
my life

Hi everyone! Before we start first myself my name is mariyam and I'm 13 years old and I have two siblings I'm the oldest and smaller then me is my sister her name is maira and she is 10 years old she is in 5th grade and I'm in 7th grade and my smallest is my brother his name is abdurrahman and he is in K.g and his age is 5 years old and now let's start.

My life

My life is pretty oddenar like other teenagers but some times I filt like I'm different from other teenagers like that song that was released in 2023 people you know and people are the biggest example of teenagers life and Worst part being a teenager is not easy many people like you many people hates you but put your opinions first don't be afraid that they won't like you people is made for this just be your self bye. thanks for reading this chapter bye-bye