
104. Ch 104- Final Rehearsal

Over the next few days, Lincoln put in extra attention to making sure he was ready for the showcase. He woke up early each morning to go for a quick jog before helping his father in the kitchen, using the self imposed isolation as a way to motivate himself for the day ahead, and to deal with anything on his mind. At Tuesday's practice session, he made sure to stay focused and do whatever he could to correct the mistakes he was making. Jordan and the others were helpful with any feedback they gave him, just like he was with them. On Wednesday, Lynn amped up their exercises, a method which she explained that she used before any big game to get psyched. He, of course, knew better than to question this, instead striving to keep up with his sister's demands. Though it was a tougher experience, he persevered and made it through the workout, with Lynn complimenting him for handling the extra challenge.

That's why, when school ended on Thursday, he left with a determined look in his eyes. With this being their last chance to practice before the showcase on Saturday, he and the others all knew how important this session would be. He said goodbye to his sisters and walked with his friends towards the sports centre, chatting along the way, until they eventually reached their destination. When they got inside and reached the gymnasium, the girls all walked off towards the changing room to get ready for practice. Lincoln, on the other hand, took a moment to look around— not in the same way he did the first time, with wonder in his eyes, but with a look of foreboding. He felt a slight squeeze on his heart, knowing what could well happen when the weekend was over, but he put that thought behind him.

'I need to stop thinking about that,' he realised. 'Best thing I can do is make sure the performance goes well.' So, he walked towards the boys' changing room and went inside, taking as little time as possible to get out of his regular clothes and into his leotard and gymnastics pants. As he was finishing in getting changed, he heard the door open and watched as Artie walked towards him on his crutches. "Hey, Artie."

"Hey, Lincoln," he greeted. "Ready for this?"

"I think so, yeah. Just need to work on any issues I'm having, really."

"Well, from what I've seen, you seem to have it pretty much down. Just a case of conditioning, that's all. I'll admit, you haven't had the ideal amount of time to work on this, but you've been doing well so far." He lowered himself onto the bench next to the white haired boy. "Listen, I know I haven't said this yet, but… I'm sorry you got forced into this."

"Artie, I didn't get forced into anything. I know this wasn't the ideal situation— both the showcase and your injury— but there's no longer any use in thinking like that. We've done the best with what he had, and that's all we can do." After a brief pause, he gave a dry chuckle. "Why do I feel like this is supposed to be the other way around?"

Artie laughed as well, not blind to the irony of the notion. "Yeah, you've got a point." He then heaved himself back up, with Lincoln standing to make sure he didn't fall over. "Right. Time to get practicing, huh?"

"You said it." So, with Lincoln going over to hold the door for his friend, they both left the changing room and rejoined everyone in the gymnasium, immediately walking over to Jordan and the others. While they were talking amongst themselves, Lincoln looked across the room and saw Lynn talking with Luna and the rest of her band. "Would you guys excuse me for a second?"

"Sure thing," Jordan told him, while the others simply nodded, to which he nodded back.

"Thanks." So, he walked past Mollie and Kat and crossed over to the other side of the room. As he approached them, he could see that his sister was now looking at him. "So, you're already here."

"Yeah, bro," Lynn replied. "Got here about five minutes before you guys."

"How come you didn't walk with us this time?"

"Well, Luna's roadie offered me a ride, so I thought, why not?"

"That's fair." He then turned to Luna, who was tuning her guitar. "Hey, I just want to say thanks again for doing this. Everyone's really appreciative of it."

"Hey, we told you the first time, dude, it's no bother."

"Yeah, we were happy to do it," Sam agreed. "Saturday's a big day, so why not make it a bit bigger?"

"And what better way than with the best up and coming band in Royal Woods!" Mazzy boasted, with Sully giving a proud cheer as well. Whilst Lincoln, Sam and Luna all laughed at the gesture, Lynn gave a mild groan.

"Anywho, as nice as all this is, we need to get ready for practice," Lynn interrupted. Though Lincoln rolled her eyes at his sister's words, he looked to the band and nodded.

"We'll let you carry on setting up."

