
Linking Stars (old)

In the enchanting world of Stracia, where magic and technology coexist, a group of aspiring heroes embarks on a remarkable journey to safeguard their realm. Among them are Light, an emotionless and mysterious but sarcastic swordsman who holds many secrets, Claire, a spirited archer and fencer, Marcus, a brooding scythe wielder, Liene, a swift and strategic kyoketsu shoge user, Cain, a clumsy yet powerful mage, and Rose, supportive and cheerful care-free mage. Their journey takes them to treacherous dungeons, ancient ruins, and sprawling landscapes, where they encounter powerful adversaries and forge alliances with unlikely allies. They face off against a mide varieties of enemies, including the enigmatic Derek, who delves into forbidden arts in his quest for power, or the formidable Theseus, who find himself running murderous clan and more that they will face Amidst the battles and quests, the students also grapple with personal growth and inner conflicts. They navigate complex relationships and confront their own fears and insecurities. As they face the challenges that come their way, they learn the true meaning of friendship, social issues, inner problems and sacrifice. Throughout the webnovel "Stars of Arcadia," readers are immersed in a world of magic, adventure, and self-discovery. The story explores themes of resilience, destiny, and the importance of staying true to oneself. As the students of the Celestial Sword Academy, Light, Claire, Marcus, and Liene along with Cain, Rose, and Ken as well as Dylan, Karra, Kate, Rhea, Kaine, Syrra, Iris, and more as they become the heroes that Stracia and the worls of Luminora needs, forging their own paths and leaving an indelible mark on the world they seek to protect.

LightKazukiGray · Fantasy
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38 Chs

An Accidental Star

December 26 4005 3:30PM

The massive airship, carrying the students of Celestial Sword Academy, soared through the skies, leaving the ominous dark walls of Darkfire Academy behind. As the airship glided gracefully over the landscape, the students inside gazed out of the windows, watching the academy they once called home shrink into the distance.

The air crackled with anticipation as the grand airship, a magnificent vessel adorned with celestial motifs, hovered above the grounds of Darkfire Academy. Its massive silhouette cast an imposing shadow over the surrounding buildings, contrasting sharply against the gloomy ambiance of the dark fortress.

Cain stood on the ground, his hand raised in a farewell wave, as he watched the big red airship take flight into the blue sky. Inside were Light, Claire, Rose, Liene, and Marcus, embarking on a journey yet to be unveiled. For a moment, a sense of nostalgia washed over Cain as he thought of the adventures they had shared, but he knew this was just the beginning of a new chapter in their lives. With hope and excitement in his heart, he wished them well on their grand expedition, ready to welcome them back as heroes when they return.

Cain stood at the edge of the academy's courtyard, his heart heavy with mixed emotions. With a bittersweet smile, he raised his hand in a solemn farewell wave to his friends—Light, Claire, Rose, Liene, and Marcus—as they boarded the grand airship.

As the airship ascended into the sky, its vibrant red exterior slowly blending with the vast blue above, Cain's gaze followed its path. With each passing moment, the ship became smaller and smaller, a mere speck against the canvas of the heavens. The once vivid red now shimmered like a distant star, until it vanished behind a curtain of bright white clouds.

"Bye..." Cain whispered, his cheerful voice carrying a hint of melancholy. He knew that their paths would diverge for a while, but the memories they shared would forever remain in his heart.

As Cain walked away, his smile slowly faded, replaced by a pensive expression. He strolled into the gloomy alleyway, its ground scattered with debris, and the walls marked by graffiti and neglect. Abruptly, he vanished into a haze of gray, transparent smoke, leaving behind nothing but a fleeting trace of his presence.

In the cramped and chilly airship vents, an unexpected visitor emerged. It was Cain, squeezed uncomfortably within the tight confines, his face sporting a brief smile before it faltered when he accidentally bumped his head against the ceiling.

