
Lines of Influence Of Ages

The fact that I died on another routine day going to work was somewhat shocking. I mean, I didn't have a very good life to speak of, but when I opened my eyes I came across a strange creature similar to me and it told me that I'm going to wake up again. I jumped with joy, I just didn't expect it to be in another world, and this time in the body of a young suicidal man. What awaits me in this new unreal world? And who would have thought that I would have so much influence and role in this unknown world.

Urci_PAINEL · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 3 - The crying boy (Part 1)

Chapter 3 - The crying boy (Part 1)

Miguel was still stunned by so many consecutive events, from the eclipse that was still happening at least 2 minutes away in the sky until the young woman's sudden escape. When he tilted his face upwards again, he observed the eclipse and there it was, imposing in the sky, transforming it into green and slightly blue tones. almost like a northern lights of my world. The fact that he was in another world and possibly had transmigrated almost like the web novels he read as a child was complete madness for his crazy and feeble mind. Just the sooner he accepts his new home, the better it will be for him. he thought seriously, already adjusting his legs again, he seriously considered leaving this hallucinogenic plantation as quickly as possible.

The same, after a few fervent seconds of thinking which way to go, he continued on the basis that if the young woman was going to the moss mountain, there was certainly a greater possibility that there might be a city or more people, so he could get there. organize and get some answers that I needed so much. It really is a reasonable plan. he thought seriously.

The walk was a little difficult and slow, he wasn't used to legs as small and fragile as the ones he had now. A certain longing for his height and body struck him. ´´-What did she mean by Godarna is about to happen?´´ he asked alone. His walk, although difficult thanks to his legs and also to the wheat that occasionally got entangled around his leg, bore fruit, as he had arrived on a small dirt road that separated into two paths. The once small and simple mountain now stood imposingly at least 100 meters in front of him.

A happiness was observable in Miguel as he was now away from the clutches of the small mass hallucinogenic plant. ´´-Can I breathe calmly now?´´ He resumed his normal breathing through his nose, the fact that he only had to breathe through his mouth was already taking his breath away completely. With his happiness he went to the road, standing in front of his intercession. good and now he thought seriously. Left or right? He barely wondered which way to go when a slight noise followed by something climbing a tree to his left. A small, curved and long tree that produced a simple shadow, the tree seemed to be of some kind of fruit, as dozens of small greenish, sweet-smelling spheres were visible on its branches. The figure of a small child who was around 9 years old and exuded childish curiosity, visible in his large, bulging eyes.

she watched with a curiosity worthy of a child her age. ´´-Hey, uncle.´´ A certain greeting was what she did with her arms, she just didn't notice that by taking her arms as support, she could fall from the tree, and that's what happened. ´´-Annnnn...´´ A large thud could be heard, as the child fell completely backwards and let out a slight gasp of pain. ´´-Oh aia aia.´´ I confess that a brief laugh was evident on my face, which was followed by a relaxed laugh,, the boy noticed because his face turned red as pepper.´´-Hey uncle, why did you laugh at me? ?´´ The bravery despite the size was evident. ´Miguel casually commented.´´-Nothing much, and why do you call me uncle?´´

"-Well, because old people like you are all uncles." even 1.50 tall. The child seemed to notice and took it as an affront and disrespect for his height as he looked not at all happy. ´´I'm not that old, you can call me Miguel, little one.´´ A look of fury finished the child. ´´-Who are you calling little, you little shit? .´´ before he continued his gaze changed. ``Wait, did you say your name is Miguel?´´

What did these people have against my name? He thought to himself abruptly. Before she could continue the child in front of her grunted. ``-It's the first time I've met someone with a cursed name.´´ He seemed to have a mix of emotions, be it joy and fun. ´´-Cursed?´´ Asking with doubt, since she was already disturbing him since the momentary encounter with the young woman back there. ´´-Yes, you know the story of the goddess Graser and her son's murderer. I never heard that story.´´ A doubt remained on the child's face, he was definitely judging him. Miguel knew dozens of myths and legends about gods, he had read throughout his life, including mythologies still alive in the form of religion and those already dead. Some were almost non-existent. But I never heard of a Goddess called Graser or such a myth. ´´-Never really heard of it, little one.´´ The anger returned to the child at the same moment, all he had to do was signal that it was a joke and it stopped a little.

´´-You must have come a long way old not to know the fable of the Age of Blood, or else live in a cave alone. even 4-year-old children know this story.´´ he joked, making fun of the not-at-all-happy face of the adult in front of him. ´´-You said I'm not old, did you forget?´´

´´Well you call me little too, I think it's fair to call you old, I mean you are one.´´ Touché thought to himself the man. ´´-For a child, you're not so stupid!´´ The boy had a proud and snobbish smile on his face. ´´-And of course I am! Actually to be honest, my mother took me to a doctor once, he said that I think 3 times more than a brat child my age. They're all idiots.´´ he rambled the brat in front of him, he had his arms over his head and in a proud and arrogant pose.

The man just ignored him and followed the left path, wanting to stay as far away from the brat as possible. ´´-That's what makes arrogant children praise. Even more little dwarf.´´

The child was shocked and followed him hurriedly, almost like a flea following its dog. ´´Hey, how can you turn your back on me like that, I was talking to you.´´ The boy walked with his small legs at such a fast pace that it almost made him trip over himself, the other accelerated more and more. ´´-Stop following me, brat.´´ The order was supposed to be in an intimidating tone or the best he could come up with. The child suddenly stopped, he finally got tired of chasing me, he thought. "Alright, if you want to kill yourself, so be it. It's right in this direction that Grinar's gang is, you bastard.´´ The young man stopped for a moment. ´´Who is Grinar?´´

"What happened, didn't you know? what kind of hole have you gotten yourself into?´´ The boy looked even more confused than he already was about the man. ´´-I don't have time for gossip boy, who is Grinar?´´ he asked again with some impatience. ``Right, you won, My father said he was a former combatant in the Terescto army...´´ The young man listened attentively, it was information that would be useful at another time. "They say he was dismissed for excessive violence against slaves. Now he kills and robs everyone who passes through the forest in front of us.´´

´´-And why doesn't anyone do anything against him? I bet a large group would take care of him and his little group.´´ The young man thought for a moment and swallowed hard. `` -I wish he was the problem.´´ he joked with a wistful smile on his face. ´´-What did you mean by that?´´ the uncomfortable doubt was in the air. ``Well....and that's where Garvoar lives.´´