
chapter 25

A normal day in the busy metropolis of New York City. Taxis buzzing, traffic flowing, a normal day for the City That Never Sleeps. It's schools were no exception.

Around this time, the city's elementary schools were letting out for the day. Susan B. Anthony Elementary school has ring the bell, officially closing yet another day of education. As the students were leaving, two best friends, Lincoln Loud and Stella Zhau were leaving, having a friendly conversation with each other.

Lincoln: So then I had to kiss her, just so she could give me and my dad our show back. It was awful!

Stella: I can imagine you didn't like it. But it was pretty funny watching your reactions from home.

Lincoln was talking about one of the unexpected antics that happened in His and his father's late night talk show. During the show, a fan by the name of Shelby invaded the set and tried to get involved in everything, annoying the father, and his son. She also seemed to have a giant crush on Lincoln as she always pestered him to kiss her throughout the whole episode.

Lincoln: Trust me Stella, I don't even want to see her amongst the audience. I will literally lock myself in my room if she comes again.

Stella: You really don't like that Shelby girl.

Lincoln: Of course not! She's annoying!

Stella: Maybe we should change the subject. It seems like you can get pretty explosive at this point.

As they walked past the gate, the walked together down the sidewalk. Their parents were both busy today. Stella's parents. Paul and Patty were occupied by their respective jobs, while Mr. loud was busy with the TV network, discussing the season premiere episode of the show that will be taped tomorrow, and aired on Friday. The two kids didn't mind walking home. There houses aren't far away from the school and are also several blocks apart from each other.

Lincoln: So Stella, I wanna ask you something.

Stella: Yeah?

Lincoln: My dad and I have been thinking of inviting you to the TV taping tomorrow night. You know, as special guests? Mr. loud will talk about one of our time travel stories, and we can do the Lincoln's Corner segment together. It's always fun when someone helps me.

Stella: Sure, sounds like fun.

Lincoln: Great! I'll send some backstage passes tomorrow morning. It's gonna be fun!

As they were walking, a group of people walked towards Lincoln and swarmed him

Guy: Hey! It's Lincoln! From the Peabody and Lincoln Show!

Woman: Eee! He's even cuter in person!

They all pulled out cameras and pens and papers, each of them asking for pictures or autographs or even both. Stella only stands there with her arms crossed and her eyes rolled.

Lincoln: Sorry Stella. Being a famous TV personality has disadvantages. People like these wind go away until you give them what they got.

Stella: Oh no. I understand.

Lincoln: Just meet me on the other side of the street. This won't take long.

Stella: Okay.

Stella started to go down the crosswalk as the red light blinked on. The road was slightly empty so that was good news for Stella... But not for long.

Down the road Stella was walking, a car chase was unfolding between three police cruisers, and a brown getaway car. Apparently, a robbery took place at a bank just mere minutes ago, and the thieves were looking to escape with the loot they stole from the heist.

Crook driver: Shoot those pigs!

Crook shooter: I am just driving faster!

Crook driver: I'm going as fast as this piece of junk can get me!

The cops and robbers were both shooting at each other as they all drove at high speeds to catch the thieves while the latter tried to elude the former.

Stella was walking down the crosswalk as the getaway car was approaching with no sign of slowing down. The revving engine and the loud police sirens caught her attention, as she froze in place, scared.

Stella: AAAAAAAHHHH! ! !

Crook member: Watch out! There's a kid in the road!

Crook driver: What?! Oh s**t!

He slams the brakes hard, but it's not enough to slow down as the car reaches the terrified girl in front of them.

Lincoln notices Stella's shriek of terror, and looks through the crowd and sees the approaching car.

Lincoln: Stella!

With no time to lose, Lincoln runs past the crowd and runs to Stella as fast as he can.

Lincoln: Nooooo!

He pushes her away from the path, as she lands on the asphalt hard.

Stella: Oof!

However, as Stella is now safe, Lincoln wasn't... Lincoln was struck by the car. The car swerves and crashes into a wall. Lincoln lands hard on the pavement too, almost lifeless...

The cops arrive and watch as the thieves leave the car. Looking at the boy they hit, the men surrender to the cops. As they were all being whisked away into police cars for processing, Stella starts to wake up. She raises her head and looks around, to see a vast array of destruction. One sight catches her eyes as she sees a body with red hair and a puddle of red liquid, slowly growing by the second, and shards of glass sparkling near him. Stella: Lincoln!