"Ow!" Cain couldn't help but let out a stifled cry, determined not to draw attention to his pain. The magical technique he had employed, known as cloning, was proving to be a taxing feat. Manifesting a perfect replica of himself on Peltas demanded an enormous amount of energy, pushing Cain to his limits. Nevertheless, driven by his deep admiration for Light and Marcus, he had committed himself to mastering this complex spell in a mere night. His desire to stand alongside them sprang from a profound appreciation for their courage and strength—qualities he felt were sorely lacking in his own reticent nature.

Overcoming initial trepidation, Cain managed to slip aboard the airship, an enigmatic smile hidden beneath his outward stoicism. He couldn't deny the sense of accomplishment he felt; it was a small but significant step towards conquering his own fears and learning from the very individuals he revered, Light included, despite his seemingly emotionless demeanor.

"Guess I'll have to endure this for a few more hours," Cain mused to himself, accepting the challenges that lay ahead with a quiet determination.

As the airship journeyed on, it encountered pockets of turbulence, jostling Cain within the cramped confines of the ventilation shafts. With each sudden jolt, he couldn't help but collide painfully with the metal walls, prompting involuntary exclamations of agony.

"Ow... Ow... Ow!!!" The vents seemed to magnify his cries, carrying them throughout the ship, a testament to the discomfort he endured with every turbulent twist and turn.

The continuous flow of cold air compounded his misery, while the limited space to maneuver within the cramped vent further exacerbated his discomfort. At times, Cain even contemplated the seemingly tempting idea of jumping out of the airship, driven by his desperate desire to escape the confines of the vent and find some respite.

Finally, after enduring hours of discomfort within the cramped and chilly confines of the airship vents, Cain felt a sense of relief as the airship touched down on Stracia. Seizing the opportunity, he cautiously freed himself from the confining space, being careful not to attract the attention of the guards and academy staff. Utilizing his skills in magic, Cain cast an invisibility spell upon himself, allowing him to navigate past the vigilant eyes of those around him.

As he stealthily made his way into the city, Cain's eyes widened with astonishment. Despite the late hour, the city of Stracia dazzled him with its vibrant illumination. Countless bright lights adorned the streets and buildings, casting a warm glow that bathed the surroundings. The bustling cityscape was a melting pot of diverse creatures, including humans, elves, dwarves, and many others, all coexisting harmoniously.

"Stracia... It's even grander than I had imagined," Cain whispered in awe, his voice filled with wonder as he marveled at the city's size and splendor.

Everything went smoothly as Cain wandered through the city, observing the diverse mix of pedestrians, cars, and even dragons and horses passing by. The radiant lights illuminated his surroundings, creating a lively and enchanting atmosphere. However, his enjoyment was abruptly interrupted by a loud growl emanating from his stomach. It had been two hours since the trip began, and he hadn't eaten anything since then.

"Oh, now I understand how Ken feels," Cain mused, his hunger becoming more apparent. "Good thing I..." His words trailed off as he reached into his pocket, only to find emptiness instead of the anticipated presence of a sturdy leather wallet.

"Oh no," Cain exclaimed, a sense of disappointment washing over him. He frantically checked every pocket on his clothes, but to no avail. The realization that he had forgotten his allowance hit him hard. Weary and famished, he leaned against a nearby fence, feeling defeated.

"I forgot my allowance," Cain murmured, his disappointment palpable. The persistent rumbling of his stomach served as a constant reminder of his hunger. No food, no money, and his energy dwindling rapidly, he let out a weary sigh and clutched his aching belly—Growl

"Oh, I'm so hungry... Why did I even come here?" Cain lamented, his stomach growling loudly. Weakened and drained of energy, he couldn't help but regret his decision to venture to Stracia. In his current state, all he could do was hunger and rue his forgetfulness, longing for the comforts of Peltas.

