
Lineage Fantasy

Air, Earth, Aqua, Flame, and Lightning Tribes. Five tribes in one existing world. But there is no peace in two different tribes, the Flame and Lightning. The bargain in between the two can't reconciled even the Honor Judge of Air Tribe did everything. Until the Judge Hall think a way to end their quarrel. They decided to have a battle and honor the winner. But both sides can't afford to lose and their battle last longer than they expected. Generations after generations. Until one of them defeated. "But the battle is not yet done," an oracle said. "The savage internecine warfare will be more worst, more will sacrifice, more will hurt, more shed of blood, and more will be killed. Not until, the saver child will rise."

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Lineage Fantasy

Thia book is work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locale or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.

© 2020 by redscarletkath

All rights reserved

Please be aware for gramitical errors and typos. I don'read fantasies book but I don't know why I write one though. I hope you understand if I lack ideas in fantasy, or should I say magics.