
Lin Jin: Trapped In The World of The Mysterious CEO

Life as it is can be cruel to some and kind to others. In a world where there is much difference between the high class( the capable) and the low class ( the incapable); the incapable only have to follow the rules a world like this had set for centuries so as not to be totally trampled upon by the capable ones. Lin Jin had chosen to believe this. She had the notion that life easily favours the rich and wealthy and makes it difficult for the poor to even breath talk less of to live due to her past experiences while growing up. The ones she had experienced from her uncle's wife and daughter, who happened to be her father's younger brother, the past experiences from her mates in high school as she had always been bashed by them simply because of her low status and her recent experiences from the Acting agencies who had refused to take her in simply because she isn't connected to any higher up. But, Lin Jin being a very determined lady vowed not to let the unjust rules the world had set stop her from achieving her goals. While hustling as a roadside store owner, she met a man whom she thought pretended to be the owner of a brand after a first meet conflict between them and later realized he was truly the CEO of a group of companies. (X-Liang group of companies). She assumed the CEO to be like every other high class who deliberately likes to show off their wealth and fame which made Lin Jin dislike him even as a CEO. Few years later, Lin Jin became an actress like she had dreamt to be and was secretly crushing on the CEO of the agency she was working with (Li acting agency) due to the good treatment the actors and actresses get from the agency courtesy of the "Mysterious CEO" even though she had never met or seen him before as the CEO had carefully kept himself well hidden from the public. Little did she know that she had actually been trapped in the world of the two CEO she thought were different.

Scarlet_Fang · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

"CEO Xiang, you're the best!"

Gu Man also tried calling two people who seemed close to her, but they couldn't help as one had left town and the other said her husband just got back.

Seeing that there was no help coming forth, Lin Jin thought of an idea.

"Mum!...Dad! I have an idea!"

Lin Chen and Gu Man both turned to their daughter with a questioning look.

"Can't we manage at my store for now? I mean, we can rest our head for the night then I'll get someone who can help expand it with planks, so we can at least make a room for the time being" Lin Jin explained.

"Make a room? Where did you want to get that money from? Or don't you know you will have to pay for planks and the person's service?" Lin Chen inquired.

"Well, I have some money with me, I actually wanted to use it to pay up for the rent for two months, but since Lin Ming refused, we can use that for the expansion instead." Lin Jin said.

"Is that not the money you're meant to use to register for your entrance exam?" Lin Chen asked.

"Yes Dad... bu..." Lin Jin was cut short.

"Lin Jin! I'm still very much alive ok? We might spend the night at your store but that doesn't mean you have to use your exam registration fee to cater for us!... Do not worry, by tommorow morning, I will surely go look for what I can do to fend for you and your mother." Lin Chen cut in.

"Jin dear, do not worry, mum and dad won't let you suffer, we will try to look for more jobs to do, you shouldn't spend your registration fee on us, you've already suffered enough." Gu Man added.

Lin Jin stared at her parents with teary eyes, she was really overwhelmed with the care, love and affection they had given to her since childhood up till this present time even with the fact that they had no money.

Her family might not be financially okay, but she knew they were full of love.

Having concluded on where to sleep for the night, they carried their luggages and boarded a taxi straight to the store.

Getting to the store, Lin Jin opened it and they brought in their luggages.

Lin Jin help spread out a wide carton and placed a big blanket which they had brought along with them on it.

She took out some snacks from the store with two milk drinks and passed it to her parents to take as dinner while she also grabbed a snack and a drink for herself.

She prepared a sleeping place for herself also and later closed the door to the store.

The trio layed down to sleep as her parents slept side by side at a corner while Lin Jin layed at her own corner folding her legs as the store wasn't big.

She had already had enough for the night as her mind went back to how Lin Ming had pushed her mother saying her hand's are filthy and would stain her dress.

She also recalled how Lin Ming had claimed she was using her body as an exchange for money and had tried to suck up to the CEO.

Tears rolled out of her eyes silently as she carefully reminicse on the hurtful words Lin Ming had said to her and her parents.

She just wished she could become rich right now! And make Lin Ming realize no situation can be permanent.

She picked up her phone to scroll to help her brush off the painful thoughts.

She opened her Weibo account and saw the hateful comment she received earlier and her expression changed slightly, recalling how angry she was when she had read them.

Scrolling through, she saw an I.D with the logo of X-Liang company and saw that the person had replied to her comment.

She quickly clicked on it to know what this person could have sent, knowing fully the person could be a worker of X-Liang group of companies.

Clicking on the comment and seeing "Thank you @Simple but bold, hope we get to meet in the future."

Lin Jin furrowed her brows and wonder who exactly it could be, then she replied.

"Sorry, didn't mean to sound rude, but would love to ask... do you know me? @X-L."

Immediately she sent the message, she put off her phone screen light and closed her eyes to sleep.



Xiang Li had just gotten to the office when Fe Yin knocked to come in and was permitted by Xiang Li.

"Good morning boss!" Fe Yin greeted respectfully.

"Mhm! Morning". Xiang Li replied with a grumble while typing, not looking up from his desktop.

Fe Yin was already used to the manner at which his boss replies to the employee's greetings as he choose to deliver his report immediately.

"Boss, I checked our Weibo account this morning and most of the comments are now in our favour."

Xiang Li who was typing seriously paused when he heard Fe Yin's statement.

"Really?" Xiang Li asked with a furrowed brow as he wasn't expecting such outcome so fast.

"Yes boss!" Fe Yin replied while he passed his iPad to him.

Xiang Li scrolled through and his face was filled with amazement seeing the nice comments.

"I know X waters brand cannot be that bad, it's surely a mistake!"

"I love X waters!!!!!, They remain the best!"

"CEO Xiang, you're the best, I never knew you were an angel till I saw you at the hospital, we know it isn't your fault, we are sorry to have misunderstood!"

"Thank you CEO Xiang for the hospital bills, i forgive X waters, mistakes do happen"

"Gosh!! I'm in love with CEO Xiang, he's so charming and kind hearted"

"CEO Xiang are you engaged?, I want to marry you please, you're such a darling! Thank you for showing up and paying for the Hospital bills"

"Other brands should really learn from CEO Xiang, he's not only charming but also a genius, he knows what to do at the right time!"

"X waters remains my favourite, CEO Xiang I love you!"

"No one should bully my CEO Xiang anymore! If you do that, I'll tear you off!"

Though there were actually some who wanted to post hateful comments, those who had been paid by Xiang Huang, but seeing how the internet had been flooded with good comments about Xiang Li, they could only hold their breath and not type a word lest they get bashed seriously.

Xiang Li read some of the comments and was satisfied with the positive change.

He passed back the iPad to Fe Yin stylishly hiding his excitement.

"The comments are nice as expected... Call Ye Mufan to get the car ready, I should be on my way to the airport in thirty minutes time, so cancel my appointments for now." Xiang Li ordered.

"Okay boss!" Fe Yin responded then turned to leave.

Xiang Li felt proud of himself and smiled deeply at himself while he continued to type seriously, he knew he had to be on his way sooner to go pick up Sun Wanwan from the airport.

His mind shifted to the "kind commenter" as he had named the person already.

He stopped typing and picked up his phone to check if the person had replied his message.

He opened his account and saw the comment as he clicked on it.

Seeing the comment, Xiang Li took the initiative to reply.

"Don't think so! But would love to compensate you for your kind comment, where can we meet?"

Xiang Li sent the message, dropped his phone and continued to type.

After typing for minutes, He checked his wristwatch and saw that it was almost time to go pick Sun wanwan.