"No problem, Linc. Have fun."

Lynn then wrapped an arm around Lincoln and guided him away from the band. "So, bro, time to really knuckle down. You know what you need to work on, right?"

"Yes, Lynn. Trust me, I know what I need to focus on, and what I already have down."

She smiled at her brother. "Good to hear, bro. Don't worry, I'm not trying to put extra pressure on you or anything. Just making sure you're prepared."

"Well, I think I'm as prepared as I'm going to be. Just need to make sure, that's all."

"You can do this, and you're not alone. Our sisters are all behind you, and you've got your team to rely on where you need them."

"Yeah, you're right. Plus," he gave her a grin, "I've got a pretty awesome coach as well."

"Yeah, Chris has been pretty good at teaching you guys." Though his eyes deadpanned, she saw his grin stayed on his face, making her realise what he actually meant. "Wait… you meant me?"

"Of course I did. Chris might have taught me gymnastics, but you taught me all of the other stuff— discipline, strength… and to stand proud. Couldn't have made it this far without you." Not one to be easily flustered, it was a rare sight for Lincoln to see her so taken aback, almost bashful. "What?"

"Uh… nothing. Thanks, bro." Still, true to form, she quickly became confident once more as she added, "so, think this means you can call me Coach Lynn from now on?"

"You really know how to ruin a moment, don't you?"

She gave a hearty chuckle, as well as a soft punch to his shoulder, but didn't say anything more before Chris and Helena eventually entered the gymnasium. "Okay, everyone!" Chris called out. "Gather round!" The kids all walked over and grouped up in front of their instructors. "As you all know, this is our final practice session before the showcase on Saturday, so today, you all need to focus and do your best. Treat it as though this was the showcase, so that you know what to expect."

"Of course, that doesn't mean we shouldn't have fun," Helena reminded. "Just make sure to try your hardest today, and keep your mind on what you're doing."

"Exactly. So, if you're all ready, then let's get started."

The session went on as normal from there— following a quick warm up and series of stretches, they got straight to work. While the younger ones practiced on the trampette, Lincoln and his friends spent the first hour working on the floor routine, working through any particular transitions, poses or timings that they were having difficulty with. Helena worked closely with the kids to help them overcome their difficulties and progress as a team, and it showed, as their progress was noticeable for all to see. In spite of the few months that Lincoln had been practicing, he fit into a dynamic with the others, and it looked like they had been rehearsing the routine for longer than they actually had. Any mistakes they made, they were able to correct within the hour, leaving only minor things to work on like foot placement and balance.

They had a short break thereafter, allowing them to rehydrate, reflect and relax for just a few minutes, before getting right back to practicing, this time on apparatus. Lynn, Artie, Chris and Helena would watch over smaller groups as they worked on separate apparatus, working their way round. This was where Lincoln felt more confident— not just because he preferred the vault and the rings to the floor, but because he knew that any mistakes he might make only affected him, so he felt less pressure when attempting these. Lynn had also told him before that she thought he seemed stronger on these than on the floor, which gave him more confidence, but he never let it get to him. He knew that it took complete focus and dedication, and that it was easy to do something wrong if he didn't have either, so he remained calm and collected throughout.

Eventually, as it always did, the session drew to an end. Chris and Helena led everyone through some stretches to help everyone cool down after all their hard work. "Okay, guys," Chris called out. "Before you all go home, I figured it would be best if we all talked before this Saturday. For some of you, this is going to be your first showcase, and that can be daunting. Could you please put your hand up if you have any worries about this?" The gymnasts mostly stayed silent, save for some slight murmurs as they looked around, before the redhead timidly raised her hand. "Go ahead, Lizzy, it's okay."

"Um… what if we're not ready?" she shyly asked, unknowingly causing some of her friends to nod with equally nervous expressions. Chris, however, simply smiled.

"You don't need to worry about that. Even if you don't think so now, you are ready."

"Chris is right," Helena agreed. "It's been wonderful watching you get better with time, and I know you're all going to do amazing. You just need to remember to have fun out there, because that's what everyone will want to see."

