
Listen to the Beat of My Heart

After experiencing heartache for his runaway bride, whom he dearly loved, Jalil Chris Aversin, the sole grandson and heir of one of the influential richest families, was now facing the crisis of making his grandparents happy and fulfilling their only request, which was to see their grandson be married to a lovely wife and create his own family before he turns 30. With a heavy heart, Jalil directed his trusted private lawyer to look for someone who could be his wife and who was trustworthy and respectful.  On the other hand, Eliza Martinez, a 24-year-old woman who was living her best, peaceful, and simple life, got a call from her lawyer friend. She was told to sign a marriage contract with someone whose supposed wife ran away the day before their marriage. At first, she refused the offer since she was still unready to enter the marriage life, but because of her friend's persistence, not to mention that her monthly salary as a wife will be millions, Eliza accepted the offer. The marriage agreement, including the rules and remuneration, was settled between Eliza and Jalil. However, their marriage life was a complete disaster as their personalities clashed. Despite their disagreements, Jalil couldn't end the contract as his grandparents became fond of Eliza.  Now, will they learn to adjust to each other and get along? Where will their contract lead them? What if the runaway bride comes back and reveals the long-forgotten secrecy of the Aversin family?

ElJaneDM · Urban
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

'Get along so well'

Jalil was quietly driving the car, while Eliza was sleepily leaning her head toward the rear window. She was seated in the back seat because of her wedding gown.

They were heading to the wedding reception, which will be held in Jalil's grandparents's mansion. Also, it was a better place to formally introduce Eliza to his grandparents.

"I'm a real bad person," Eliza whispered to herself, but it was loud enough to be heard. Jalil glanced at her through the front mirror and then focused his eyes on the road.

He didn't want to bother her. Jalil knew she was still adjusting to the happenings. Although she signed for it, after she cried like that when her father walked her down the aisle, Jalil understood the struggle with which she was dealing right now.

They were quiet until they arrived at the reception. Jalil parked his car in the parking lot inside the mansion after the guard opened the gate.

He looked in Eliza's direction and saw her expression change from sad to complete astonishment. Her eyes were as wide as her opened mouth while looking around the place. Luckily, the car's windows were too tinted.

"Damn, your house is too... amazing!" Eliza looked in Jalil's direction, who was now frowning. Her left brow was raised in confusion. "What?"

"Just a moment ago, your face was so long that it nearly reached the floor," Jalil said in his usual deep voice while removing his seatbelt.

Eliza didn't respond and just continued appreciating the beautiful sight inside the mansion. There were different kinds of flowers around the house and bushes that were trimmed into various shapes. There were hearts, squares, and triangles. Not to mention the tiny, cupid-shaped bushes in each corner.

Eliza moved her head closer to the window to have a look at the whole design of the mansion. She couldn't see the roof as it was too tall to be visible inside the car, but it was enough for her to be amazed. It wasn't as huge as a castle, but it was more pleasing to the eyes than the former. 

Jalil's phone rang, which got their attention; it was Jeffrey calling. His call was their signal to enter the mansion. After talking to Jeffrey, Jalil got out of the car and opened the door for Eliza. He helped her get out of the car and fixed her gown.

"Remember to act natural. My grandparents are keen on details. One slight mistake, they'll know," Jalil reminded after closing the door.

After Eliza let out a faint sigh, she wrapped her hand around Jalil's arm, and then they walked towards the mansion's entrance. Jeffrey was waiting for them at the door.

"Everyone's there?" Jalil asked him. Jeffrey nodded.

"Are you both ready?" Jeffrey asked, which made them fall silent. Jeffrey raised his brow. "I guess you are?"

They all looked at the door as someone opened it. The event organizer looked at them with a smile and showed them a thumbs up. Jeffrey did the same, giving her a signal that they were ready to get inside.

Music was heard, and the emcee started talking. After the countdown of three, the double door moved, and the music was banging on Eliza's ears as it opened widely. 

Her mouth hung in disbelief after realizing that approximately hundreds of people fit inside. She glanced at Jalil as they slowly walked towards the center.

"I could do multiple cartwheels here," Eliza cheerfully whispered, just loud enough to be heard by Jalil alone.

Jalil didn't respond to her and just led her in. His eyes were looking for his grandparents as he saw their seats empty. His brows furrowed until they reached the center aisle, where they would sit throughout the event.

Eliza noticed her family wasn't there as well. She looked at Jalil, who was also looking at her, and they immediately understood their inner thoughts through their gazes.

"You think they are meeting somewhere?" Eliza asked. Jalil just shrugged his shoulders as an answer.

