
LitRPG: An Unexpected Beginning

In a world of gray predictability, Kei had settled into a routine that felt never-ending. Every day, Kei wished for something — anything — to change. But when the apocalypse answered, it wasn’t the change he had expected. Instead of sending a forewarning, the apocalypse came crashing like a tidal wave. As chaos unfurled, Kei had to choose between being consumed by despair or embracing the change and finding his destiny amidst the end. If you would like to read about other stories written by me, you can check them out here: https://www.amazon.com/s?i=digital-text&rh=p_27%3ADarkodia+D

Darkodia · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 18

As I reached the classroom door, I slowed down, listening for any sounds from within. Satisfied that it was safe, I knocked softly and called out quietly to let them know that it was me. The door creaked open slowly, revealing Sara, Tim, and Lily. Sara and Lily's faces lit up with relief and surprise as they saw me and the amount of food that I had brought back.

"Wow, you made it back! And with food!" Sara exclaimed, her eyes wide as she looked at the supplies in my arms.

I stepped inside, gently placing the food on one of the desks. "I found them in the kitchen of the cafeteria, after I had a bit of a run-in with a level 10 Zombie Chef," I explained, trying to sound nonchalant about the encounter.

Tim's expression shifted subtly, a mix of surprise and something else I couldn't quite place. "Level 10? That's insane! You're getting stronger by the day," he said, but his tone seemed off, lacking something.

Lily interjected with a tone of earnest gratitude. "This is amazing! We won't have to worry about food for a while now."

As we gathered around the makeshift table, the initial silence was a comfortable one, punctuated only by the sounds of our eating. I watched as Sara carefully opened a packet of non-perishable food, its contents resembling a high-energy meal bar. She took a small bite, then offered a nod of appreciation. "This is actually quite good, especially given our situation," she commented, her tone filled with sincerity.

Lily, on the other hand, was peeling an orange, the fresh citrus scent filling the air. The oranges were a rare find of vibrant color. As she separated the segments and offered one to each of us, her expression was neutral. "These are alright," she remarked, her voice even.

Tim, meanwhile, was quietly working his way through a can of what appeared to be stewed vegetables. He ate methodically, but quietly. Every now and then, he would glance at the food, as if trying to find something reassuring in its familiarity. "It's filling, at least," he said, his voice lacking something.

I was eating a combination of the meal bar and the stewed vegetables, finding the mix to be oddly satisfying. The meal bar was dense and sweet, a concentrated energy source, while the vegetables were savory and nourishing, providing a balance to the sweetness of the bar. Together, they created a meal that was both filling and delicious.

Sara, trying to maintain some semblance of normalcy, started a light-hearted conversation about our favorite meals. We each chimed in, talking about the foods we liked and the restaurants we used to visit. For a moment, it felt like we were just people sharing a meal, instead of survivors stuck in a dungeon.

But as the conversation went on, I couldn't help but notice Tim's distant gaze. He continued to contribute to the conversation, but his responses were brief and lacked his usual spark. It was as if his mind was somewhere else, preoccupied with thoughts he wasn't ready to share yet.

He ate quietly, his usual chatter replaced by a pensive silence. His glances were fleeting, and he seemed lost in thought. It wasn't like Tim to be so withdrawn.

I decided to address the elephant in the room. "Tim, is everything okay? You seem a bit off today," I asked, my voice tinged with curiosity.

He looked up, seemingly caught off guard by my question. For a moment, he hesitated, then sighed. "I... I'm fine. Just tired, you know? It's been a long day."

I wasn't entirely convinced by Tim's explanation. His usual demeanor was far from the subdued character I was witnessing now. However, I recognized the boundaries of our newly formed relationship; we had only known each other for about a day, and I didn't feel it was my place to pry too deeply.

Nevertheless, Tim's behavior gnawed at me, like an itch that I couldn't quite scratch. As we wrapped up our meal, I found myself glancing in his direction, trying to decipher the thoughts behind his distant eyes. I decided that I needed some clarity, if not for his sake, then for the group's cohesion.

Once we had finished eating and started clearing up, I saw an opportunity to speak with Lily privately. I casually mentioned needing help with sorting some of the supplies, and she followed me to the other side of the room.

"Lily," I began, trying to sound casual, "have you noticed anything... off about Tim today?"

She paused for a moment, her expression turning cautious. "Why do you ask?" she inquired, her eyes searching mine for a hint of my intentions.

I sighed, realizing there was no easy way to approach this. "He just seems different today, more withdrawn. I'm worried it might be something serious."

Lily hesitated, her gaze shifting towards where Tim was sitting. After a moment, she let out a small sigh. "I wasn't sure if I should say anything," she started, her voice low, "but Tim... he has some suspicions. About you."

The words hit me unexpectedly. "Suspicions? About me?" I echoed, my mind racing.

She nodded. "He's been a bit on edge since we met. I think the stress is getting to him, but... he thinks you might be keeping secrets from us. That there might be more that you're not telling us."

My expression hardened slightly as I processed Lily's words. "Suspicions about me?" I repeated, my voice tinged with a mix of surprise and a hint of irritation. "Everyone here has their own secrets, things that they might not be ready to share. We're in a situation where we need to trust each other, but that doesn't mean we're obligated to lay bare every detail, especially since we've just met."

I met Lily's gaze, my eyes conveying the firmness of my stance. "I've been quite open about what's necessary. I've shared information that's needed for our survival. Beyond that, what I choose to keep to myself is my own business, just as it is for each one of us here."

Lily nodded, her expression softening slightly. "I understand, and I agree. We're all dealing with this in our own way. I just thought you should know what's going on."

I offered Lily a small, grateful smile. "Thank you for telling me, Lily. It's good to know where things stand, even if it's a bit uncomfortable. I appreciate your honesty."

As I sorted the supplies with Lily, my thoughts turned to Tim's behavior. His suspicions about me were concerning; in our precarious situation, any hint of mistrust could jeopardize the group's cohesion. Was this just a temporary reaction to stress, or a sign of deeper issues that could escalate?