Lying weakly on the nearby fence, Cain's starvation had taken its toll, drawing strange looks from passersby. Unbeknownst to him, Rose happened to come across him in his desperate state. He had fallen asleep on the sidewalk, completely drained.

"Cain...?" Rose's voice gently called out to him, breaking the silence that enveloped the dimly lit room.

The soft timbre of Rose's voice gently pulled Cain from his slumber, the sound carrying a soothing quality that eased the fatigue in his weary bones. Despite the persistent pangs of hunger, he mustered a feeble smile, grateful for her presence in this strange and uncertain place. Rose's comforting voice offered a small glimmer of solace amidst the chaos and unknown that surrounded them. With her by his side, Cain felt a renewed sense of determination to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Umm, hey Rose..." Cain greeted her, doing his best to maintain a cheerful demeanor despite the hunger gnawing at him.

"Don't 'hey Rose me.' What are you doing here?" Rose inquired, a hint of annoyance in her tone.

"Well, I thought Peltas was becoming quite dull, so I decided to sneak onto that ship," Cain explained, his voice tinged with a hint of mischief.

"But wait, weren't you waving at us when we left Peltas on the ship?" Rose asked, puzzled by the revelation.

"Oh, that was my clone, you see..." Cain replied casually, only to be interrupted by a loud growl from his stomach.

"Then suddenly, I realized how strong the gravity is in our world..." Cain added, his stomach's protestation reminding him of the reality of his situation.

Rose's gentle laughter danced through the air, like a melody that touched Cain's heart. Despite his earlier misgivings, her amusement helped lighten the weight of his predicament. As she straightened herself, a warm smile graced her lips, and she extended her hand toward him. The sight of her kindness and genuine care caused a slight blush to tinge his cheeks, an involuntary response to the connection he felt with her in that moment.

For a fleeting second, Cain hesitated, unsure whether to accept her help or let his pride get in the way. But the warmth in her eyes and the sincerity of her smile melted away his reservations. With a grateful yet bashful grin, he reached out, allowing her hand to steady him as he rose to his feet. In that instant, a sense of comfort and camaraderie enveloped them, forging an unspoken bond between Rose and Cain. Together, they faced the uncertainties of this strange world, ready to support each other through whatever trials they may encounter.

"Come on, I'll treat you to some food. The restaurants in Stracia have delicious dishes," Rose said, her face beaming with a smile that seemed to radiate warmth and kindness.

"That's very kind of you," Cain responded, feeling a mixture of gratitude and relief at the prospect of a meal.

"Look, Mr. Brave Boy, you're obviously hungry. Whether you like it or not, you need food badly," Rose insisted, her tone playful yet sincere.

"Well, if you insist..." Cain replied, trying to contain his happiness, though the corners of his lips betrayed a hint of a smile.

Cain accepted Rose's offer, feeling touched by her thoughtfulness. Despite shivering from the cold, he mustered the strength to walk with Rose's support. Together, they navigated through the unfamiliar streets of Stracia, the lively atmosphere and the aroma of various dishes filling the air. As they approached a nearby restaurant, Cain couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and gratitude for the unexpected companionship he found in Rose, someone who cared enough to extend a helping hand in his time of need.

"You're silly, you know that, right?" Rose asked, her eyes sparkling with amusement, finding delight in the entire situation.

"Yup, I've come to realize that already," Cain replied with a sheepish grin, embracing his own quirks and feeling more at ease with Rose's lighthearted teasing.

With Rose's help, Cain settled into a comfortable seat at the restaurant, and she headed to the counter to place their orders. Returning to the table, she noticed Cain eagerly waiting for his meal, his hunger evident in the way he fidgeted with anticipation.

"Well, you'll have to be patient. The food will be here in a few minutes," Rose informed him, finding his eagerness endearing.

"I just don't know what to say... Thank you," Cain expressed his gratitude, his stomach making a soft growl that couldn't escape Rose's notice.

