
Little Ett's Villainous Son

The hidden gem of the Adiand Empire, which only few could know and see, the former Emperor's precious treasure and now became the schemer behind the scenes, has died at her son's hand. Even with its cage opened and freed, a bird would always return to its place. She assisted her son mercilessly to eradicate his enemies but was indifferent to him—all for the sake of duty and maintaining the bloodline of the royal family. "Even in the face of death, you still can't look at me. That expression of yours would never be mine." It was a dark novel in which the son died at the hands of the male lead, and even the female lead couldn't do anything to save the Emperor. She couldn't heal him. Her innocence, kindness, justice, and love, and the concern she portrayed were viewed as pure annoyance. The villainous Emperor was a tyrant through and through. Unsavable until death. "I'm a child?" Ett, who had read the novel, realized she had become the mother of the tyrant who nearly destroyed the world. "Hahaha!" The smile on her face faded as she shook her head lifelessly, staring at her window. You see, she is not your kind of transmigrator that is kind to children and would change her son's fate and behavior. She was worse. "I will continue scheming in the shadows, ensuring you'll have a smoother ruling. In exchange, let us not meet often." "Then I will hold the Silence Ceremony in the highest respect for all your hard work, Mother." This kid curses me to death before I should enter my coffin. A little massive red flag. He's mad. No, all of them are mad.

LazyPariah · History
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 2: Starting a Plan




Ett silently picked up her fork. Currently, she is facing her 'son', and she's dining with him.

What did she say again? Not to meet this villain, right? How ironic. She wants to go back, why was she even invited to dine? Is this a regular meeting? Really, novels tend to omit what authors thought as mundane things.


"How are you, Empress Dowager?" 

See, how shameful? It's the kid who asks first about her mother's well-being rather than the mother herself. 

Ett gently dabbed the tablecloth on her lips, imitating something she had watched in a medieval movie. "Well met, and how do you fare?" Thee? 

Oops, should she first say thank you for asking before saying you? 

Guren's spoon paused halfway before eating again, and Ett was too preoccupied with what to say next, not noticing the slight change in his son's movement. Even the servants and the Butler Xiwen who was attending hitch a breath. 


"I'm faring well." 


And there goes another awkwardness. Applause. Applause. 


"I see." 

Ett wants to be out as soon as possible. 

Graceful as she could be in gobbling her food and sipping her wine, no, ahem, it changed due to her little body. Crystal-clear water passed by her lips and entered her mouth. It was pretty cool, relieving her of her turbulent thoughts.

What should I say? I would gracefully declare; I have concluded my meal? I have concluded my repast? I have finished dining?

Ett slowly stood up. "Finished."

Yeah, whatever, let's just speak less.


"Let me escort you, Your Grace." 

Butler Xiwen offered with his right hand for Ett to take. 


Ett shook her head. "I'm tired and need not of your service anymore. You shall serve as Guren's butler." 

Yes, serve him faithfully now and not me. You get what I'm saying right?


As Ett slid down her chair, she muttered mentally that her request more like a demand wouldn't be questioned by Guren. Ugh, the chair is too tall. Somebody forgets to give her a footstool to step on. 

"Then I will retire first."


"This…understood, Your Grace."

Butler Xiwen finally conceded, seeing the indifferent side stare of Ett, who exited the door. When she was far away, Ett lightly exhaled a sigh of relief. To think Butler Xiwen didn't pursue it when he was stubborn is truly a success. If anything changes again, that is now declaring that Xiwen is her son's Butler. 

Come to think of it, was it normal for Guren to stay silent? Even so, it's a good thing for now.


Although it may sound suspicious when Guren hears her as if she is monitoring him, it doesn't matter to her. Besides, Butler Xiwen will be more capable of helping Guren, especially in the future. The best thing is to lessen the number of people who want to mend the relationship between the two. Care? Hehe. 


"Right, there's one more thing." 

Ett clasped the small flute in her pocket. The well-known Akorita flute can summon the bird which was loved by the readers. An animal that's been with her helping Ett through the shadows. The lyrebird was the only supporter that had been with her until she died. Somehow her pace became faster, as if she was excited about something going in her chamber's direction. 




As soon as she left the dining room in jubilant, Ett didn't know her son still hadn't eaten after her reply. The cold temperature in the dining area has become stale; Guren slowly puts down his spoon. His plate was half empty compared to his mother, who cleaned her plate, ready to run as if a deer was prepared to be caught by prey and needed to escape hastily. 


"It seems the Dowager has forsaken you." 

Guren uttered, a cold and mature tone unbefitting an eleven-year-old child. 


"In serving Your Majesty, I find immeasurable privilege and duty." 

Xiwen responded, his composure unwavering despite the sharpness of Guren's words.


"Something changed." 

Guren could sense it. As a perceptive child that could sense someone's thoughts and feelings beyond the norm, he figured something happened before she returned home after failing to escape this lair. "Examine for any anomaly that may have arisen in her absence." 


Xiwen bowed, "Understood, Your Majesty." 


"She even replied to me. Strange." 

The Dowager would never reply to or ask him back again, even if it might be pleasantry and formality… or maybe out of whim. Unless this is part of her scheme? But what of it? Although the Dowager is now a child and younger than him, her mind is still the same as before. 


"Keep watching." 

Guren muttered. This time Xiwen didn't reply, he knew he was talking to his guards lurking somewhere near him. 