She runs to him and picks him up in her arms. Lincoln's head was gushing blood, and his glasses were cracked and shattered. Stella starts to tear up and cry into Lincoln's chest.

A cop nearby hears her cries and walks up to her.

Cop: My god. What happened to him?

Stella: He's been hit... my friend... he's dying...

The cop then talks into his walkie talkie.

Cop: Dispatch, we need an ambulance at Susan B. Anthony Elementary. A civilian boy has been injured in the incident. Send an ambulance, now!

Speaker: Copy that! Sending one out now!

As the cop finished his order, he kneels to Stella who kept crying into Lincoln's chest.

Cop: What's your name, young lady?

Stella: S-S stella. Stella Zhau.

Cop: And your friend?

Stella: LI-lincoln... Lincoln L-Loud.

Cop: It's gonna be okay Stella, EMTs are on their way!

As the cop was comforting Stella, an ambulance arrived. EMTs exited the back of the ambulance with a stretcher. They take Lincoln off the pavement and into a bright orange transfer board. They strap him tightly to the stretcher and wheel him towards the ambulance. As they were about to close the doors, the cop stopped them.

Cop: Take the girl with you. She's a friend of the boy. Call the parents at arrival.

EMT: Alright, get in young lady.

Despite being weak of sadness, Stella climbs into the ambulance as they close the doors and drive off.

Doctors carried Lincoln to the emergency room as fast as possible.

Doctor: We need to save this boy, stat!

The doctors bring Lincoln and prepare to attempt to save his life.

After about an hour, the doctors bring him to a room where they let him go rest, already doing what they can.

Doctor: That's it. This is all we can do. It's up to God now...

They all leave as Stella walks up to him and holds his hand. Stella cries, believing this was her fault, and worries for Lincoln.

At the same time, Mr. loud and The Petersons arrived with shocked looks on their faces. Mr. loud was worried sick for his son as he ran toward him. He was mortified seeing Lincoln in critical condition.

Mr. loud: Lincoln...

Paul and Patty were also worried for Lincoln. Since getting to know the louds two years ago they all seem to be close friends. They also saw Stella crying in the corner. Sobbing uncontrollably.

Mr. loud: Stella?

Stella: He took the pain for me, it should have been me who got hit. He deserves to be alive, while I should be the one in that bed.

Paul: don't blame yourself Stella.

Patty: It wasn't your fault sweetie. Lincoln saved you. Because he cares for you.

Stella: But it's my fault he's like this.

Mr. loud: He cares for you Stella. He wouldn't let you die. He's gonna be okay.

Stella: But what if he dies?

Patty: He's not gonna die sweetheart. We promise.

They both hug Stella at the same time. Knowing how important Lincoln is to Stella as he is to himself, he hugs Stella too. Stella hugs them all at the same time.

Four hours pass and Lincoln hasn't woken up yet. The parents all get up from their seats.

Mr. loud: It's getting late. I should be going, Lincoln should be okay... I hope so.

Paul: Yeah we should leave too. Come along Stella

Stella: No.

Patty, Paul, and Mr. loud: What?

Stella: I wanna stay here with Lincoln.

Patty: Sweetie it's getting late. We have to get you home for school in the morning.

Stella: I'm not leaving until Lincoln wakes up. Please just let me stay here.

Paul: Well loud? What should we do? Let her stay?

Looking at the worry in her eyes over his son, Mr. loud sighs and faces her parents.

Mr. loud: I suppose we'll let her stay.

Stella: Thank you Mr. loud.

The three of them hugged Stella individually as they all have their goodbyes as Stella lies back, hugging the unconscious Lincoln in her eventual slumber.

Friday, February 12th, 2016

Millions around the country were widely anticipating the season premiere of The Mr. loud and Lincoln Show, as they all tuned in to the TV in the scheduled time slot. As the current show was finishing it's closing credits, the screen faded to black before showing Mr. loud in a darkly dim set with only one spotlight shone above him with a saddened look on his face.

Mr. loud: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Mr. loud here. I regret to inform you that tonight's premiere will not go on as scheduled. And all upcoming episodes will have to be postponed until further notice.

