
Lines of Love

Lines of Devotion is the first story

Lightxxseeker · LGBT+
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43 Chs

Chapter 5/Pt 4

Lines of Love; Chapter 5/ Pt 4


" I guess I understand why you are so angry then... I can't believe he would go that far, I thought I knew him."

" No, you don't understand my anger, not at all..."

" Is there something else you haven't said I should know about.?"

" Our families are old but they survived while the other political houses fell... We survived because we knew how to save our family bloodline. Even as the political fallout threatened to consume all the noble and royal house, our families made that pact..."

" But if Jean died how would... Oh shit."

" Yeah, oh shit indeed... I have to marry that disowned bastard... That is my anger,  my family will demand it. We had originally resigned ourselves to a failed obligation because we could not find him. And his family members were none existent but now he's here... Excuse me but I need to get home apologies. "

I felt bad for her but I had so many questions still around this whole thing. I don't even know how to process any of this but the option to find Jean, well Stephen is available but could I face him. The stranger hiding behind so many secrets how would I know truth from false truths, I'm not good at this at all. Perhaps I should head back to the room and prepare to head home, this is over my head. How do I even tell them back home about this since he left such an impact wouldn't this just crush them, Knowing he wasn't the man he said he was.

When I got to the room I didn't expect him here but he was and once more I'm confused. I'm not that good at talking but I don't wanna talk, I wanna be angry and yet I don't. Why must everything be so conflicting.

" What could I say to gain your forgiveness, Dan... That was the only thing I thought about, but the truth is out for the works now I'm sure. Do I even deserve forgiveness after so long pretending it just, felt real and I became the person I admired most..."

" How much are lies... Did anything matter between us?... What about everyone else, did you care... Please help me understand what is the truth here I must know."

" I meant everything and the only lies told are who I was, and who I am... Everything else was the truth, I do care, Dan..."

What do I believe in my heart or my head, which will be right and which is wrong. But above all else how much more do I want to get involved here. Should I ask the questions left unsaid or walk away now before it's too late.

" I can go and you won't see me again if that's what you wish, but please don't leave me in silence, Dan."

" Running away without figuring this out will only cause more problems, surely you know this. After watching them for so long, I guess we did learn from the younger generation... But I don't know what to say or believe right now."

I can speak that as truth but it's hard to follow through, I feel so betrayed. How would I even start asking questions. Would he tell me the truth or would I even believe him.

" Did you know you are supposed to marry her?"

" Yes, but I didn't wanna bear that responsibility because my life should be my own. No matter how much I idolized him our traditions never suited me."

" Could you explain this agreement between your families, it's a little confusing."

" Well... Apparently when this was made both sides agreed to produce two heirs within each heir's lifetime. However, I was the third wheel, unexpected more or less."

" So if I'm understanding this... You have to marry your half-blood sister then?"

" Yeah to keep our bloodline purely royal we had to. But the times are different now so in some way I was hoping I could escape it."

"Ah... So what do I call you?"

" I guess now that you know, it's probably best to use my actual name..."

" Where do we go from here then, Stephen?"

The silence was slowly filling the room as my words sank in neither of us knew. What could we do from here, we had so much to fix and relearn. In the following days, weeks, and months we continued trying to relearn while fixing the company. Patricia has been slowly meeting with us which went better than the first. She's been trying to arrange for a close on this agreement they had, but as she said politics are different for them. Stephen slowly changed back his looks into him which made things easier, but it hasn't changed much with us. I don't know how long ill feel this betrayal but we are working through it slowly.

When Stephen and I were having dinner Gina sent us a message, surprisingly over the time passing she's the only one to do so. She was asking us for ring advice for Astra we couldn't help but express happiness at this news. She sent a pic of the ring and that's when we asked about what's happening at home, but it wasn't good. But Gina assured us everything will survive till we returned, everyone's tough. She wasn't wrong but what else could we do but worry about them. We haven't been here a whole year not even close but we are planning on heading home. I'm not sure what ill do when we head home but slowly we are working on it and fixing what we can. I just hope it's enough.