Throughout the event, Jalil and Eliza were too busy observing the crowd, especially after their families were back in their seats. 

When the event ended, all of the guests left, including Jeffrey and Vasquez. The maids were helping the staff of the event clean up while Eliza, Jalil, and their families went to the living room.

Jalil and Eliza felt so left out in the circle; they were just quietly watching their family get along so well. Eliza's mother was laughing with her grandmother while her father was playing cards with her father and brother. 

"What should we do now?" Eliza whispered to Jalil. "It seemed like we turned invisible. They're having fun."

Jalil just sighed. He wanted his grandparents to meet Eliza, but, reality check, they were more interested in meeting Eliza's family.

His grandmother noticed the silence between them; she glanced at Jalil and Eliza, then excused herself from Eliza's mother.

The newlyweds sat properly as they saw her walk in their direction. Eliza formed a sweet smile on her face after Jalil's grandmother sat beside her.

"What a lovely young lady," his grandmother said, showing a soft gaze towards Eliza. Her hand was warm while holding Eliza's hand.

Looking at the old lady up close, Eliza couldn't stop herself from complimenting her appearance. Her skin was pale white and flawless. There were also fewer wrinkles visible on her face and body. Even her gray hairs were too embarrassed to come out to be with those shiny, thick black strands.

"Wow. You don't look old at all." Eliza froze after she realized she had said her thoughts out loud.

All of them halted and looked in her direction. After a moment, the old lady laughed.

"Thank you," Jalil's grandmother said as she looked at her husband. "Did you hear that? She said I don't look old! You should be careful; there's still a possibility I'd replace you."

Everyone was stupefied at the old lady's remark, and then a chorus of laughter was heard in the living room. Well, except for the old man, who was the only one silent and frowning.

"What about me? Do I look old?" The old man asked Eliza, starting a competition against his wife.

Eliza stood up, walked in the old man's direction, and stared at him. "Gosh! You looked like 10 years younger than your age!"

The old man laughed and looked at his wife mischievously. "Hear that, honey? You should be careful too!"

Everyone laughed once again, but this time it was the old lady who was silent and frowning. She stood up and crossed her arms while facing her husband. 

"Are you sure about that?" The old lady challenged him. "You will replace me?"

Everyone became silent, entertained by the elderly couple. The old man started sweating as he looked at his wife's serious face.

He formed an awkward smile and stood up to reach for his wife. "I was just joking! Of course I won't replace you. You're the love of my life. And you're the only beautiful in my eyes. Right, Jalil?"

Jalil's grandmother looked in his direction, seeking approval from his face. Jalil felt a little pressured by the sudden involvement, but he settled on giving an assuring smile to his grandma. "Definitely."

After that, his grandmother smiled from ear to ear and looked in Eliza's direction. "Do you believe these boys, dear?"

Eliza chuckled and nodded. "Well, their loss if they'll replace a beauty like us, aren't they?"

Jalil's grandmother laughed and replied, "Indeed."

Eliza and Jalil's worries disappeared after that cheerful evening. They never expected both of their families to get along without any struggle.

After leaving the mansion, Jalil and Eliza went to another location where they would spend their so-called honeymoon, which would also be their home until their contract ended.

They stopped and parked inside the parking space of a simple mansion, which had a combination of gray and ivory colors. It wasn't as huge as the mansion of Jalil's grandparents, but it was bigger than Eliza's expectations.

It was emanating Jalil's personality just by looking at it from the outside, and though Eliza noticed a hint of a feminine vibe in it, over all, you could tell it was certainly Jalil's.

"Your things were already inside," Jalil said as he locked his car with his remote key. Eliza nodded in response and followed him towards the door.

"You bought this?" Eliza asked, and Jalil just nodded while unlocking the automatic door through a passcode.

"I bought this for Emily. This was supposed to be our home after the wedding," Jalil said as he entered the mansion. 

Eliza fell silent. She was surprised by how Jalil casually answered her question. "You're okay living here?"

Jalil glanced in Eliza's direction. "Why not?"

"Uh, you know. Memories? Moving on process?" Eliza sat on one of the couches in the living room. It was too soft and cold because of its black leather cover.

"I like how serene this place is," Jalil responded, then pointed the door to the left. "This will be my room, and that will be yours."

Eliza looked in the direction Jalil pointed, just across from his room. "Okay."

They spent the night just like their first stay as roommates. Eliza went to her room and jumped on her soft bed. She stared at the ceiling and let out a sigh.

A moment later, her eyelids became heavy, and she fell fast asleep.