Viewers at home were very confused as they were all expecting a new episode to be shown, but now it's hiatus will have to be extended. They aren't sure why.

Mr. loud: Recent events have occurred that have put me in a very serious position. My co-host and son, Lincoln has been involved in a tragic car accident.

Upon hearing what happened to Lincoln, all the viewers gasp.

Mr. loud: Lincoln is currently in the hospital in moderate condition, however he's placed in a coma. I'm not sure when he'll wake up. We hope you understand the importance of this matter, and all I ask is for your support for Lincoln. Once Lincoln wakes up, normal production of episodes will resume. Thank you for understanding.

Once the TV cuts to black, the channel decides to air a rerun of the show.

Saturday, February 13th, 2016

Mr. loud, Paul, and Patty decided to visit the hospital again earlier in the morning. As they walk to Lincoln's room, they see Lincoln, still the same since the other day, with Stella, sleeping next to him.

Mr. loud took a closer look to see that she's been crying last night as he sees dried up tear trails running down her face.

Patty: Poor thing, she's more worried over Lincoln than we imagined.

Mr. loud walked up to her and gently shook her. She groans lightly before fluttering her eyes open. Adjusting her vision, she sees the visitors look at her.

Stella: Oh hey guys.

Paul: Hi Stella. Are you okay?

Stella: Yeah, I'm just still worried for Lincoln.

Mr. loud: I understand how you feel Stella. We're all worried for him.

Stella: Yeah, but, it's just that Lincoln was always a special person to me.

Patty: How so?

Stella: He just seems to always help me when I'm in trouble, or when I need to be saved, or even when I need a friend to talk to. Lincoln was always there for me... and now he's not...

She covers her eyes and starts to cry again.

Paul and Patty hug her together to console her.

Patty: There there sweetie. It's gonna be okay.

Stella: No its not! Lincoln didn't deserve to be in a coma. He didn't deserve to be stuck in a hospital bed. He doesn't deserve this...

Mr. loud: Stella, listen to me. Lincoln is a good boy. He would know right from wrong. It was obvious that he would rather get himself killed than leave you to die.

Stella: But...

Paul: He's right Stella. You are just as important to him as he is to you.

Patty: I'm sure that once he wakes up, things will be better than ever.

Stella: I hope you're right

Later that night...

Stella sat alone in the room with Lincoln once again. Mr. loud and the Petersons left but said that they will be back tomorrow. Stella can only lay there and continue to mope.

Stella: Why did you have to save me from that car Lincoln? Why couldn't it have been me who just got hit? You deserve to live on. Not me.

Stella: I wish you would wake up Lincoln. Your dad misses you, your friends miss you... my family misses you... I miss you.

Stella starts crying again and buries her face on Lincoln's chest, crying into his shirt.

Stella: *muffled* I wish there was some way I can have you back.

Stella looks up and down towards Lincoln's unresponsive face. Her cries continue as her tears land on Lincoln's cheeks. She closes her eyes and cries until she falls asleep next to Lincoln, but murmurs in her sleep on wanting Lincoln back.

Sunday, February 14th, 2016

Stella wakes up, and yawns. She rises in front of the bed and rubs her eyes. She also notices the bed to be a little lighter. She puts her hand on the bed but feels nothing but the bedsheets. Stella quickly turns around to see Lincoln, gone.

Stella : No! He's... he's gone!

Believing that Lincoln must have passed away overnight, Stella sets her face on the bed and cries once again.

Stella: This is all my fault. He's gone and he's never coming back! Lincoln... please forgive me...

?: Forgive you about what?

Upon hearing that all too familiar voice, Stella looks up and sees Lincoln, in a wheelchair with a slightly sickened look on his face. Yes he still smiles at Stella.

Lincoln: Hey Stella. It's good to see you... oof!

Stella: Lincoln!

She jumps off the bed and leaps toward Lincoln, bashing into him as they both roll back out of the room and into the hall.

Lincoln: Whoa! Stella what's gotten into you?

Stella: I was worried about you the past couple of days. I thought you might have died, saving me the other day. I thought I lost you forever!

She then rests her face on Lincoln's shoulder and cries, despite some doctors and patients, looking at them.

Lincoln: Stella, don't worry about me. I was more worried about you. I didn't wanna stand there and let you die. I was willing to get hurt to have you survive.

