
Not now

I neva knew ,love could be dis wicked,ever since I was small,I was always a preacher of love ,but didn't know dis would happen

It was a month ago ,when my bestie's friend told me he like me ,since we all had been friend ,I gave it a try , an after,what seemed like forever I feel for him,and I feel hard,I neva knew ,it was all a lie,a dare,he used me,I literally sold myself to him,I let have me,he made promises dat he didn't keep ,and dat was the day I vowed never to give a chance

But what will happen when dat feeling of love comes back?

What will happen to little Nilsa ?

Stay put and enjoy "Love,Hatred,once again"

By me

The love life of Nilsa


Why must it always be me ,Its not my fault I can't feel love ,it isn't my fault dat I wasn't blessed to feel it but blessed to preach it ,I hated everything ,everyone now

Most of all I hated dat word love ,it took me days before I was able to walk again ,I wasn't going to let Alex go free ,he was going to get it ,and he would get it hot


I did a full make over,I wasn't looking like the nerd ,I used to look like before,as I said I was coming back hot

I shorten my dress,let my hair down ,some thing I thought I would never do


I got to school ,and was welcomed by stares ,stares that meant jealousy ,and I loved it ,I walked up to Justin,he was only one ,who still stood my me ,and helen,my partner in crime



"Wow www,loving the new look "he said and I smiled

"Tnx mr"

"Sorry" I said

"Shh..is okay " he said

"I wasn't able to call you"

"Let bygones be bygones..anyways new year ,new you ,new us "he said ,and we both laughed

"Anyways ...,senior,let's go get our schedule,I pray we would be in the same class"he said ,I could see him cross his fingers ,and I smiled,obviously he didn't want dat,because with me in his class ,I bet for sure we would be repeating this year

"Yeah,I pray too"

We got our schedule and lucky for us both ,we weren't in the same class,and we laughed at it

"C'mon i would take you to your class"he said ,taking my hands in his


I got into my class,not after giving Justin the best good bye

I stared at into class ,as tried to observe the new environment ,new ppl,just then my caught something...noooo someone new

"Get in miss Dream" the teacher,dat when I realized that I wasn't yet in

"Oh sorry"I said and walked in

I finally found a sit just behind the new boy ,he wasn't sitting with anyone 🤫

After few minutes,helen walked in ,she was always a late person,even the teacher got used to it ,I signaled her to come sit with me ,and she walked up to me ,she stared at probably wondering why the new look

"Nilsa Dream..what happened,u didn't hit your head ,did u?"she asked

"Of course not ..just felt I needed a new change after last year turn over"I said

"Miss Dream,mind telling the class ,what's so important than my lesson" the teacher said

"Of course not" I said

"Then keep your mouth shut" she said

I heaved a sign then said

"Sorry ...ma"

And the class went on

The bell rang it was break ,I wasn't a fan of going out for lunch,so I would always stay back in class ,while trying to read some online books

Everyone had already left expect the new boy ,I looked at him ,he was on headphones ,but it couldn't be seen because of the black hoodie he had on ,and he was drawing,I decided to seek a peek ,and to my surprise he was drawing...me ,when i stood at the door