
Little Big Chief

A young Isha finds himself being washed along a forsaken coast, surrounded by the mangled wreckage of what appears to be a ship. However, he soon discovers that this beach is not so forsaken. Filled with hostile creatures and beings, this world will demand excellence if he is to survive.

RightGnome · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Prologue (Part 2)

Isha took a few moments to collect himself. There was a lot to do today, and he'd need to be on top of his game if he wanted to get paid.

Just as he was considering which route to take, a transmission came through. A.S.T.R.A. read it off, "QL41TR85911OCV, halt your spacecraft. This is the Korg Empire's Fleet Command Ship#9321887U903. We suspect you of Intergalactic crimes. Our interaction is being recorded and reviewed in real-time by Observer-AI A.C.O.T.E. of the 1st Intergalactic Court."

A.S.T.R.A. immediately made contact with the Observer-AI and began the Halting procedure.

Isha stood frozen at the sight of the massive Warship that had appeared out of nowhere. It was easily 5,000 times the cubic meters of his own vessel.

As he began to break out of his stupor, he noticed that a B.U.T.T.L.E Bot had brought him an auto-injector shot of medication. He said a silent 'Thank you' to his mother and gave himself a shot in the mid-outer thigh. Instantly, the medication slowed his heart rate and made his focus as sharp as a tack. 

He tried to take command, "This is Captain Isha. My documentation is being sent to you now. I will be waiting in the starboard airlock for the inspection team."

He tapped his ear implant and began to walk to the right side of his ship, where he said he'd be waiting.

It took them mere moments to secure the airlock and board his vessel, as he was complying fully and had his mother piloting.

The door opened, allowing a series of men to walk past him, all wielding scanners and portable X-Ray emitters. He felt bothered to ask for what they were looking for because he didn't have much in the cargo hold.

An elderly gentleman stepped onto his spacecraft wearing the Korg uniform-a sleek, form-fitting multipurpose suit featuring Duramatic Plating for defense against beam weaponry. As he got closer, Isha noticed the plentiful medals and badges, which denoted his rank and extensive experience in previous wars.

"Ah, you must be Isha?" He waved and stood ramrod straight as he continued, "You are a bit young to be piloting a vessel of this size, aren't you?"

Isha nodded, "My mother bought it for me when I turned 16. We have the docu-"

He was cut off with a simple wave, "That is not why we are here. We may have differing views on Artificial Technology, but we respect your right to a...machine Mommy."

The man's tone was bordering on disrespectful.

Just as Isha was about to speak, he was cut off by the Observer-AI, "Commander Buchardie, your inflection, posture, and speech content have been recorded and reviewed. Your superiors have agreed to a Verbal Warning and will be contacting you after this stop. 

Do. Not. Instigate. Further."

Isha couldn't help but smirk as he realized the Observer-AI would catch any passive-aggressiveness.

Isha thought back and asked calmly, "Then, pray tell, what is the reason for your halting?"

The Commander nodded and collected himself, "My apologies. Personal views should not get mixed with Official business. There has been a report of War Goods aboard your ship. We, as bystanders, cannot allow intergalactic lanes to be used by any faction for Warring purposes."

Isha tapped his ear, and his mother spoke, "The report does seem legitimate. The cargo you picked up appears to be old data drives. But, once assembled, they could be deciphered and used to strike soft targets. We used similar techniques in the-wait."

He felt something small slam into the ship.


The Commander and Isha looked at each other for a moment before the older man spoke, "Come. Boy."

Isha wasn't planning on following the older man until A.S.T.R.A. whispered, "Follow him for now. I am going portable."

He nodded and quickly made his way to the other ship. As he stepped on, he instantly felt the artificial gravity generator pull his body harder than he was used to. It was a good thing he did his exercises because some people slacked off in zero gravity and ended up needing walking devices on World.

"Woah..." He couldn't help but be amazed at the sheer volume of the ship's interior. It was like every room was a cargo hold...

The Commander, who was sending out a series of quick orders using their practiced protocol, noticed the kid behind him, "Ah, first time seeing a REAL Warship? Hahaha, well, I will show you around if we have the time."

Isha was caught off guard and asked, "I thought I was under suspicion?"

The Commander chuckled lightly and handed a data pad off to a subordinate, "Kid, do you really think people wouldn't keep their eyes out for a Level 9 War-AI? Your 'Mother' has been on our radar since before you were born."

Suddenly, loud stomping was heard behind them. Isha turned back around to see a 10-foot tall machine standing behind him, wearing his mother's generated face.

"Mom! Where did you get this body?" Isha was stunned-he had played catch with his mother in her other forms growing up, but it took a lot out of her to 'don the armor' these days. She wasn't getting old, but even Machines could have dreams...and nightmares.

The front of the giant metallic golem began to open and revealed a cavity for a pilot.

Isha understood and began to step inside when the spacecraft lurched suddenly. Then they felt it, a massive shockwave propagating through the mass of the vessel.

The Commander went white as a sheet and called out, "BATTLESTATIONS!"

A.S.T.R.A. called out to the Commander, "Allow me to be of assistance I-"

She was cut off by Buchardie, "Ma'am, with all due respect, just protect your 'son' and let us do our jobs."

A curt nod was all he received.

Isha suddenly felt like something was very wrong. Then, his mother's body began sprinting forward at well above human pace. She broke 60 kilometers per hour as she rounded a section of the ship and dove into a room, barely missing crew.