the highest respect for all your hard work, Mother." This kid curses me to death before I should enter my coffin. A little massive red flag. He's mad. No, all of them are mad.

LazyPariah · History
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 6: Peeking

"Your Ladyship, you are indeed right." 




Didn't I tell you guys that Butler Xiwen knows Ett like a grandpa would to his granddaughter? Keh.

But I forgot it in a momentary slip that there was one more. The one who actively works in the dark and he is the one that's talking to her right now. Charming guy with deep sea-green eyes, curly silver hair having a Greek nose, a sharp jawline, and this praline skin that is hard to find in this empire. This is definitely him. 

The Adviser of whom is Akan Rumeli, who is also involved with most of Ett's scheme. 


My dear.

He was Ett's advisor and trusted confidant. The things that Eru can't do would fall on his shoulder. This guy's presence in the novel was conspicuous until the latter part. Previously he went on a long trip to the other empire as per Ett's instruction, but who would have thought as soon as he returned, he would be met by a small child, and that is, to some unimaginable extent, Her Ladyship the Empress Dowager, Ett. 


After a brief explanation from Ett, Akan finally understood what happened, and right now, the Emperor announced to have a banquet. 


"Give me." 

This timing is about right. 


Akan, with a gentle expression and a binocular on his right eye, placed a sizable stack of documents on Ett's desk and declared, "These are all the details I have collected from the Larak Empire." 


His tone was deadly serious while still smiling like a fox. "It appears that they will attend the banquet being held by the Emperor, four years after their initial encounter. This caused my hastened return to the palace." 



"Fortnight, Your Ladyship." 

Akan gave a response, "The visitors will be given a guest room in the palace upon their arrival, staying for three days before the commencement of the event, and leaving one day after its end. Since the Emperor wouldn't meet them. We the advisers can only entertain their thoughts for a while."

Yeah, they may think you are also Guren's adviser because they didn't know another royal existed in the shadows.

"How do you think we should address this, Your Ladyship?" 


"What do you think?" 

Ett probed, remembering something from the novel. 


You see, the person in front of Ett would betray the empire and help the male lead for declaring treason as he valued profit and benefits more than everything else. Even in the end, he didn't blink when Guren, the last of the Adiand royalty, died and became the adviser of the male lead. 


Everything's fucked up in this novel, and that's not all. 


"Whatever Your Ladyship thinks, this subject obeys." 

Hah. How loyal.


"Are there any other matters to discuss?" 


"Butler Xiwen told me that the Emperor said you can either come or not." 

Ett subtly nodded. Meaning, she can watch from far away. 


"I see." 

Of course, Guren knows his mother won't come out and watch from the shadows. 

It was well-known to everyone living in this palace how she tends to have a secluded life, meeting the one that needs to be met. For those who are not, she would just watch them from afar and below. 

 But if she does, then there's something that's going on in her mind. Either another calculation or maybe a whim of extreme boredom. 


"Who would be the representative of the Larak Empire?" 


"The 3rd Prince Bishon and his 2nd Command Alatair ." 


"Leave me be first." 

Akan paused before bowing. "As you wish, Your Ladyship. I shall be present as soon as you request me." 



Hearing him saying 'Her Ladyship' always makes her uncomfortable, like a slithering snake passing through her body. 


As the door shut, Ett took a sip of her water, the physician took the wine she always liked when he saw her drinking it leisurely. Ugh, the doctor should have scheduled days! He came back an hour ago because he forgot to say something, coincidentally seeing her sipping her wine. It's even 100% grape wine, no alcohol added. Absurd! Well, it sucks that there's no phone to do jazz. 


Let me have nutella then! 


But this place doesn't seem to have a cocoa plantation for chocolate. Sad life.


Ehem. She shouldn't think about something else when it's far from what's being discussed now. 


"Larak Empire's 3rd Prince and 2nd in Command Alatair plus the Ostenian Duchy." 

These were the two startups for her scheming after returning to this empire. First, she made a move with the Larak's 3rd Prince, but there was no 2nd in command in the story. It might be a butterfly effect of her coming into this novel. 



"Weak body that still schemes while spluttering blood. Isn't she feeling stressed, wracking her brain every now and then?" 

Others would already yell at her to die already. Why did she even continue living? Seriously, author… 


"I'll think of it as planning an event in my previous company." 

The difference between the novel Ett and her is that she can see the bigger picture and make plans and strategies when she types all, ehem, writes them all down. In the novel, Ett would do it all in her mind, whirling and cracking her brain until she coughs up blood if she finds an idea that she considers marvelous with the best measure. 


