
LITRPG: Etherea System

In a future where reality ruptures, unleashing ethereal energy across the globe and destabilizing the balance, humanity is reduced to scattered cities. Factions vie for power, while a remnants of humanity thrive to survive and overcome the evil that now stands against them. Myles Stone-- a gifted human, emerges as one of humanity's last hope, taking on the perilous journey of restoring order and mending reality's shattered fabric amiss the chaos. Join Myles as he faces moral dilemmas, forms bonds with superhumans, and unravels dark truths about the cataclysmic event. The story of Myles Stone, a thrilling tale of heroism, vigilantism, and a world on the brink of chaos. PS: This cover is not mine

DannyL · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs


As the dust settled from the collapsed structure, Myles found himself standing amidst the ruins of the compound. The once towering buildings now lay in rubble, and the aftermath of the destructive confrontation surrounded him.

Myles stood on the edge of the cliff, emotions swirling within him, a mix of fear and curiosity. Ethereal creatures were now unleashed, roaming the world like nothing he had ever encountered before. Despite all the efforts and battles fought by CREED, they seemed powerless in the face of this new threat.

Sitting there amidst the devastation, Myles contemplated the depth of his failure and the disappointment he felt for humanity. "I lost," he thought, the weight of the situation bearing down on him.

Though physically exhausted and in pain, Myles' determination remained strong. He had survived a confrontation with Denumbit, but it came at a great cost. The world he had sworn to protect now lay in ruins, and many of his fellow agents had been lost.

Just as he began to catch his breath, a portal shimmered into existence nearby. Out of it emerged a figure shrouded in darkness. Nitro's senses went on high alert, recognizing the presence of a powerful being.

The mysterious figure stepped forward, revealing a sleek, black armguard on it's hand. The armguard emitted a soft, pulsating light, and the air around them crackled with energy.

"Who are you?" Myles demanded, his voice steady despite the fatigue.

The figure said nothing, but their intent was clear. They had come for a purpose, and Myles sensed that it was not a friendly visit.

"I won't let you harm anyone else," Myles declared, summoning the last of his strength.

As the two of them stood firm in a face off, a storm began to brew overhead, lightning crackling in the darkened sky. The collosal object was encroaching fast and the fate of earth hung in the balance.

Myles had no idea what the figure wanted from him but whatever it was, he knew he had to give his all to protect it.

Just as they were about to clash, the figure spoke, it' voice carrying an air of ominous authority. "You have no idea what lies ahead, Myles. The fabric of reality is unraveling, and the true test of your powers is yet to come."

"How do you know my....."

Before Myles could finish his question, he was caught in a telekinetic field. The figure waved his hand in a swiping motion, effortlessly knocking Myles aside. The force of the threw Myles across the ground, leaving him to crash into the rubble behind.

Myles prepared to initiate combat on the ground where he laid, although he was in no shape to hold his ground.

The figure once again approached Myles and motioned with his hand, lifting Myles up the ground with it's telekinetic ability.

"You have fought valiantly, but I'm afraid this is the end for you," the figure stated as it suspended Myles in the air.

With uncertainty gnawing at him, Myles knew that the world was now about to face a greater threat than ever before. The torn fabric of reality and the appearance of the collosal object and this enigmatic figure meant that a new chapter of chaos and danger was about to unfold.

Immediately, Myles felt a strain in his body, the figure had began drawing out the remnants of energy left within him.

"Urghh..." Myles screamed out in pain as he was being drained of the remnants of his life force.

The creature smirked as Myles struggled in the air, unable to retaliate or defend himself.

"Goodbye Myles stone," the creature bid as he was about to draw the last of his energy.

Just as the figure was about to deliver the final blow, an unexpected ally intervened. Myles' AI assistant, Stiles, The impact sent the being crashing into the ruins.

Just then a whistling and crackling sound could be heard.... The figure was immediately hit by a rocketing force which came down in an instant. Myles AI assistant, Stiles had arrived in his flight craft, the prime, unleashing a powerful attack that struck the figure with force. Stiles fired energy shots at the figure down from the prime.