Lincoln: But why? I'm just a nobody, who probably isn't going to be anyone in life. You need to live, you are more important than me.

Lincoln: You're just as important to live on, as I am, and you're not just someone, you're my best friend.

Stella, noticing that Lincoln does indeed care for her, and is willing to sacrifice himself for her, hugs Lincoln tightly, while Lincoln hugs back. Most of the passerby's all "Awwwww!" at the sight of the two.

At that same moment Mr. loud, Paul, and Patty all ran down the hallway, to see Lincoln and Stella, hugging. They both turn to their parents and smile awkwardly.

Mr. loud: Lincoln, you're alive!

Patty: Thank goodness, you're both okay!

All three run up to their children and hug them all at the same time.

Lincoln: I'm so sorry I worried you all.

Mr. loud: It's okay Lincoln, as long as you're alive and well, that's all that matters.

Lincoln immediately smiles as he embraces the group hug all for were giving him. They were all happy to see Lincoln alive and well, but none of them is more happier than Stella.

Fifteen minutes later...

After the tearful and touching reunion, all four wheel Lincoln towards the front desk. Mr. loud receives the medical bill. He was a bit taken back over the cost, but doesn't care since Lincoln's still alive. But as he was about to pay the bill, Paul stopped him.

Paul: Hold your horses there Peabuddy. Lincoln was in the hospital because he saved Stella. It's only fair that I pay at least half or all of the bill.

Mr. loud: Paul I appreciate the offer, but I think that won't be necessary.

Paul: Oh come on, I insist. It's the least I can do.

Stella: Um... you guys?

They all torn back to Stella, holding Lincoln's handlebars with a shy look on her face.

Stella: Is it okay if I take Lincoln outside for some fresh air. We'll wait for you outside.

Mr. loud: Sure thing, just don't go too far.

Stella nods and wheels Lincoln out of the hospital, leaving the adults to discuss how to pay the bill.

As they walked out, Lincoln looked up at her.

Lincoln: You know, even though I was in a coma for a few days, it felt like I haven't seen the outside world in years.

Stella: Yeah. Lincoln, listen, I just wanna thank you for saving me the other day. I don't know how I can ever repay you for what you've done.

Lincoln: Don't worry about it, as long as you're safe, that's all that matters. I wouldn't care if I died, as long as I know you'll be safe.

Stella smiles at Lincoln who smiles back at her.

Overwhelmed with emotions, Stella was unable to control herself as she grabbed Lincoln's face, and crashed his lips with hers. Lincoln stared at her with widened eyes while Stella closed hers.

Lincoln: *thoughts* She's... she's kissing me?! Oh my god! This can't be real!

Stella: What am I doing?! I'm kissing Lincoln. I know I was so overwhelmed when he came back, but we're too young to kiss! Why can't I stop? Why would I do this? And... Why do I like kissing him?

After a decent thirty second, they immediately break the kiss.

Lincoln: ... Stella...

Stella looks away from Lincoln, blushing madly in the process.

Stella: I'm sorry Lincoln. I didn't mean to kiss you. I guess my emotions got the better of me.

Lincoln: No no. It's okay. You didn't know this would happen. To be honest, I actually kinda liked it.

Stella: You... you did?

Lincoln: Yeah I did.

Stella: Well... to be honest... it did feel nice... even though it was my first kiss..

Lincoln: Mine too.

Stella: I sure hope neither of our parents saw us. They might freak out if they saw us kiss.

Lincoln: Agreed. This will be our little secret.

Lincoln then holds up a pinkie to Stella as a means to make a pinkie promise. She then wraps her pinkie around his.

Around this time, the parents all walk out of the hospital, unaware of the kiss that just recently happened, all smile to see their kids get along some more.

Mr. loud: Ready to go home?

Lincoln: Yeah.

Patty: Oh, we'll be going to loud and Lincoln's for a little celebration of Lincoln saving you and surviving.

Stella: You don't have to do that. He's just...

Mr. loud: Come on its the least we can do.

Lincoln: Well okay...

As they all walk to their cars, Lincoln and Stella look at each other as they think about practically the same thing.

Lincoln and Stella: *thoughts* As long as he's/she's alive, I'll be happy. At the house Lincoln asked Stella to be his girlfriend and she said yes I would love to be your girlfriend then they kissed for the second time that day