
lit. founder of a blood-sucking ancestor

Lit. founder of a blood-sucking ancestor is a metafictional novel about the vampire genre. The protagonist in the novel rises through hardship, undergoes betrayal and degradation, and eventually becomes the king who dominates the eternal night and dawn. The storyline is tense, exciting, and compelling, leaving the reader intrigued by the vampire theme.

genie007 · Fantasy
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Chapter 15: The Foraging Fiasco

Follow the flow of people, walking on the busy road, looking at that a car sped past, looking at the side of the people each holding a cell phone while walking and chatting, looking at the bright lights, everything, all let Zhang Feng feel a burst of novelty, this world, become too interesting ...


Only, walking in the busy street, looking at these or busy rush, or leisurely together with the playful couples, Zhang Feng but feel a burst of loneliness, only their own, is not part of this world ...


Slowly, Zhang Feng suddenly realized that his eyes were more and more fond of aiming at other people's necks, as if there was a fatal temptation for him, especially when a beautiful young girl walked past in front of him, her white neck was like a magnet full of power, firmly attracting Zhang Feng's eyes ... ...


"What's wrong with me?" , feeling his abnormalities, Zhang Feng secretly, just at this moment, a burst of hunger surged up, Zhang Feng only suddenly awakened, he was hungry ...


Thinking about it Zhang Feng was shocked, what is the food of zombies? It's blood ...


"Difficult ... does ...", thinking of their own food, finally realized this point Zhang Feng immediately stayed, does he still have to go to bite people not? He became a zombie, this can be said to be their own no choice of things, but if you go to bite people, Zhang Feng is how to do not come out.


Thinking of blood, Zhang Feng's throat is more and more dry, looking at one in front of a coming and going silhouette, throat a fierce swallow, but, he can not do so, Zhang Feng knows, if once he opened such a precedent, then later, will be even more unmanageable, can not be! Zhang Feng knows that if he sets such a precedent, then, in the future, it will be even more unmanageable! Zhang Feng s heart desperately shouted!


"No way!!! We have to get out of here quickly!!!" , looking at the people coming and going in front of him, it seems to be like countless chicken legs waving in front of a hungry ghost, this temptation, is too strong, Zhang Feng heart roared towards the front running aimlessly, as long as it runs to an unoccupied place will be able to ...


Not knowing how long he had been running, Zhang Feng could be said to have been in a daze, and his throat was on the verge of smoldering, desperately in need of something to moisturize it, and his instincts deep in his soul told him: he needed blood, he needed blood!!!!


However, the last trace of reason in his heart told him that he could not do so Zhang Feng, in such an intense battle between heaven and man, ran forward frantically, while his own reason, at any time, there is the possibility of being submerged ...


Suddenly, frantically running Zhang Feng feet a beat, eyes are bright, that originally struggling eyes also recovered a little clear, nose instincts tell him: there is blood ...


  Zhang Feng toward the direction of the source of the smell of blood look, the original do not know when, Zhang Feng has run to a remote large slaughterhouse before, see this large slaughterhouse, Zhang Feng's eyes light, the body lightly over the fence, scampered in ...


Ten minutes later, a black shadow inside scurried out again, only to see Zhang Feng wiped his mouth and burped contentedly, smiling slightly, finally he had solved the problem of a dinner, only, could he keep going on like this? This is not a long term solution ah, moreover, he must find a shelter before dawn, otherwise, he will wait to be burned to death it ...


There is no better option than to get a job, but what would one do?


After thinking about it, in the end Zhang Feng realized helplessly that he could do nothing but kill people ...


"Forget it, it is better to solve the matter in front of us first, first find a shelter is the right thing ... ", really can not think of their own in addition to killing, but also what can be done Zhang Feng, finally helplessly decided to the dark road.


At the end of the day, Zhang Feng sighed: I did not expect to crawl out of the grave, but still have to run for life, it seems that food and shelter, whether zombies and humans, can not be avoided ah.


