
Listen to the Beat of My Heart

After experiencing heartache for his runaway bride, whom he dearly loved, Jalil Chris Aversin, the sole grandson and heir of one of the influential richest families, was now facing the crisis of making his grandparents happy and fulfilling their only request, which was to see their grandson be married to a lovely wife and create his own family before he turns 30. With a heavy heart, Jalil directed his trusted private lawyer to look for someone who could be his wife and who was trustworthy and respectful.  On the other hand, Eliza Martinez, a 24-year-old woman who was living her best, peaceful, and simple life, got a call from her lawyer friend. She was told to sign a marriage contract with someone whose supposed wife ran away the day before their marriage. At first, she refused the offer since she was still unready to enter the marriage life, but because of her friend's persistence, not to mention that her monthly salary as a wife will be millions, Eliza accepted the offer. The marriage agreement, including the rules and remuneration, was settled between Eliza and Jalil. However, their marriage life was a complete disaster as their personalities clashed. Despite their disagreements, Jalil couldn't end the contract as his grandparents became fond of Eliza.  Now, will they learn to adjust to each other and get along? Where will their contract lead them? What if the runaway bride comes back and reveals the long-forgotten secrecy of the Aversin family?

ElJaneDM · Urban
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

'Welcome to the married life'

Jalil groaned as he woke up to the loud music coming from the living room. He took his phone from the side cabinet and checked the time; it was exactly 10 a.m. Sunday.

He decided to rest and sleep all day, but the banging music wouldn't let him. He stood up, half asleep, then opened his room's door. He immediately covered his ears as the music became louder.

He annoyedly walked towards the living room and headed to the cabinet where his LED television and huge speakers were placed. He then turned off the music, giving relief to his dying ears. 

Eliza peeked from the kitchen with her brows knitted in confusion. "Why did you turn it off?"

"You're too loud early in the morning!" Jalil complained.

Eliza glanced at the wall clock, then raised her left brow. "Excuse me? It's 10 a.m."

"Still morning."

"God!" Eliza rolled her eyes. "You don't even have neighbors. No one will be disturbed."

"I have." Jalil walked towards the couch, laid there, and closed his eyes to sleep more.

"Yeah, but 10 miles away."

Jalil laid completely flat on the couch. "I'm that neighbor."

Eliza didn't respond anymore and just went straight to the cabinet and lowered the volume of the speaker, then turned the music on again, which made Jalil look in her direction.

"Seriously?" Jalil glared.

Eliza just shrugged her shoulders. "I love doing chores with music."

Jalil's half-brow was raised in confusion. "What were you doing?"

"Cooking, duh?" Eliza said in a sarcastic tone as she raised the ladle in her hand. Then, her eyes dilated as she remembered something. "The curry! Shit! Shit!"

Eliza ran to the kitchen and removed the cover of the pot, which caused the thick smoke to spread in the air. She looked at the chicken curry she was making and sighed in relief. "Good. It's not overcooked."

"You know how to cook?" Eliza glanced at Jalil as he spoke.

"Yes. You don't?" Eliza asked back, which made Jalil look away. He scratched the back of his head, then shook it as an answer.

Eliza nodded while she took a sip of her curry. "As expected."

"I have no time for that, okay?" Jalil defended himself, but Eliza just gave him a scoffing gaze. 

"Ahuh. Of course. You're a busy man, right?" Jalil just glared at her sarcasm.

"Stop it. It's annoying!" Jalil told her in annoyance and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Eliza was left in the kitchen, chuckling at his reaction.

After Eliza finished her cooking, she prepared the table and the utensils. She put the rice in a big bowl and poured some curry into two small bowls for each of them.

She looked at the bathroom's door as it opened, and the freshly washed, perfect face of Jalil greeted her eyes. 

Eliza sat on the left side of the table. "Breakfast?"

Jalil sat across from her and stared at the appetizing food in front of him. "It's brunch."

"Whatever you call it, just eat." Eliza started eating, but her attention was caught as she took a glance at Jalil, who was now recognizing the taste of her cooking.

She put down her spoon and fork and put her hands below her chin while excitedly staring at him. "How was it?"

Jalil looked in her direction. "It's bland."

Eliza was taken aback and quite offended. She took Jalil's bowl of cury away from him while frowning. "Then don't eat it."

Jalil's mouth hung in disbelief after she stole his food. "What should I eat, then?"

"Your problem."

Jalil sighed out of frustration and tried to calm himself. "Look. It's not bland, okay? I was just joking."

"Whoa. You know how to joke? Not buying it."

Jalil massaged his temple, slowly losing his temper. Instead of arguing more, he stood up to get his food, but Eliza just pulled it in the opposite direction as she glared at him.

"Eliza, I'm warning you," Jalil glared, but Eliza just ignored him.

He tried to snatch the food once again, but Eliza was also pulling it farther.

Jalil was at his limit. He took a deep sigh and scratched his temple. "I'm your boss, Eliza. Did you forget?"

Eliza stopped eating and looked up to him. Jalil thought she would be submissive, but he received a death stare from her instead.

Eliza raised her wedding ring and said, "You told me to act natural. I'm doing the wife things. Welcome to the married life, honey."

Jalil couldn't believe how Eliza talked to him. Not to mention the tone of her speaking. Honestly, this was his first time dealing with such an attitude.

In defeat, Jalil turned around and took some instant food from the fridge. He put it in the microwave and continued to eat afterwards.

He noticed Eliza was unusually quiet. Well, they didn't have that actual conversation to conclude that she was naturally quiet or talkative, but her vibe was giving him a hint that something was literally wrong with her.

He was observing her from the kitchen.

She was now watching her own wedding on the news in the living room.

"Wow. My veil really covers my face." She whispered to herself, but it was loud enough to be heard by Jalil.

He walked in her direction and watched the news as well. "Yeah. You're lucky they didn't have a clear picture of your face. You're somewhat safe to go wherever you want."

Jalil glanced at her, but she didn't have a reaction. Eliza was still quiet, as if he weren't there.

Jalil was really at his limit. "Hey. Are you sulking?"


"Then, why are you acting like that?"

Eliza fell silent once again. Jalil sighed, trying to control his temper, which was nearly bursting. "It's not bland. I was honestly joking earlier."

"I said I'm not sulking." Eliza was now changing the channel on the television.

Jalil took a deep breath and wiped his face in annoyance. "You know what? Fine! For Christ's sake, you're giving me a headache!"

Jalil went inside his room and shut the door aggressively, just enough force to startle Eliza.

She rolled her eyes into thin air and crossed her arms as she showed a little pout. "Bland. Bland his ass! My family loved it. His taste buds are broken. Tsk!"