"You're welcome," Rose replied, a warm smile adorning her face. Cain's blush was not lost on her, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of joy at making him happy.

As soon as the food arrived at their table, Cain wasted no time and began eating with gusto, devouring the delicious dishes like a ravenous creature. Rose watched him with an affectionate smile, glad to see him enjoying the meal so much. Within minutes, Cain had finished everything they had ordered, a happy expression illuminating his face, and Rose couldn't help but feel grateful to have shared this simple yet meaningful moment with him.

December 29 4005 10:30PM

In the current moment, Light wearily made his way back to the academy after enduring a grueling day of training. His body bore the marks of intense practice, covered in bruises, scratches, and drenched in sweat. Despite the exhaustion, his determination was unwavering, and he soldiered on, knowing he was one step closer to achieving his goals. Fortunately, being a prestigious academy, it offered various amenities such as room service, food, and clothing cleaning, all provided free of charge to the students.

Dragging his tired feet, Light entered the academy's grand halls and slowly wandered through the maze-like corridors. As he walked, his mind still focused on refining his techniques, he unexpectedly found himself in a dimly lit hallway. There, he coincidentally encountered Claire, who seemed to have an air of determination that matched his own. Though they both looked tired and disheveled, they exchanged a knowing glance, silently acknowledging each other's efforts and unwavering commitment to their training. In that brief moment, a sense of camaraderie filled the space between them, and Light knew that, no matter how tough the journey, having Claire by his side made it all the more bearable.

"Hey, Light," Claire greeted him, her voice tinged with warmth and concern. She could sense that he was exhausted and worn out from his grueling day of training.

"Hey," Light responded with a weak tone, his weariness evident in his voice. Despite his fatigue, he appreciated Claire's presence and concern, even if he struggled to show it.

For a full minute, the two stood there, locking eyes, an unspoken understanding passing between them. The weight of their shared experiences seemed to connect them on a deeper level, as if they both knew what the other was going through. As Light turned to walk away towards his dorm, it was as if Claire's instinct kicked in, and she couldn't let him go just yet. Without hesitation, she reached out and grasped his sleeve, preventing him from continuing on. Light turned to face her once again, his eyes searching hers for answers.

In that moment, Claire could see the exhaustion and burden in Light's eyes. She knew that he was carrying a heavy weight on his shoulders, and she wanted to offer him some comfort, even if it was just for a moment. The unspoken bond between them made her feel like she needed to be there for him, to let him know that he didn't have to face everything alone.

"What is it?" Light asked, his guard slightly lowered by Claire's genuine concern.

"It's just that... Well..." Claire hesitated, her emotions evident in her eyes. Finally, she mustered the courage to ask, "Wanna hang out?" Her question held more weight than just a casual invitation; it was an offer of companionship, a gesture of friendship in the face of their shared struggles.

In that moment, Light felt torn between the desire to accept Claire's invitation and the weight of his responsibilities. He couldn't deny the genuine concern in her eyes, and he knew she had seen through his usual emotionless façade. It was as if she could sense the turmoil he was going through, and that both comforted and scared him.

He had always been a loner, keeping his emotions locked away and shouldering his burdens alone. But something about Claire's offer of companionship made him want to let his guard down. He wanted to share his struggles with someone, to have a friend who understood him and didn't judge him for his weaknesses.

Yet, he couldn't shake off the danger that loomed over them all. Derek was a formidable adversary, and the fate of the academy rested on their shoulders. Light knew he needed to stay focused, to keep training and preparing for the inevitable confrontation.

As he stood there, grappling with his conflicting emotions, Claire's patience and understanding were evident. She didn't press him further or try to convince him to change his mind. Instead, she simply stood there, a silent pillar of support, offering her friendship without any expectations.

Finally, Light managed to find his voice, his tone softer than before. "I... I appreciate the offer, Claire. Really, I do," he said, glancing away for a moment before meeting her eyes again while remaining this stoic nature. "But right now, I have a lot on my mind. I need to stay focused on training and preparing for what's to come."

