
Limitless Hunter (Solo leveling & Jujutsu Kaisen Fanfiction)

Growing up in a household built upon strength and power in a society that idealized power it only made sense Kim Bora would do almost anything to prove himself to the one who doubted him when he first awakened at 17. A training incident gone wrong would lead to Kim Bora obtaining a power unheard of. The system. Through the system he will become the strongest hunter.

Lway20 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 2

I don't own solo leveling or Jujutsu Kaisen


"Captain! What are we going to do?!"


A D-rank tanker shouted getting into a fighting stance with his trusty halberd in hand.

"We're going to have to get out of here and call for reinforcements!" Ji Sung shouted, but as soon as he said that the doors behind them shut with a loud bang.

'What?! The doors...!' Kim whipped his around to see a bright magic circle in front the hooded figure on the throne. 'That's a magic circle... Does that mean it closed the doors with a spell?' Kim quickly analyzed the situation trying to come up with a solution.

The four high orcs began to raise their weapons preparing to attack.

'High Orcs are high level monsters even A-rank hunters struggle with them. There's no way we can get out of here. We're dead!' Ji Sung panicked internally, but outwardly kept a cool expression as to not further panic the rest of his subordinates.

One of them suddenly started to move forward to confront the party getting into a fighting stance.

'Do we...attack it?'

Before he could make a decision it seemed that the powerful beast made the choice for him by smashing the ground with its gigantic club, causing everyone to go flying back into double doors behind them.

Moans and groans of pain spilled from the mouths of everyone. They looked up to see the high orc aggressively growling out of pure primal rage and instinct. It sent chills vibranting down everyone's spines, they were hopelessly outmatched in power and they knew it.

'Wait...! Why is he smiling? What the hell could be so funny in moment like this?" Ji Sung thought bewildered at the crazy grin on Kim Bora's face. He was clutching his shoulder in pain, but other than that there were no visible injuries on his person which was impressive considering he was hit by an attack from an A-rank monster.


It was at that moment Kim remembered what his mother said to him after a B-rank raid ended poorly for resulting in the death of one of her long time companions. In that rare moment of weakness she confessed to him that sometimes for her, beyond the gates, there can be an ominous, despairing, insane monster that can appear out of nowhere. Like a natural calamity destroying everything in its path.

He finally understood what she was telling him then. Even for strong hunters like her, it was life or death. He had never been put into a situation where he had to fear for his life, because every dungeon that he had entered was relatively easy for him. Despite that he wouldn't allow himself to succumb to despair, he would fight for his right to live and prove to her that he was strong.

With that determination in his mind and a crazy grin he set off after recovering from the shockwave caused by the high orc. Picking up the sword next to him and throwing it accurately, and with strength beyond his usual, straight for the monster's eye.

Of course it easily swatted the blade away, but his intent wasn't to cause harm but to distract.

"Guys!! I need some cover fire!" he yelled loudly trying to use the debris created by the shockwave earlier to avoid the orc. 'It doesn't seem that the others are attacking. I can assume that this is some kind of game for them, where they take turns trying to kill us,' he theorized on the other monsters strange behavior whilst sprinting to get out of view, banking on that behavior for his next play.

"You heard the man! FIRE!!" Ji Sung commanded passionately. "You're a crazy bastard Bora! I don't know what you're planning, but we'll have to trust you for now!" he added loudly enough for Kim to hear that he had his and the others support, causing Kim to grin a little knowing his chances of get into the guild increased astronomically if they made it out alive.

Suddenly a hail of fire magic and arrows were launched towards the high orc trying to spot Kim's darting figure. It did no damage like he expected, but it gave him enough time to prepare the ace up his sleeve. One of his mother's hunter tools, the Light Grenade,capable of damaging even B-rank monsters with no effort whilst casting a near blinding light for allies and foes alike.

'Sorry guys, I didn't warn you about it. You'll have to forgive me for it,' Kim thought as he had his specially made sunglasses on. As soon as the grenade made impact it exploded with a brilliant flash of light that blinded everyone except Kim.

The loud rumble of the giant double doors opening was heard after the light faded.'Yes! It was a spell keeping the door opened!' he rejoiced in his head at his successful plan, making his way over to the group and discarding his dark sunglasses.

Watching everyone moaning and rubbing their eyes to adjust to the sudden light attack earlier, but he didn't give them a moment before yeeting them outside the boss room with all his might one by one.

'It shouldn't take too long before that monster on the throne recovers and initiates his spell again. I have get everyone out quickly before that happens,' he thought as he was quickly smashed away into a wall before he could get the chance throw the fifth person out to safety.

"Ah! Nghh..." Kim Bora grumbled as he tried to crawl out of the rumble his impact had caused. Blood was seeping through his head and staining his silver white hair to a rusted red color.

He opened his black eyes to be greeted with a foot to the face that completely shattered his nose and caused him to breathe even more profusely. Rumbling resounded in his ears again as the double doors closed for, probably, the last time.

'They recovered quicker than I thought... Damn, am I going to die,' he thought dejectedly as he continued to try crawling towards Dong In who had finally recovered enough to see his bloodied form on the floor.

One look at his broken form on the floor made the healer's mind go blank as panic slowly insnared his rational. He scurried towards the giant double doors without a second thought trying to claw and scratch his way out no matter what.

This initiated panic from the remaining hunters who had recovered enough to run towards the door trying desperately to get out.

"Help!! Where is the captain!! Please I don't want to die in here!! Get me out her-" his screams were cut off abruptly as his body was squashed gruesomely against the wall, by an angry high orc, ending his life instantly.

'You idiot! Because you panicked it caused everyone else to become incoherent and panic as well. You could have helped me. You could have healed me! Now, we're all dead' Kim ranted in his mind at Dong In's reaction to his situation, but even if his reaction was understandable, he was still furious with him for completely losing composure. 'He was supposed to a hunter goddammit!'

He still had one more light grenades to use and another powerful projectile. Now he was going to die without proving himself, without making her eat her every word about him, without seeing her face skewed in disbelief at his accomplishments.

'No. No. No. No! No! No! I can't die here! I can't die like this there's still so much I haven't done! I have to! I have to! I have to live!' he chanted desperately in his head getting up from his grave injuries despite the pain and difficulty of doing so.

He would then see a club strike his face before everything went black.






[System operations...]




[Complete and ready for use...]




[The Price Of Pride. Quest Completed.]





[Welcome to the System]





[Do you accept your status as a player? Y/N]








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