Stiles had traced Myles all the way out to the location and piloted the craft down there in the wake of the destruction of CREED's HQ.

The impact shattered the rocky earth creating several tiny craters on the ground. Several blasts hit the figure, sending him across the wreckage and crashing into the ruins, leaving Myles falling to the ground.

The prime piloted by stiles, hovered above, blazing with energy enough to power a city as it proceeded to greeting his master.

"Myles, are you alright" Stiles inquired.

"I don't feel so good, regardless, it's good to to see you stiles" Myles replied.

"Likewise." Stiles affirmed.

The being they faced was an adversary unlike any other they had encountered before – a formidable foe whose existence threatened not only the world but the very fabric of reality itself.

Myles felt weak, as he had bled out a large quantity of blood.

The energy drained from him seemed to have impaired his ability to heal along with some of attributes.

"Hang in there, I'll get you out of there" stiles affirmed.

"How dare you make a fool of Din'Adam!" The figure bickered as it stood back up. It immediately charged at Myles, about to throw several tactically planned strikes at him.

In a split second, stiles deployed an exoskeleton mech support suit from the prime, which instantly locked on and attached itself onto Myles, integrating into a stylised armor. The suit provided the rigidity and support Myles needed to face off his current adversary.

Myles quickly dodged the impending attack and was able to counter the strike, blasting Din'Adam at his back.

Myles continued to randomly blast him, in an attempt to wear him down and possibly, degrade the integrity of his suit.

"Enough of this!" Din'Adam complained as he dashed forward grabbed ahold of myles' neck.

"Did you possibly think you stood a chance? Your weapons are pathetic against me." Din'Adam proclaimed as hr threw Myles across the ground. He grabbed ahold of myles, and repeatedly slammed him against the ground before finally throwing him over to the edge of the cliff. Myles caught the edge and held on for his dear life.

"Why do you still strive for a lost battle? Your world is lost!" He proclaimed as he walked up to Myles.

"You see that's where you are wrong," Myles replied as he grabbed ahold of the edge with both hands, pulling himself back up.

"As long as there's still someone to oppose, it's not done yet." Myles added as he stood up facing Din'Adam.

"Back at CREED, We..... We didn't help the people because they deserved it.... We help people because we are part of the few privileged to make that choice." Myles stated.

Din'Adam was baffled by Myles' courage and also a bit surprised that he still had the strength to utter words. He took up Myles with his telekinesis and suspended him over the cliff above vast and rugged landscape.

"Fool! You can't defeat me, you don't stand a chance." Din'Adam affirmed.

"You overestimate yourself!" Myles replied.

Immediately, an special piece of armor ejected from the prime and instantly shot onto Myles hand, lunging him forward as it attached to the mech suit. As Myles landed, he found an opening in Din'Adam's suit, which he used to drive his hand deep into Dim'Adam's chest.

The impact punctured his heart, shattered his spine, and crushed his ribcage all at once.

Din'Adam gurgled and spat out purple blood as he stood frozen and dumbstruck, staring down at the hand in his chest. His malevolent existence has been brought to an end by a mere human.

"I... I am but one... of many. More will.... come," Din'Adam conferred to Myles.

"Let them come!" Myles replied as he withdrew his hand from Din'Adam's chest.

Din'Adam fell to the ground as he drew his last breath. His skin cracked, as it emitted a purple glow.

Din'Adam's demise triggered and explosion that disbursed energy into the surroundings.

The shockwave was so strong that it shattered the mech suit Myles had on into bits and shards, knocking him unconscious and sending him off the edge of the cliff.

With a weak sigh, he closed his eyes, easing himself, and accepting his fate. He let gravity take over as he began falling towards the rugged terrain below.

Myles had fought and was ready to let go.

However, just as he was about to meet his fate, a beam of energy from a flying craft above caught him, just before he collided with the ground. Devoid of any motivation for survival, Myles was lifted back into the craft, unconscious.