"I-I know why you're doing this... That's why you're training so hard, isn't it?" Claire spoke with sincerity, her voice gentle and reassuring.

In that moment, as Light looked into Claire's eyes, he felt a mix of emotions swirling within him. His usual emotionless demeanor masked the turmoil he was experiencing, but he couldn't hide it completely from someone as perceptive as Claire. There was a vulnerability in his gaze, a hint of fear and uncertainty that he rarely showed to others.

The weight of his duty to protect the academy, to confront Derek and the looming danger, was immense. He had a responsibility to his friends, his fellow students, and to himself. The thought of failing them, of putting them in harm's way, weighed heavily on him. He had seen the consequences of his actions in the past, the injuries his friends had endured, and it haunted him.

"You know... huh?" Light replied, his tone slower than before, as if contemplating whether to open up. He seemed hesitant to reveal the reason behind his current state.

"Yeah... Derek, isn't it?" Claire mentioned, recognizing the source of Light's burden. Her voice carried a mix of empathy and understanding, showing that she was genuinely concerned about him.

At the mention of Derek's name, Light couldn't utter a word. Memories of the past ten grueling days flooded his mind—the sight of Marcus and Cain unconscious, the battles with the creature sent to kill him, and the chilling presence of Derek himself. The weight of responsibility weighed heavily on his shoulders, and he hoped his strength would be enough to thwart whatever plans Derek had in store.

Claire's hand gently squeezed his sleeve, a gesture of support and understanding. In that moment, Light felt a glimmer of solace in the midst of his turmoil, as if he wasn't alone in this daunting struggle. Her hand on his sleeve conveyed more than words ever could. It was a silent reassurance, a sign that he didn't have to face these challenges alone. In her touch, he felt a sense of understanding and support that gave him strength. It reminded him that even in the darkest of times, there were people who cared about him, who believed in him, and who were willing to stand by his side.

"How did you know?" Light finally managed to ask, his curiosity getting the better of him. His emotionless facade cracked slightly, revealing a flicker of intrigue beneath his usual stoic exterior.

Claire looked at Light with an emotional expression, contrasting his typically emotionless demeanor. She stood still, holding Light's hand, despite its bruised and calloused state from his intense training. Her eyes were filled with empathy and understanding.

"But that's not important... Lately, you've been so preoccupied. I won't stop you from fighting him, but at least take a break," Claire pleaded with a soft tone, her concern evident in every word.

"That's nice of you, but I'll have to decline," Light responded firmly, a hint of determination in his voice as he stayed true to his resolve.

"Ummm... T-that's okay," Claire replied, her disappointment evident in her voice and the slight quiver in her lips. She tried to mask her feelings with a brave smile, but her emotions were hard to conceal.

With a forced smile, Claire reluctantly let go of Light's hand. Beneath her facade, she struggled to hold back tears that threatened to spill over. Light couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt, aware that his decision had left her feeling vulnerable and hurt. Yet, he was at a loss for words or actions to ease the situation. Quietly, he turned away, leaving Claire standing alone in the dimly lit hallway on that cold night.

As Light walked away, something inside him compelled him to stop and look back. His head slightly turned to the side, and though it may have been a subtle gesture, it carried a depth of sincerity.

"I'm really sorry. I just don't know how to feel or respond to emotions properly... Maybe I can accept your offer some other time. Right now, I need to stay focused," Light spoke slowly, trying to convey his inner struggles while remained his stoic nature.

As Light's back faced her and his head remained angled away, Claire sensed a fleeting but genuine emotion emanating from him. It was a subtle shift in his demeanor that spoke volumes to her. With a content smile, she understood that their friendship held a significance that transcended words and expressions.

Walking away, Claire carried with her a sense of reassurance, knowing that despite Light's emotional reserve, their bond was meaningful and cherished. She felt a warmth in her heart, fueled by the unspoken connection they shared.

