
Little Ett's Villainous Son

The hidden gem of the Adiand Empire, which only few could know and see, the former Emperor's precious treasure and now became the schemer behind the scenes, has died at her son's hand. Even with its cage opened and freed, a bird would always return to its place. She assisted her son mercilessly to eradicate his enemies but was indifferent to him—all for the sake of duty and maintaining the bloodline of the royal family. "Even in the face of death, you still can't look at me. That expression of yours would never be mine." It was a dark novel in which the son died at the hands of the male lead, and even the female lead couldn't do anything to save the Emperor. She couldn't heal him. Her innocence, kindness, justice, and love, and the concern she portrayed were viewed as pure annoyance. The villainous Emperor was a tyrant through and through. Unsavable until death. "I'm a child?" Ett, who had read the novel, realized she had become the mother of the tyrant who nearly destroyed the world. "Hahaha!" The smile on her face faded as she shook her head lifelessly, staring at her window. You see, she is not your kind of transmigrator that is kind to children and would change her son's fate and behavior. She was worse. "I will continue scheming in the shadows, ensuring you'll have a smoother ruling. In exchange, let us not meet often." "Then I will hold the Silence Ceremony in the highest respect for all your hard work, Mother." This kid curses me to death before I should enter my coffin. A little massive red flag. He's mad. No, all of them are mad.

LazyPariah · History
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 5: Bit




Eru flew beside her. 


What was that dream? Her hands went to her chest. The feeling of a gaping hole still couldn't be dissipated in her mind. It was horrible. Someone just ripped her heart out and pushed it into her mouth before everything in her sight sank into the abyss. Ett's hands trembled. 


"Ett. Good. Morning." 

Cough. Cough. Cough. Cough. 




"Ha. Wh-What a g-good mo-morni--cough!" 


Sheesh. What's so good about the morning? 


Her blood stained her bedsheets, again. 

Cough. Cough! 

Control. Control. 

Eru reprimanded herself, gently squeezing her blanket and pulling it to cover her body. 



She rang the bell. 


Sooner someone knocked. "Mistress?" 





Ett's voice just went faint. The two maids bowed, waiting for her order. 


"How long have I been asleep." 


"About three weeks, Mistress." 

Amazing. It's true that whenever the Ett in the novel fainted, she would rest not three days but three weeks, not one day but one month. 

Would it turn one month a year and a year a decade? How much inspiration from Sleeping Beauty is this? But anyway, in a goodish way, she should be able to know her conversion onwards. 


"The doctor will come soon." 


Like always, whenever she fainted, the doctor would come. Ett wonders if the physician is tired of taking care of her. All he tells her is to pacify her emotions. She had never honestly looked at every one of them in the eye, nor did she care about them. That's how we see mobs, right? Would it change if she did it now? 


As they guided her to her bathing area, Ett was as silent as she could, gazing at nothingness as she thought about what had occurred three weeks ago. Yes, it was the time that she wanted to flee or she'd get killed, like in the novel, but never did Guren tear her heart out and make her eat it. He stabs her heart. That was how it was. 

"Budalla, ergelak, scemu, loll, stupide, blöd, gòrach." Ett wants to bash her head, repeatedly muttering a mantra with the same meaning. 


She should have stuck to her first intention. Why should she do it like what she had read in any other novels and try a trashy escape? 

Useless head, she was too reckless for her own good. If she needs to act like Ett, then she shouldn't be this careless and unprepared, and if Ett wanted to find who'll help her get back into her physical state, then there should be a credible cover to mask that. What was she doing escaping when she could be more in danger outside because of her bloodline? 

Her mind turned to dung for a moment.


Yeah, in some way, Guren had helped her. 


"Taking care of your body is of utmost importance, and it is essential to for you to not be exhausted." 


Really, she was impulsive in escaping that way. Never again.


After another 'gentle' advice from the physician, he went away. 


"Bring me to my other chamber." 

There were only two chambers that Ett would usually go to her room and study room. If she's not there, she's at the library. 


A monotonous and predictable existence. 


It's not bad. Ett's life on earth was much more predictable than this. Wait, should she say 'systematic'? What a barf. 




There were papers neatly organized on top of her table. Books were stacked on each side of the walls, dark crimson curtains, carpet, and even her chair. In all honesty, this office room was rather dull, and the guest had no seat. Too plain to be called a simple minimalist working place. Well, it's not like they would be bold enough to visit and directly report to her. At least when she was in her modern room, she had many more things. 


How good would it be to have her newly gained gaming chair, her PC with a newly brought monitor, and those RGB lights and new gaming headsets that have awesome bass? Ah, right, she missed typing on her keyboard, feeling each key whenever her fingers glide, and clicking her mouse whenever she's playing her favorite game, fufu. Come to think of it; they are more expensive than her clothes. The second is her shoes. 


"You may leave." 




Once the door was closed, she took some thick books and placed them on her chair and a stool to step on. She did not forget to put a cloth on top of the book. 


"Gomen, Book-chan." 



As she sat on the chair, the edge of the desk could only align on her neck. 



Ett added more books to her seat. 


"Ah, much better." 

The woefulness of a small child.



Looking at the papers, she smiled. Thankfully, she can read it. 


"Ostenian Duchy." 

Reading through the information, Ett pursed her lips. 