This alleviated some of their concerns, but Chris could tell they weren't fully confident. "Let me tell you about my first showcase. I was no older than some of you, and I was feeling nervous. It got worse when, during my vault, I tripped on landing. I walked it off, but I could hear some people laughing, and it made me want to cry right there."

"Did you?" Natalie blurted out, to which Connie nudged her with her elbow. "Oops."

"No, it's okay. I didn't cry, because my mother made sure I didn't. She was my biggest role model at the time, and still is today. She told me that it was okay, and then she told me the biggest lesson I've learned in my whole life. Do you want to know what she told me?" All of the kids nodded. "She told me, that no matter how badly you mess up, there is always a way to pick yourself up and try again." Most of the kids smiled, taking comfort in the message that he was giving them, but one pair of eyes were looking more uncertain. "Lincoln? You okay?"

"Hmm? Uh, y-yeah, I'm okay," he tried to assure, but his wavering voice betrayed him.

"It's okay, Lincoln," Helena told the Loud. "If there's something on your mind, you can tell us."

Though he didn't feel like he should say, he could tell from the others' faces that they now wanted to hear what he had to say, so he sighed. "What about if practice closes down? What do we do then?"

Chris sighed as well. He didn't really want to address that point, but he knew he had to, both for the kids and for himself. "I don't know what to tell you, guys. I can have a look tonight and tomorrow for any other nearby practices, but I don't know if there will be a way to keep practice going here if the managers don't change their minds."

"But don't any of you let that get to you," Helena then added, keeping a hopeful expression. "I know that this has meant a lot to all of you, it's as clear as the sun in the sky. That's why, come Saturday, you're all going to do your best and have fun. Am I right?" He kids gave a small cheer, making her smirk. "I said, am I right?!" This time, everyone cheered louder. "That's the spirit!"

"Okay, I can see some of your parents are looking restless," Chris then joked, "so if anyone else has anything to ask, come speak to me and Helena. If not, have a good evening, and I'll see you all here at ten o'clock on Saturday!"

With that, everyone began to get up, either heading back the changing room or to their parents. Lincoln was about to get changed himself, but he felt a tap on his shoulder, which he saw came from Luna. "Hey, bro, I'm heading out," she told her brother. "I'll see you at home."

"You sure?" she heard Jordan ask. "There's enough room in Mom's car for you to join us."

"Thanks for the offer, dudette, but I've got to talk with the band about stuff. Besides, Chunk's already put my amp in the van." Jordan nodded in understanding, before the rocker held a fist out. "Put it there, girl." The younger girl fist bumped with her, making her grin. "I'll catch you on Saturday, Jordan."

"See you there." She waved as Luna walked off to rejoin her band, before turning to her friend. "So, Mom should be here soon."

"Right. I'll be changed in about three minutes, so I'll meet you outside."


They then went into their respective changing rooms to get changed, both emerging in their regular clothes just minutes later and heading outside, where Mrs Rosato and Lynn were waiting by the former's car. After asking them how practice went, Sarah drove the three kids away from the sports centre and towards the home of the boy and his sister. The ride was pleasant enough, with Lynn commending her brother and his friend on their efforts at practice and the mother in front telling them that she was looking forward to seeing the showcase, until the car eventually came to a stop outside of the Loud family household.

"Okay, Lincoln, Lynn," she told them, looking over her shoulder. "I'll see you both on Saturday."

"See you there, Mrs Rosato!" Lynn replied before practically leaping out of the car and heading inside. Lincoln rolled her eyes at the unintentionally forceful way in which she shut the car door behind her.

"I'm sorry if she broke your car," Lincoln apologised, to which both mother and daughter tittered. "Thanks for the ride, Mrs Rosato."

"Not a problem, Lincoln. I'll see you on Saturday."

"You too." He then turned to Jordan and told her, "so, guess I'll see you at school."

"Sure, thing, Linc," she agreed, reaching over to hug her friend, who felt no bashfulness in returning the gesture. Of course, she knew she could only embrace him for so long, so she eventually let go and said, "now, go on. Before your sisters come out and start taking pictures."