As Light continued down the dark and cold hallway, he navigated the corridors with a mix of conflicting emotions. While his reserved nature kept him from openly displaying his feelings, he found comfort in the knowledge that Claire understood him. In those moments, he found solace in the silent camaraderie that tied them together.

With each step, Light's mind was filled with thoughts of the future, the battles that lay ahead, and the challenges he must face. Yet, in the midst of it all, he couldn't shake the sense of appreciation he held for Claire and the friendship they had forged.

As Light reached his dorm, he closed the door behind him, enveloping himself in the familiar space that offered him temporary sanctuary. The night may have been cold and the path ahead uncertain, but in the depths of his heart, a glimmer of warmth lingered—the connection with a friend who understood him beyond words.

Meanwhile, In the cozy atmosphere of Rose's dorm room, Cain found himself seated on her chair amidst a sea of girly things. The walls were painted a soft shade of pink, stickers adorned every available surface, and cute and frilly dresses were neatly arranged in the closet. A cute and pink bed was positioned next to the window, adding to the room's charming ambiance.

Cain felt a mix of embarrassment and uncertainty, making him contemplate leaving. However, deep down, he knew he had no other option but to stay. He observed as Rose rummaged through her closet, eventually retrieving a mattress, a pillow, and a blanket. She placed the mattress on the floor, followed by the pillow and blanket, and then handed them to Cain with a warm smile on her face.

"Here, Cain... Here's a blanket, a pillow, and a mattress. You can sleep here," Rose said kindly, offering him the essentials with a warm smile.

"Thanks, Rose. I don't know what to say," Cain responded gratefully, his cheeks reddening with a mix of appreciation and bashfulness.

"Shhh... Just try not to make too much noise," Rose advised playfully, raising a finger to her lips as if sharing a secret gesture.

"Right," Cain acknowledged, nodding his head slightly, silently promising to be as quiet as possible in her cozy dorm room.

Rose grabbed her wallet from the table and opened the door to her dorm room. Before leaving, she glanced back at Cain, who remained seated with a hint of bashfulness and a blush on his face.

"I'm going to get you some food. You stay here and make yourself comfortable," Rose said, her voice warm and caring.

"Thanks again, Rose... We didn't have many conversations back in Peltas, but you've been a great help these past two days," Cain expressed his gratitude, a hint of sincerity in his voice.

"No problem," Rose replied, her gentle smile reflecting her kindness and willingness to lend a helping hand.

With that, Rose exited the room, making sure to close the door behind her, leaving Cain alone in her cozy sanctuary. He couldn't help but still feel a tinge of embarrassment, unsure of what lay ahead in this unexpected yet comforting encounter.

As Rose traversed the dimly lit and chilly hallway, she remained oblivious to the presence of Light, who silently walked past her, making his way through the darkness. Her footsteps echoed softly as she continued on her path, unaware of the danger lurking in the shadows.

Suddenly, an unexpected and forceful grip seized her by the chest, accompanied by a hand covering her mouth. Rose's eyes widened in terror as she found herself immobilized, unable to move or utter a sound. Desperate to break free, she attempted to scream, but the firm grip stifled any attempts to vocalize her fear. Panic welled up inside her, but her muffled cries went unheard.

From a distance, within the medical room, Marcus detects the haunting cries echoing in his mind. Determinedly, he pries open his eyes and musters the strength to rise from his bed. Ignoring the pain of his wounds, he perseveres, venturing into the dim and chilling corridors that conceal a malevolent presence.

Struggling against the relentless hold, Rose fought with every ounce of strength she possessed. Yet, her unseen assailant skillfully dragged her further into the darkness, shrouded in a sinister veil of mystery. Meanwhile, Cain, completely unaware of the unfolding events, patiently waited for Rose's return, anticipation and concern etched upon his face.