"Ah, what are you doing?" Suddenly, Zhang Feng, who was looking for a place to stay, heard a young girl's shriek in front of him with his sensitive ears. Zhang Feng gave a slight start, and then his feet stepped up and walked towards the dark alley in front of him. ...


Came to the entrance of the alley, only to see the two sides of the alley, towering two high fences, that high fence, blocking a large area of street lamp light, making the whole alley a dim, like a small dark alley general, inside, only to see two stout men, is blocking a young woman, seems to want to do something bad, dim on the path, because the light of the reason, so that Zhang Feng could not see the woman's However, to see such a situation, of course, Zhang Feng can not care about it, for him, but it is just a hand up ...


"What are you guys doing?" , only to see Zhang Feng faintly walking in towards the inside of the alley, his eyes staring at the two big men with sturdy figures, and said faintly.


Hearing the voice behind them, the two big men were obviously startled, but when they turned around and saw that there was only a skinny young man like Zhang Feng, they relaxed again and looked at him with a fierce smile, ''What? Kid? Do you want to save a beauty? But looking at you, it seems like you can hardly protect yourself, right?" . Saying that, one of the strong men greeted up with a sardonic smile ...


"Self-preservation? Are you talking about me?" , looking amusedly at this burly man with obvious ill intentions, Zhang Feng said indifferently.


"Go to hell! Kid!!!" Seeing Zhang Feng's look that clearly did not put him in his eyes, the strong man rushed up angrily, and his right fist fiercely struck towards Zhang Feng.


Left foot forward step violently, Zhang Feng almost instantly appeared in front of the strong man, pale slender palms immediately like an iron hoop like that strong man's heavy fists pinched, at the same time a kick out, only to see this strong man was immediately kicked off, lying on the ground grunting, it seems that for a moment will not get up.


  Zhang Feng's close combat even those well-trained ninjas are not rivals, and how can these few ordinary strong men be able to fight? Moreover, Zhang Feng, who had become a vampire, obviously felt that his speed was faster than before, and vampires, themselves, are known for their speed....


As for the other strong man, seeing his companion put away in a single move, his face was visibly shocked, and he received a deadpan look at Zhang Xiaofeng and asked, "Brother in the end, which path is it? I think I've never had any beef with you brother, why must I ruin things for both of us today?" .


"Why?" Upon hearing his words, Zhang Feng gave a slight smile and said, "It's supposed to be the right thing to do when you see injustice, but you still have the nerve to ask me why? I am a seven-foot man, how can I watch a weak woman being bullied and humiliated by you two bullies and not care about it?" .


"Eh ...", hearing Zhang Feng's words, that burly man was dumbfounded and secretly said, "There are really people who mind their own business like this these days? Normally, when our two brothers do this, but no one has ever dared to manage it ...."


"What? Still not leaving? Do you want me to take action?" Seeing the way that the strong man stood there dumbfounded, Zhang Feng said icily with a cold light in his eyes.


Hearing Zhang Feng's icy words, the strong man's body slightly trembled, then panicked and helped up the strong man on the ground who was still moaning, and after putting down a harsh word, he slipped away.


"Miss, are you alright?" , seeing that the two strong men had left, Zhang Feng came to the young girl's body and asked.


I just saw that the young girl inside, saw Zhang Feng come over, but backed up a few steps, the face was not at all due to the behavior of the two strong men just now and feel afraid of the appearance, just to see the up Zhang Feng, but also not at all grateful appearance, just coldly looked at the Zhang Feng said: "How is it? The play is over, right? Hmph ...."


"En?" Hearing the words of this young girl, Zhang Feng was obviously puzzled and asked in confusion, "What do you mean by that?" .


"Still want to pretend?" , only to see this young girl, raised her head, a delicate melon face but a I know everything expression, said: "Don't think I don't know, it must be you who directed such a farce of heroes rescuing beauty, right? Then you want this girl to throw herself at you, right? Dream on!!! Hmph!!!" . After saying that, a face tilted up with a cold snort, just like a high and proud peacock ...


"Inexplicable ...", seeing the appearance of this young girl, Zhang Feng slightly dumbfounded, then shook his head and sighed, turning to leave ...