No, dearie, today Ett won't have that kind of additional coughing happening soon. Want me to faint again? 


What she needs the most now is a clean paper to draft her plans; besides, she doesn't need that much pretending when she's by herself. 


"Now, which scene should I involve myself in?" 

Ett mumbled, her eyes having an unknown spark. She felt like solving a puzzle game. No, it's more like a rubrics cube. Right, she didn't even finish completing her Ghost cube in her room before coming here with a poofidodiedoe. 


Why was I killed? What happened before it?


Let's not think further. Surely, time will come when that memory pops up.



"Your Ladyship?" 

But there was no answer. Akan repeated before slowly opening the door to Ett's study room. He had been standing here ever since he went out of Ett's room, with excuses whenever he went to the bathroom and had to call out a servant to take his place before coming back again and being like a guard more than an adviser. 


"Please pardon my intrusion, Your Ladyship. You're serva--oh." 

Ett was already fast asleep. 


Looking at her childish face, that looked a bit tired, even holding a pen in her hand while there were neatly stacked papers on the side, Akan was amused. 

He curiously read the content on the top part, and his lips broke into a grin. Oh, let's reiterate that it should be that he tried to read it. Yet the words written were not of any language that he had known. He had learned almost all, except some minority groups of people in their writing and language. But Akan had a hunch that this writing won't be found anywhere. 


"Your Ladyship is truly impeccable. Even though her height degraded to this extent, she still has interesting tricks." 


"Kindly forgive this servant for carrying your royal body. I'll be taking you to bed." 

Akan said, gently putting her in his arms as if reminded of old memories of when he came here, and the first time he saw her. 


"You've worked hard, Your Ladyship." 

Putting Ett back in her bed, he slowly closed the door. 



After making sure Akan went away, Ett immediately sat up. 


"That was uncalled for." 

Why was he even there? As a light sleeper, when she heard the door open, she was already awake and pretended to sleep. That rascal even read what she had done. Well, too bad he's illiterate. Kidding aside. 

Did he know she already woke up?


"Ah, I can't sleep anymore." 

It's still nighttime. What could she do? 


Crawling out of her bed, Ett opened the window, looking outside. The stars lit up the night sky with their glimmer, while the moon radiated a brilliant light. 


For the first time in these days, she felt relief. The chilly morning breeze was quite cool to her skin. Yes, this sense of weather is what she likes the most. The wintry sensation. 



Maybe not. 



But it's still better than always seeing what's inside this dark place. 


Ett closed her eyes, smiling slightly, not minding how the breeze cooled as time passed. So what if she coughs now? 


As if it was being summoned, Ett coughed several times, covering her mouth as blood tainted her hand. 



As long as she doesn't faint. 

Yes, that's it. There's bound to be a sacrifice to witness the moon as big as this up close with her meager health bar. "If I can feel the warmth of the moon's iridescent light, then it's worth it." 

Ett internally sobs. How great could it be if she could ride an airplane and see it closer? Ah, technology, she missed technology so much. 



Come to think of it, it feels l like someone is staring at her. Ett looked down, and sure enough, there was a pair of eyes mirroring hers. 




This, its quite cool yet still its cold at this time. Who does this boy think he is, Jack Frost? Where is Xiwen? This kid has more possibility to get cold than her. Ett withdrew her gaze, stepping back, closing the window, and walking robotically to her bed as if she hadn't witnessed those pair of viridian eyes. 


"I'm such a jackass leaving a kid like that…." 

But she still did it. 

Ett closed her eyes and wanted to sleep again.


Yes, who cares. 

Baabaa black sheep~


However, she remains unsettled in the depths of her turbulent mind. Ett put away the blanket, cautiously peeking at her window to see if Guren had left. Instead of leaving, he remained in his spot, transfixed on the moon, his only company the eerie silhouette of his own shadow. His backside was desolate, with only the sight of trees and the feel of the breeze accompanying him. 


Ett withdrew her gaze before going back to her bed. There was a book on her nightstand that she didn't return to in the library, and she read, hoping to fall asleep. The image of Guren's emotionless and expressionless face, looking off into the distance, keeps reappearing in her mind. 


It'll be a deception if she doesn't feel her heart being troubled. More so, he still is someone that is still an eleven-year-old child, which makes it even more unsettling. She still has a conscience as a human but… 


But that's it. 


Ett closed her eyes. This is for the best. I am a cruel mother; I am selfish. I am not kind. I am the villainess, with little help from the shadows. Don't concern yourself. That is a spartan child. Get it together. Ett mentally convinced herself.