The aristocratic Faction is the top of all the aristocratic nobles who are not on the side of the Emperor. They gathered young aristocratic heirs in their gatherings and talked about politics and other means to take advantage of the Adiand Empire. 


They know that Guren is young and still possesses extreme talent; however, he is still feeble as a lamb in front of adults. He demonstrated his capabilities, surpassing his peers in wisdom. Nevertheless, a child is but a child. Besides, he isn't as much of a tyrant as he was at the beginning of the novel. Regarding this part, Ett was also bewildered and confused. Doesn't it seem like he is more reticent in this timeline…? If she remembered correctly, he still had had some, uh, 10% interest in his mother's doing. 


To top that, when he was nine, Guren was only seen at the coronation four years ago. They can never speak to the Emperor as the Advisor himself is the only one allowed to directly talk to him. 

A bridge between all the aristocrats and the Emperor. Officials… hmm. It was vaguely described. The only one who had more chance to talk with the Advisor was Ostenian Duchy. Ett tries to recall the name of that person… 


She had seen him when she came with Butler Xiwen the first day she came here. Although, it was not clear with the way the pillars covered his face except for the insignia that is shown and his clothes. That guy always has a mask. 


"Won't this be the first celebration in four years?" 

The day that Ett could see many people from far away and watch them with calculation. After all, watching doves and hawks mingling and clashing together from afar is a good way to assess them. 




Doesn't that mean before the Ett in the novel disappeared? She had this on her table and at the topmost part at that. 


"Then it was delayed." 

And now it resumed just like scheduled.


Ett rubbed her forehead, feeling the threads tangled once she began acting like the real Ett. 


"You really won't let me re--cough." 



"Eru, play or sleep?" 

Play is getting back to gathering information or sleep, literally rest. 


Eru swallowed the whole piece of the green grapes, bobbing on his throat as he opened and closed his mouth. 




"Yes, if you can wait, I'll get as much as you like." 




"Alright. You'll go tomorrow to Ostenian Duchy." 



He uttered, cocking his head in the window in the northwest direction. 


Ett smiled, "You memorized well." 


"I'm. Smart." 


"Yes, yes. Very smart. Ett is so happy to have you." 


"Me too." 

Ett chuckled. It seems this lyrebird has an ego. 


"Don't die." 


"You. Too." 

Me too? That's cute.


Jushen Empire

Arkada, Capital of Jushen Empire

As the men ventured into the subterranean tunnel beneath the city's hidden passage filling the air with an ominous rhythm. Clad in dark capes that billowed behind them, their heavy boots struck the water with purposeful intent. Concealed behind an unassuming wall, a hidden door became apparent after the leader of the group pushed a certain stone on the wall granting them passage into the clandestine area. Their figures were cloaked in shadow as the glint of swords nestled at their belts.

"Sire, welcome back," greeted a young man in his early twenties, his demeanor exuding a scholarly elegance as he welcomed them with a respectful nod. "Please, come in," he added, gesturing graciously towards the interior of the chamber.

The man who leads the cloaked men seated on chair the table has many stacked papers organized in different categories. Removing his cloak his chestnut hair was tied into a simple bun, and a chiseled face with sharp brown eyes and aquiline nose was revealed. His thin lips made a small smile as he skimmed the papers that were on top of his table. 

The man's baritone voice emerged like a gentle breeze, its tones imbued with a warmth different with the dimness of the room, "Well done. How many nobles and scholars this time?"

The young man replied, "As we aimed for lower nobles, there are three other barons, two viscounts and somehow an heir to a dukedom. Five nobles and our scholars who are present in Jushen academies are starting to get few. Ten of them are already missing. We've found two of them nearly on the verge of death while one is already dead."

"I see."

"Even so, it did not affect the main plan. As you commanded, the scholars who are recognized as teacher who had the privilege to attend any noble's balls in their free time went ahead to make good impressions. Our men marked waterways, caves, and tunnels. Mr. Grandall has been promoted as the academy's librarian."

The man's eyes narrowed, "And the previous librarian?"

The young man sinisterly smiled, "She died from bandits as she was traveling to her hometown."

"That's good to hear."

The man's eyes raised his hand and one of the men from behind him moved forward. He revealed a bottle the liquid was dyed with an indigo hue, its size the height of a man's hand.

"This is called Lily poison its odorless and cannot be examined by mere silver spoon nor anything else unless a poison master which does not exist in this empire."

Another person wearing a cloak dragged a wooden crate, as it was opened velvet red powder was revealed.

"This is a newly made opium called Nan powder. If mixed with salt and sugar it will be addicting surely the nobles would like this. Be careful and mix it with any food. If mixed with another powder that contained explosive properties, it would be a different matter. Take it."

"Understood sire, I'll make sure once it's been spread in the empire it will not cause you any inconveniences. Our chefs will test out the right dosage before selling it to the market as well."

The man nodded in satisfaction, "Then if you have questions, you can send the pigeon or ask one of my men. I'll be in and out of this empire as usual."

He patted the young man's shoulder.

"Rest assured, it won't take long, and our Majesty will order us to purge them all."

"Indeed, Sire. I'll see through this to the very end."

The young man swore bowing lowly.

"I'll entrust you with that matter then."

Taking the important papers on the desk, the man covered himself with his hood again and turned to leave.

"Let's find the missing scholars."

"Yes, sire."

The cloaked men behind him uttered in unison.