"Don't jinx it or they might do that." They shared a chuckle as he opened the door next to him and stepped out. "See you later, Jordan."

"See you soon."

So, after closing the door, he waved to the girl as her mother drove her home, waiting until they were out of sight before heading into his own home. He said hello to the girls that were sat on the couch watching TV, hearing them say hello back to him as he went upstairs. However, before he could head to his room to get ready for a shower, he heard a yelp.

"Leni?" he called out, turning to head towards the room of his two eldest sisters. "Are you alright?"

"Linky! Uh, w-wait!" Just as he was about to enter, he caught a glimpse of Leni before she slammed the door in his face. "Give me a minute!"

He blinked, wondering why she had done that. "Uh… is everything okay in there?"

"Y-Yeah, just… clearing things away!" This was enough to satisfy his curiosity as he waited for her to return, which she did a minute later. The door eventually opened, revealing her smiling face. "Come in!"


She allowed her brother to enter before closing the door behind her. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to check you were okay."


"Well, I heard you yell before, and I was worried that you'd hurt yourself."

"Oh, that. I accidentally pricked my finger while sewing."

"Can I see?" Though surprised, she had no issue with holding out her hand for him to look at. When his eyes gazed over her thumb, he could see a small dot from where she had pricked herself, a thin amount of blood just next to it. "Does it hurt?"

"Only a little."

"Wait here." He let go of her hand and left the bedroom, making her wonder about where he was going. The answer to this came when he returned a few seconds later, carrying a small plaster in his hand. "Okay, just keep your hand still."

She giggled as he began to apply the plaster to her finger. "Linky, you don't, like, need to do that."

"I know, but I don't mind." It only took him a few seconds to carefully yet firmly put the plaster around her thumb, applying enough pressure to the wound. "There we go."

"Thanks, Linky."

"No problem. So, what did you prick yourself on?"

"Oh, uh… i-it doesn't matter." Seeing how her brother just looked more confused by this, she sighed. "I was working on the leotards for the showcase."

"Oh… so, why didn't you just tell me that?"

"Because, I wanted it to be a surprise!"

"Leni, I already knew you were making them. You measured me and the others for them, remember?"

She gave a small, dry laugh. "Yes, I remember that, Linky. There's more than air in my head."

This brought a frown to his face out of guilt, regretting his choice in words. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that."

Leni smiled softly at her little brother. "I know you didn't." Seeing that this was enough to ease his guilt, she continued. "What I meant was, I didn't want you to see what they looked like before Saturday. I thought it would be a nice surprise for you and everyone."

His eyes widened, now finally understanding his sister. "I see! So, was that why you slammed the door in my face?"

"Yes, I—" She gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. "O M Gosh!" She then gripped her brother by his shoulders and began to check him over, concern in her eyes. "I'm, like, so sorry, Linky! Did I hurt you?"

"No, Leni, you didn't. I'm fine, really."

"Are you sure?" He nodded, calming her concerns. "Phew… that's good." She then rubbed the back of her head sheepishly, her eyes looking down at her feet. "Sorry. That was probably pretty silly of me, huh?"

"Not at all. You just didn't want to ruin the surprise for me, which is really sweet of you." When she looked up to meet his gaze again, she saw him smiling at her. "If you want to keep it a surprise, then I won't make you show me. You've already been doing so much for me as it is. Just promise me that you won't work yourself too hard, okay?"

She nodded with confidence. "Don't worry, Linky, I've totes got this. Once I've finished this leotard, I just have one more to do, and I can get that done tomorrow."

"Well, if you're sure that you can do it, then I'll let you get on with it."

"Okay!" She was about to hug him, until a scent caught her nose, making her wince. "Eww… what is that?"

Giving a small sniff, Lincoln gave a sheepish smile. "Oh, right. I, uh, I'd better go shower. I'll see you at dinner, Leni."


With that, he left his sisters' bedroom. When he heard the door shut behind him, he gave a brief look back and smiled before returning to what he was doing, thinking about how lucky he was to have sisters as caring as his.