Meanwhile, Ett blows the flute. A slightly pitchy tone scratches people's throats, unnerving anyone who hears it. 


"Ugh, I'm sorry. I don't know how to use this." 

A second sooner, a lyrebird showed itself landing on the window. Compared to the lyrebird on earth, this one can fly having wider wings; it tilted its head, looking at her from left to right as if inquiring about something. 



Ett genuinely smiled, patting its back. 


Eru, this was the bird that was with her until the end. An intelligent little bird that could mimic whoever it listens to. 



It spoke. "Small Ett." 


Ett chuckled, taking Eru in as she closed the window. "Yes, cough, ugh, yes, I'm small Ett." 


Eru seemed happy hearing this as it snuggled closer to her. 


"Have you been well?" 

Eru nodded. 


"I. Tell you." 



Now that's fast. Where did the previous Ett order Eru to go again? Ah yes, the Ostenian Duchy. 


"Go on." 


"Move. Kill Guren. Tomorrow. Midnight. Fire. Assassins. Gateway." 

Ett hummed and continued to pet Eru as she put her down on her massive bed, taking the green grapes Eru liked to eat. 


 "Okay, then you should eat and sleep first." 


Somehow, Ett wants to tell this bird the truth, maybe because it was on a whim or because of its loyalty to the real owner in the novel.


Hmm, it's also good to know if she can be loyal to her too. If not, then there's nothing she can do about it. Trust and loyalty are weapons in this novel that hold little to no sentimentality. 


"Not. Ett. You." 



The lyrebird cocked his head, staring straight at her yes. No, her soul.


"You. Not. Her." 


"You mean the Ett you know before is not me? " 

Ett's lips twitched. 

"Are you sure?"

An article in Google said animals are more perceptive than humans. Then there's no point lying with an intelligent bird like her. 



"Then would you still stay with me?" 

Eru pecked on the green grapes on her palm.


She was silent. As an overthinker, the 'Ett' made her think of many possible meanings, but she shook her head. 


"You're master Ett," she paused. "She loves and dotes on you until the end more than her son. You were the most precious one to her." 


Even when the original Ett was near the last of her breath, seeing Eru's death she showed a sad expression a tear slid down her cheeks. It was a scene that made Guren, who only knows how indifferent her mother was, hollowly laugh. Guren thought he was less than a bird, no, a much lower being than a maggot. No, isn't he a beast? Much worse than a human or an animal? 


When the author shared Guren's feelings, even if it was just a glimpse of his emotions, she felt sympathy for him. Who knows, the villain had hoped even the tiniest bit, even if he denied it in all his life, but right at the critical moment, there's a sliver of hope, of something called expectation even just a tinnie little bit in his heart to see what expression his mother would look at him other than her coldness and indifference. 




Thinking about it, she turned to Eru, "What do you think about Guren?" 


"Your son." 

That's an automatic response; you're correct. 


"What else?" 


"You. Near. Don't like. Unhappy." 



Eru was silent for a moment, pecking the green grapes before glancing at her and biting again, enjoying her food. 


"Did she say that?" 




Ett frowned, "What else?" 

Was Ett jealous of his son? But for what? Is it his freedom to roam around? To be known as the youngest emperor ruling the Adiand Empire no, the entire empire known in all the lands? That shouldn't be the case, right? Truthfully, they are different, but as a reader, both of them had suffered, and Guren was never truly free. 


"Did she tell you why she felt that way?" 


"No. Just. Looks. Moon." 

Looking at the moon? If she does that, would she find the answers too? 


"It doesn't seem feasible for me to do that." 

Ha, what a pain in the stem cells.


This mother-and-son relationship is too complex. Now that she's here, Ett desires to maintain this life of living ignominiously while seeming to be the cunning Dowager in the shadows to avoid detection, a downgraded and slightly revised version but still on the line of the novel.

If she delves deeper, she might discover the solution. But wouldn't that have a butterfly effect? The degree of result, Ett isn't sure if she could handle it. Let's be subjected to fate while dying painlessly.


But maybe an alternative plan can be done?

"Wait a minute." 

If she left early and given that the Butler has more knowledge of taking care of Guren, won't that suffice? Besides, she won't go to that starting point where she would be disgraced. Maybe roam in a minor kingdom for more chances of opportunity. 

There are funds to stack, identity…well as long as we have the money, she'll figure out the next step!

Yes, that's it. The escape route is mentioned in different novels with 99 percent of going back. The one percent without guarantee that it will work. Let's…Let's see if it works. If not, then at least we tried!


Ett made up her mind to look around her room. She walked to her drawer. There was a small secret compartment just below where she hid her emergency money. Ah, no, the real Ett. "Eru, let's escape together. You know where the secret passage that even the emperor doesn't know, right?" 

She must have looked dumb saying this.




"But first, let's help my son." 


"Why. Order." 

Ett shook her head. 


"I'll do it myself." 



Eru repeated her words, the bird's coal eyes twinkling with a brilliant glow. 


"I…I don't know." 

Maybe the real Ett in the novel wants to do it—who knows? Being different doesn't mean she honestly doesn't care about Ett's son. The real Ett grew up locked in her tower like Rapunzel; she didn't have anyone around her to show her much affection. 


"Eru, always stay with me, alright?" 

Eru pecked and nodded. "Right."