
Chapter 3 (Growth)

Another World.... Another World.... Another World....

that phrase linger in the mind of the young man.


A young woman was seen doing chores inside the houses, although she is just going through labor a couple of days ago, she soldier on with her pain to do chores relieving her husband works.

but recalling the days when her precious son was born, the feeling overwhelm the pain. Soon afterwards her chore finish, the home look tidy and dust less than earlier.

her husband at the moment was in the woods looking for rabbit or even better prey, deer. Although he went to the wood naturally her husband as a hunter do not went deep into the woods lest he will encounter savage beast or worse demon beast.

if met one of them, for a weak hunter like them, severe injuries is the least they will be or even worse death is their only gate they will go through.

death among hunter was common for satellite village but even so, it is was among the most profitable job in the village. Some villager do opt for fishing, farming and scavenging in the vicinity of the village but most of the time, pest wreck their farm and the harvest was bad at most of the times.

with that experience they had, most of the man of the family opt to hunting as their main job while their wives will do the farming and scavenging of wild fruit and vegetables around their village. If the hunter hunts not far deep into the woods near the forbidden forest , they should be fine.

Back to the house, after the young wives clean the house, she goes back to homemade baby crib to see Yi Natsu with eyes stare into the ceiling with his body stand still as if staring something on the ceiling. Curios, she look up towards the ceiling but to her eyes there is nothing in particular eye catching. thus she knit her brows frowning of her peculiar child behaviour.

at first after born, he didn't cry and now he is staring intently to the ceiling... she confused and concerns toward her child health. if there is shaman inside the village she will immediately go to him to ask her child circumstances. Concern if evil spirit latched to her beloved son.

though during child birth, she was heartbroken knowing that her childe may be mute but then overwhelmed with extreme happiness that that was not the case. Her child was unique from other child. The progression of her child amazed her knowing that her child are able to comperehend gesture and try to speak with a strange intonation. All in all the child is healthy and she is delighted to see that and even bragged to her neighbour of her child...being easy to take care of.

when he hungry, he always cried and speak "titties"(earth language)... at first she didn't know what her son was muttering. but recalling her neighbour pep talk. she tried to breastfeed him. surprisingly her son grab her boobs aggressively and suck her nipple furiously. Thank god her nipple still hold onto her breast after that one session.

after that her son always muttering different language for different need, such as changing diapers.. or want to be lift up... and etc.. for the first time is quite hard to know but after a while, she gotten the meaning of her son talk meaning and purpose.

she asked the circumstances to her neighbour and her neighbour replied that might be toddler language.

day by day time passed and Yi Natsu grew older and taller and the vestiges of a etiquette man grew out of him.. her mother fond over him grew and the time his father spent with his mother grew less.. he could hear her father frustration at one night...

"Gnunununu to beaten by my own son.. how could this be... !!"

but even so, her father does not harbor any ill feeling toward his son... just a positive frustration in which short after turn into sense of proud that his son was bound to be handsome and flocked with girls...

At age of 3, his mother gotten pregnant with another child from his father... and he at the moment start to explore the surrounding environment in vicinity of his house .... aware of danger lurking farther, he opt to feel the world he was in.... and try to confirm whether it is the same world he died . But after a while he deduce that this world is not the same as his world. The deciding factor was the presence of supernatural human. on one time, he came across a man in solitude under a waterfall.. where suddenly he shot of his hand and perform a battle dance.. with each wave of his hand the waterfall disperse into small droplet of water.. and the dance continue until he calm down and sit back to the ground.

with that, he realized that this is a world of cultivation or some force that enhance human ability...

he had the eager to jump out of the bushs and try to beg him to become his teacher. but looking back to his being, a 3 years old boy with average body.. he withheld his feeling. Beside, he does not know the background of the other side.

it might turn precarious if they other party meant harm.

after 9 month later, he gotten a new baby brother , her father were very delighted with the labour and go forth to the barhouse to celebrate with his fellow hunter colleagues.

when the time his father come back home was with his hunter neighbors Mr Joden. His father was so wasted with grin in his face seems delighted of something.

the mother receive her husband and thank her neighbour for his help.

after her mother and father gone back to their bed to rest, Yi Natsu walk to his brother crib and look at her brother face... an innocent face with a cute baby face... he felt warm inside his heart. In his previous life , his brother play a pivotal point in his life plus he is one of the leading scientist of the rebellion against the alien. Whenever they together, his brother often talk about their research and the tale of reverse engineer of the alien tech.

at their last meeting, before the alien raid his brother hidden lab, they talk about life after freedom and his brother nonchalantly state his desire of going to the other world and talk of ways to go to the other world. he smile at his brother desire and wishes him all the best. but such as life of rebellion....death is always at doors end. he heard the raid and he brokenhearted and cried in his room for the entire night.

the baby moves and open his eye... seeing his older brother, the baby reach out his hand to her older brother.. seeing that , unknowingly tears break from his eyes crevice. and a resolution forming in his heart...

" dun worry my little brother, I will defend you with my life this time.... even if the world against you... I will always be with you and fight along with you .. "

" This time I will never leave your side again"

his little brother smile and then close his eyes embarking to Dreamland... while his hand holding firmly to his older brother pinky finger.